Kitchen slide vs Kitchen mounted in main trailer

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2016
State College, PA
Looking at the different TT's, what are the plus' and minus' of having the kitchen that is part of the slide vs kitchens that are mounted on the box itself?  I'm wondering if the plumbing in the slide kitchen would be more prone to freezing up in colder weather?  There's also possibility of the slide breaking down or not going in even.  What am I missing?  The one model we are looking at has the kitchen and jackknife sofa in the slide.  Refer is on the opposite side.
The only real downside is that the plumbing has to be designed to move with the slide.  If they get that right, no worries. If not, well, leaks happen.  I've owned two rigs with galley in a slide and one of them didn't have quite enough slack in the sink drain, so after a few years of use a fitting cracked from the stress. I put in a new fixed Tee where it connected to the main plumbing and a 6" longer drain hose in the slide and no more problems. The other rig worked flawlessly for 12 years, so I guess American Coach did a good plumbing job.

I don't think freezing is any more or less a concern, assuming the slide is in.  If you are talking about camping in sub-freezing weather with the slide out, maybe a very minor additional risk, but as long as the interior is heated for living, it can't be much to worry about.
The in-laws 5er has the kitchen in the slide and the water line to the fridges ice maker got crimped and caused a leak. Fortunately, they were camped in it on our property at the time and discovered the leak and subsequent soaked carpet very quickly. They keep it hooked up to water and power at their house when they aren?t camping so if it had started leaking then it may have been months before it was discovered. It was a relatively simple fix to run a new water line, but it took a while for the carpet to dry out.
First of all, find a floor plan you both LOVE.  That is far more important than kitchen in a slide.

With that said, our FW has the kitchen in the slide, sort of.  The fixed island contains the sink and all water and plumbing.  The slide has LPG supply line to the stove and refrigerator.  With the slide closed, I still have full access to the fridge and sink.  The opposing slide must be open, though.

Do not over think things too much.
I loved the kitchen in the slide in my layout because it put the dinette on the patio side of the camper. Never had any issues with leaks because of it so if you like that layout don't be concerned about it.
The main issue (in my opinion) isn't so much the plumbing but the refrigerator. If you camp where it's warm i.e. Texas or Arizona the slide mounted refers don't vent as efficiently due to not having a roof mounted vent which can lead to issues.

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