L.E.D. lights

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Thanks All, and Tom, I'm not sure "Brave" is the proper word/  *Issed Off is the term that applies.  Her anger got ahead of her common sense.  Wife and others keep saying things like "Well what if he had a gun" and they are right, However with the current laws in most every state adding time to the conviction if a gun is involved...  Most folks who kick the doors in on empty apartments tend to leave their guns at home... No profit in the extra 2 years (Michigan law, other states vary)

And anyone who has studied nature knows for a fact:  The female of the species is more deadly than the male!
We replace all the halogen lites in the MH with LEDs and several of the tube lights.  Use 1 10th of the power and give good light.  I want to replace all the lights with LED.  Very expensive but low power usage and long life.
I'm working on it Fred. the 25 led arrays I used here are not as bright as the incasadents that the "house" came with. but... I plan on doing some shopping in QZ this year if I have any spare cash.. (LEDS IN BULK< Resistors in bulk and  I know how to solder)

The one thing I need to do is kill the isle lights... Wife likes to turn them on, I don't know if it is acidental or intentional, but I need to kill them or LED them... LED has its attractions here.  I'm thining about 5 LEDS per bulb.  Bit softer light, and way less power.  But there are a lot of those dang little bulbs..  I've replaced about a third of the overheads  In many cases I"ve replaced just one o fthe twin lights with LED's. this gives me a true Low/HIGH and the low is real nice for visiting the ham shack/ur, Restroom at night.
We have replaced all the halogens.  I do not like them as they run so hot.  We are not seeing too much difference it light with those replacements.  The 12 led strip lights do not have the same lighting - so I am going to put two of those strips in place of each flouressent <sp>.  Very costly.
I don't have halogens however the tungsten bulbs in this rig get hot enough that the leather ceiling is burned above the fixtures.. Found this out when I changed to LED's on a couple of lights

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