Is a brake buddy that important, just weighing the cost

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I have an Even Brake system I'll sell you for $150 plus shipping.

Fairly easy to install, proportional braking, wireless communication between the towed and driver, and portable - you can move it to another car easily.

We never used it.  The DW decided she wanted a permanently installed SMI Stay-In-Play.
:)  Have a good look before you purchase anything.  The blue-ox system is the way to go , I will tell you that from past experience the blue-ox has the best warranty on the market ....... (Life Time) how is that for service ............ they have shipped
me out 2 different times parts to replace the ones that did not work ............. no questions asked .........
That is something to look at ........ where ever you may go !! .......  We are soooo pleased with our system ............
Hope That Helps ..... :)

Fixing/replacing something that keeps breaking, even if free, would not be my choice. Been there, done that. Eventually went with M&G; No issues in 10+ years. Since it's air operated, additional options will/may be needed (on a gas coach). Some of the other systems mentioned are also good choices.

We have an article in our forum Library (link in the menu above) that discusses various alternatives.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and advice. I went ahead and got the whole system, it is a nice system. Bought the Blue Ox tow bar and brake buddy at General RV in Birch Run, MI. They did use Loctite as suggested. One of the best things about buying it was that they clearly showed me how to hook up and unhook the system. Guess that was worth a few extra bucks right there. See you out on the road!
steward98 said:
... One of the best things about buying it was that they clearly showed me how to hook up and unhook the system. Guess that was worth a few extra bucks right there....

I think your observation regarding "training" applies across the board.  I work IT by day and as a gigging keyboard player in my spare time.  I've spent countless hours reading technical manuals that explain in great detail what a given piece of gear does ... yet find that nothing can replace a brief discussion with somebody who's got some experience with a specific piece of equipment to get a better sense of how to use it.  I'm usually happy to pay a little extra for that sort of knowledge transfer!
One of the things the rv tech at General RV told me was that I would have to stop every hour and a half to start up the towed vehicle because the battery would be wearing down running the brake buddy. Doesn't that seem excessive? Has this been your experience?
We have a Blue Ox Apollo, similar to the Brake Buddy, and it can run the towed battery down after several days.  When we're traveling and not unhooking the towed, I just run the towed engine while I'm packing up the utilities and that keeps the battery charged up.  The few times I've let it go for more than 2 days, we used a battery charger on the towed.  You certainly don't have to stop during the day to recharge.
Thanks Ned, it must be a disclaimer General RV gives to everybody. Anxious to try it out in a couple days.
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