Just wondering about old gasoline

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Rene T

Site Team
May 20, 2011
Farmington NH
I have some fuel left over which was for my weed wacker. It's around 1 gallon. It has 2 cycle oil in it. I know if I let it sit for the next 9 months, the fuel will probably go bad. Instead of just dumping it out in the woods would it hurt anything if I dumped it in my cars fuel tank? My tank is full right now.
that was all top cylinder lube contained was 2 cycle oil
If you are really worried about it I am at my step sons house in New York. You are welcome to come with your weed wacker and wack weeds until the fuel is gone.  It is because I am so nice and want to help. If interested let me know and I will PM you my address and directions from NH
If you're going to put it in your car's fuel tank, I'd do it at the gas pump just before you fill the tank.  That way the incoming fuel will agitate and mix better with the old fuel and any contaminants will be diluted and neutralized by the detergent in the new fuel before they reach the engine.

It also wouldn't hurt to use premium fuel for that fill-up, as it often has more detergent per gallon than regular.
darsben said:
If you are really worried about it I am at my step sons house in New York. You are welcome to come with your weed wacker and wack weeds until the fuel is gone.  It is because I am so nice and want to help. If interested let me know and I will PM you my address and directions from NH

I just dumped the fuel out of the weed wacker back into the gas can, then ran it dry. So now it's winterized. You should have told me 1 hour ago. Too late.
This will also solve the problem.  :D


winona said:
This will also solve the problem.  :D


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Sorry.  Battery powered trimmer.  Solves your problem of what to do with old gas.  Just trying to be helpful  :)
Rene, when I'm in FL this winter I'll swing by and you can dump it in my old Dodge before it goes bad. Based on my latest mileage calculations it should get me about 12 miles, I'll chip in the other several gallons it will take to come get it  ;)
Sun2Retire said:
Rene, when I'm in FL this winter I'll swing by and you can dump it in my old Dodge before it goes bad. Based on my latest mileage calculations it should get me about 12 miles, I'll chip in the other several gallons it will take to come get it  ;)

Sounds like a doable plan except for the fact, I just dumped it in my car. Too late.  :-[ :-X :'(
If you don't use much gas during the season, just buy a can of premix Trufuel. There is no ethanol and shelf life is much longer than pump gas.

I have been using premium oxy free gas for a few years and I no longer have to worry about the shelf life of my gas. I keep a gallon of premix for my chainsaws and a 3 gallon can of oxy free for the snow blower and lawn mower, labeled "OXY FREE ONLY" big bold letters with a Sharpie Magnum marker.

A few years ago, my wife wanted to save a dollar to mow the lawn, so she got e10. 2 weeks later, the lawnmower wouldn't stay running. The bowl was full of what looked like orange jello. That's why I now label all of my cans and life has been good since without having to clean a single carb. 
catblaster said:
  Curious..how do you winterize a S***blower? Would that be summerizing it instead?.Never had on so I dont know these things.
Here's my process:
  • April (sometimes May) - use it and say "Hopefully this is the last time I have to use it - in a couple of weeks I'll run out the gas"
  • June - wonder "did I ever run out the gas?"
  • October - think about using it soon and realize "I never ran out the gas"
  • November - plug in the electric start to use it for the first time and since it started right up say "oh, I guess I didn't have to run out the gas...I'll do it in the Spring"
24 years and going strong - I knock wood every year!
catblaster said:
  Curious..how do you winterize a S***blower? Would that be summerizing it instead?.Never had on so I dont know these things.

Will, I just back it in the garage (it's a Wheel Horse tractor with a front mounted blower) put a little additive in the tank, start it and let it run for a few minutes, Then shut it off. Then I pack up the RV and head to FL.
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