Lesson's learned - second trip

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2011
We were in our 1997 Coachment Catalina

My wife wanted to go to the beach before it go too hot so I thought a short trip to Mustang Island State Park would be cool. We headed out Monday about 12:45 and got there about 7PM. We enjoyed the beach that night and the next morning. We decided to explore the area a little and get some lunch? that?s when the adventure started.

After getting lunch we headed to Padre Island National Sea shore. As we were in the park someone waved us down and I put on the brakes. Well my mother in law was changing seats about the same time and fell. She cut her foot so we took her to minor emergency and she got eleven stitches. We decided to head back home early since we planned to leave in the morning anyway. So we left about 8:00PM and headed home. When got just north of Woodsboro and the light started flashing on the overdrive button. I pulled off the highway into a DPS check point and stopped. There was smoke bellowing out from under the RV. I crawled under it and saw transmission fluid pouring out of the starter and bell housing. We did not have a tow vehicle, so I had to call a cab to get my family safely home. Geico roadside assistance paid to have it towed to a transmission shop in Corpus. The tow truck driver dinged the front of our RV, not sure how much that will cost, but the insurance will cover it. The transmission will be a factory rebuilt E4OD with a 3 year 100,000 mile warranty.
So far, the tab is for the trip is $4,131.00 for one night in Mustang Island State Park.
Lessons learned:

1) Never leave home without a tow vehicle (unless it is a local trip).
2) Make sure everyone knows the hazards of walking while underway.
3) On any trip make sure we have a couple of days on the end of the trip just in case something happens.
Hey, BernieD, looks like the black cloud has moved on - unless it just got bigger.  Sorry for your bad luck, RnMAdventures.
Very sorry to hear of your misfortunes. And Mom's injury, though that is something you and she should have better understood from the beginning. A moving motorhome is not like your living room at home!

Hope all works out and the repairs are good, even if expensive.

By the way, your experience with the tow driver is not atypical. Consider a real RV-specific road service such as Coach-Net. It costs more, but the chances of problems are fewer. Not zero, but much lower.
Molaker: I used to the rain... it's only water, right?  ;)

Gary: It's a learning process. We were strict with the kids about staying put and the babies were in car seats. As far as moving about the cabin underway, I assumed some folks do move around for minor task (getting a coke... etc), but for the most part everyone is strapped in. She was moving two feet forward at a bad moment... I just wish she would have said something.

I started to get coach-net, but I didn't check into it enough. The $2000 Emergency Trip Interruption Benefit, would it have applied in this case? It would be interesting to know what more they could have done for me in that situation. $110 is cheap for Coachnet...
The Trip Interruption payment would have kicked in if the repair that brought it on was a covered repair. Found that out the hard way with Coach Net. If the repair is not covered in your policy, then nothing else kicks in. At least that was my experience.
OP, glad I got a TC and not a big complex rig. But even my little TC is not fool proof. After I bot it, on the drive home, I found out the dealer miscalculated and the cabover was hitting the roof. Made a hole in my new trucks roof.

We have a rule in our RV when in motion. Nobody unbuckles their seat belt unless the driver acknowledges it.

Hope Mom is OK and heals well.

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