Lassen's At Monument Valley

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Moderator Emeritus
Mar 9, 2005
Home base-Kernville, CA
We arrived at Monument Valley yesterday and are in spectacular country, although, Moab is still more grandouse and more breathtaking. 

Usually we go north on this route, but this time came south.  Dummy that I am I was thinking MV was on HWY 191, it isn't.  When we got to 191 and 163, thankfully the sign said MV straight.  However Tim stopped and let me look at my map to see that yes, we changed highways.  I should have had Maps and Streets on, but didn't.

Betty and Terry, you are right, the view from the Indian campground is fabulous.  Someone was in campsite #4 so we are in #6 with only about 4 other campers in the campground this morning.  However yesterday afternoon we had a caravan of "1-800 RV Rent" with tourist from Germany.  They were parked not facing the sunset, so we had 20+ chattering german tourist surrounding the motor home looking at the sunset.  Remy was in in 7th heaven with people paying attention to him.

Carl and Cindy stopped by, (they are in the Golding Campground) looking for their friends who were supposed to be in this campground.  Carl, did you ever find them?  I keep looking for a silver van.  Please stop by if you need a cell phone.

Richard and Linda, thank you for the information on tours.  The information is not at this campground at all.  So, it's nice to have some info.

Seems funny to go outside and not see friendly faces to chat with.  I was the one not wanting to spend the $$ on the motosat, but sitting here looking a the gorgeous county with no hook-ups and being able to interact with people is GREAT.  Tim is loving it.  BTW, it took less than 10 minutes to lock onto the satellite.  We looked like high tech folks:  the motosat finding the satellite and the kingdome roaming around looking for the tv connection......heavens.

Thanks for all the fun in Moab!  See everyone in Quartzite and again next year in Moab.

Wendy, I'm not going to say that I've attached a photo for fear that it doesn't work.  So if it works....yippee!



  • MonumentValleyCampground.jpg
    52 KB · Views: 46
Your photo was attached just fine Marsha, thanks. What's the new wooden awning on your coach?  :)

Picture was attached and looked great. Maybe someday I'll learn how to attach pics....nah, easier to use Mike.
wendycoke said:
Maybe someday I'll learn how to attach pics

Wendy, you know I couldn't let that comment go unanswered  ;D  Click Here to view the how-to procedure for attaching photos to messages.
MarshaLassen/CA said:
We arrived at Monument Valley yesterday  Dummy that I am I was thinking MV was on HWY 191, it isn't.? ?When we got to 191 and 163, thankfully the sign said MV straight.

Marsha ,

I continue to earn the Duhhhh  award.  I think I am the one who drew you a map with 191 on it all the way.  Sorry about that.  Yes now I do recall 163.  Hope you have a good hike around the Mitten.

We are relaxing in Capitol Reef area.  Torrey is such a pretty campground and the made us home made muffins this morning.  We are getting a late start but heck we are on vacation!

Tom said:
Wendy, you know I couldn't let that comment go unanswered? ;D? Click Here to view the how-to procedure for attaching photos to messages.

Good instructions but I still have to get the pictures out of the digital camera!! Maybe when we get home today? We were having so much fun, we decided not to go home yesterday, stopped at McPhee Reservoir, 12 miles from home. Now Mike's ready to put the dish down so we can go the rest of the long trip to Cortez.
wendycoke said:
...I still have to get the pictures out of the digital camera!!

Didn't you tell me it was a film camera  ???

We were having so much fun, we decided not to go home yesterday

That's one great thing about this lifestyle - go when and where you desire (easier when you're retired of course). When we did our 10,000 miles shakedown cruise on this coach we'd get up every morning and toss a coin to decide if we stayed or moved on. If the latter, we'd stick a pin in the map and take off. We had only 3 waypoints for the entire trip - the Moab rally, see the kids in the mid west, then home. Nothing in between was planned, yet we saw and stayed at some great places and met up a lot of great people along the way, including a number of forum friends.
My camera is film but I was taking pictures with Mike's digital....him on the roof setting up the dish, Portal with everyone gone. Will try to post them in a bit.
Just kidding Wendy  ;D  I'd seen at least one digital in your coach the night before we left Moab.

How about getting Mike to document his dish setup procedure; That way we can illustrate the procedure with your photos.

I assume Mike read the instructions on his "roof drilling 101 graduation diploma" before leaving  ;D
Tom said:
I assume Mike read the instructions on his "roof drilling 101 graduation diploma" before leaving? ;D

Yes, he did. However, I did have to remind him not to pull under a low-hanging tree in the front of the post office when we got home today.....would hate to rip off that lovely roof mount and all the hard work from the forum guys.
wendycoke said:
I did have to remind him not to pull under a low-hanging tree in the front of the post office when we got home today.....

One more thing that Ron needs to add to his class notes.
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