Just Purchased a 2005 Alpha that was seized by the government

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Re Silverleaf computer: I wouldn't be surprised if that as the case on an Alpha - they are noted for their gadgetry.  But operating something remotely or from a central point does not imply that it can diagnose problems for you. The remote is no smarter than the device it controls, so if a light or water heater fails, the most that the computer knows is that something did not turn on. And may not even know that.
I am staying optimistic they will take care of any issues that were supposed to be OK prior to me buying it.

That kind of naivety is going to get you burned at most RV dealers, Tim.

Wondering what a ballpark cost I would be looking at if I had another company do a thorough walk to check for any problems?
A few hundred dollars, I would guess. A mobile RV technician service usually gets $90-120 per hour and I would figure about 2-3 hours. You could spend another $200-$300 on a mechanic to check out the engine and tranny, but I think the money would be better spent having a good chassis shop simply do a full maintenance, i.e. change all filters and fluids, lube the chassis, etc. That way you know everything is up to snuff. A full chassis service might run you $1000 by the time oil, transmission & coolant fluids are changed and fuel, oil, air and coolant filters replaced. Have the generator serviced too.

Does it hurt the RV to have one side on the jacks and the other side no jacks?  I saw in the library ,it made sense to put the front jacks down first which made alot of sense to me. 

I also read an article about mice in the RV . I had the unit in my driveway today and low and behold I saw a mouse by it.  I have never ever seen a house in my yard before.  Do these RV's attrack them or something? haha

Feeling a lot more comfortable with this whole RV now that I have found this site.  Thanks again and I will definately be donating some money to this site.  It is worth every penny !!!  Thanks again for everyone's input.
I would also have a drug dog sniff through it. It most likely has weed somewhere inside. You don't want to get nailed with that, they will impound your trailer.
Yes I will do that. Fortunately, I have a friend that is a cop that is my next door neighbor that keeps a couple dogs at his house.  I haven't asked him yet but hopefully he will help me out.

I couldn't even imagine getting pulled over and me and some of my empoyees being handcuffed on the road with this new RV all painted up in this very bright Servpro green paint with Servpro Corporates phone number on it.  (I have recently been added to the Large Loss Response Team and I can bet they wouldn't be real impressed with me either)  You are the 3rd person who has told me to do this. 

DO you guys get pulled over often and searched for drugs? 

:D :D :D
DO you guys get pulled over often and searched for drugs?

That hasn't happened to me yet. But I am still paranoid!  ;D

When Narcotics goes thru a vehicle dog search, they are looking for "evidence." Any "evidence" is enough for a bust. A lot of "evidence" is a bigger bust! In your vehicle, as I understand it, they found $2,000,000 worth of "evidence." That's a very nice bust!  8)

They probably continued the search, but didn't worry too much that they might miss a small cache in some remote location. Plus, the guys transporting were probably users, too. They most likely had smaller quantities of their own stuff.

The officers, most likely, found that, too. However, once you have two million worth, what's to hurt if you miss a couple wads of tar, or a small baggie of pot - in a corner, somewhere? Not like it's going to make a difference in the sentence. Not like it's critical for conviction. So, why worry? You got what you were looking for.

My best guess is that you are just fine and the dogs will hit on little or nothing. Just remember that if druggies handle both drugs and money, the dogs will also hit on the money. The smell transfers. Dogs may hit where drugs have been!

If I bought the seized vehicle, I'd rather have anything like that found sooner, not later - At my home base, not on the road a thousand miles away from home - not in another state! I'd rather "clean it up" at home. In your business, clean up should be right up your alley.  8)

I've been a volunteer, doing patrol, for the local Police Department, for 10 years. I patrol the park system. Narcotics is a regular problem in any park system. I have come into possession of various types of contraband many times. On some of those occasions, I have been asked to transport the stuff to the substation. In a police vehicle, I figure it's the department's problem if a dog hits on a police car! A couple of times, I was in my own car. Made me nervous. (Where's the shaky smiley?)

Couple of cops teased me, once, promising me to come and visit, if I got stopped! Yes, I see the humor!  ;D ;D

OK, that's funny!  :D :D So, why am I not laughing?

You have a cop/friend with trained dogs. Good friend to have, at this time.

Ray D  ;D
Your problem is that this motorhome is already on somebody's "be on the lookout for" list and you could be driving near the Mexican border and some cop notices a rig of your description on an old list. Or you get stopped  for some other reason (or an accident) and the VIN trips an alarm when a routine check is called in. Probaly won't happen, but who needs that kind of aggravation and embarrassment?
I have heard a couple reports of RVers being pulled over to check for red dyed diesel fuel.  One report in the East and the other in Washington.  If they happen to pull you over for any kind of check you might have a problem.  While we have never been pulled over it could happen and if it does I sure would want some documentation that would clear up any misunderstanding if drugs or evidence thereof were found.
You asked,
Is this type of business the norm for RV dealers and is there any suggestion's for the quickest way to get this RV properly fixed?

It is one of several norms. RV Dealers run the gamut from very good to shoddy and all points in between.

You mentioned that you have a demanding family and business with little extra time. You may be spending more time on this dealer than it is worth, if he did do the job right. I don't have that kind of time, and I am retired!

Also,  the druggies probably considered the motorhome expendable, in view of the quantity of goods they were running, and probably paid little attention to maintenance. It may be sorely needing an experienced and well trained technition, by now.

It might be a good idea to start with regular maintenance. Take it to an approved maintenance facility for your brand of chassis and have them do all the maintenance that is recommended for the year and mileage. They may find and correct more that would otherwise delay you in the future. Mention the problems you know about.

Then take it to a dealer who maintains the Alpha "house" and do the same. That would include maintenance on appliances, etc. Also, have the generator serviced.

You will still have a problem crop up, from time to time, but it shouldn't be so maddening. You will have more time to get familiar with the systems, one by one, as you go along. Some of those services, you may want to do, yourself, later on - after you are more "educated."

Ray D  ;D
Can't understand why anyone under any circumstances would purchase a unit such as this.  It's just inviting trouble in case on any police stop and search. Good item to run away from, as far from as possible.  Something that has been neglected and abused as well as drug scented is nothing but trouble.  It's like standing in a police line up with blood all over you and an axe in your hand, when 3 people were axed to death, 20 minutes ago ahalf a block away.  To me it would be asinine to even think of purchasing a unit on that ilk let alone an Alfa, with their known quality control.  Hope you can get rid of it soon and recover you expenditure.  Seen too much of this.  It's possible you too could lose the unit is seizure via drug inspection with some of the new equipment out there.  JMO
73 and and had HMS since the mid 60's Also was a Sales Mgr for an Auto Dealer and Rv Dealer Thur the 70 and into the 80's.   Also I call things as I see them.  IMO  If you want junk you buy junk  You want quality you buy quality.  This is strictly my opinion.  Just looked TTs and the guy said he sold Winnies and Gulfstream also, my statement to him is well then this is all you have.  The others mentioned caused me to walk out, cause I wouldn/t have one.  Again JMO
Go to yahoo Groups for Alpha

sign up, lots on help on the forum. Both good and bad.
Dale 03SeYa 1084
The red dyed diesel is for offroad use, such as agriculture.  It's not legal for highway use as the road taxes aren't charged on it.
Shayne said:
73 and and had HMS since the mid 60's Also was a Sales Mgr for an Auto Dealer and Rv Dealer Thur the 70 and into the 80's.   Also I call things as I see them.  IMO  If you want junk you buy junk  You want quality you buy quality.  This is strictly my opinion.  Just looked TTs and the guy said he sold Winnies and Gulfstream also, my statement to him is well then this is all you have.  The others mentioned caused me to walk out, cause I wouldn/t have one.  Again JMO

I think it would be kinda interesting setting in a corner at a dealership listening to Shayne deal. ;D ;D
Lets put it this way, My MH was probably worth between 33K and 35K.  sold it for $45500, put a new set of tires on it and they paid half.  The unit wasn't for sale, but they have wanted it for 3 years.  Now this unit does have extended warranty on it until April of 09, at $50 Deductible.  It was their offer for the unit.  They 1st offered 38K and I hesitated, then they offered 41K  and I hesitated,  3rd offer was 42.5K and then 45.5 and I said if you want it that bad it's yours and send me the check.  They did.  That was the 1st of Sept. Check arrived and mid Sept I left for ILL and used it 3 1/2 weeks and called them and told them I was putting on new tires (8) and they said they would pay half.  I agreed and that was it.  They picked it up on the 4th Sat and headed to Indiana.  End of story.  It wasn't on the market, yet it was but I never expected to get that out of it.  Some may think I robbed them, but I never once quoted a price they did.  Yet they knew the MH because they had stayed in it on 4 occasions over the years, and said they found some like mine for over 10K less but they wanted mine, because they knew how it was taken care of.  Sometimes stuff happens.
Ron  the Best thing you can have going for you when trying to buy a unit, is to know more about the unit then the sales people.  Put them on the spot and watch them squirm, this includes the Sales Mgr.  You need the upper hand and stay in control. There are 2 things happening.  You are trying to buy the most for the least and they are trying to get the most for the least.  That's why you need to stay in control.  Also it helps to know the competitive products and dealer features and strong points.
Well Shayne it seems you are very smart and educated in the art of selling and buying.  It seems you will always get the best deals out there.  I have 5 salesman that work for me and I would love for them to have your strong backroung in making such wise decisions.  Congratulations!

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