Low branches

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
I am finding a LOT of adjustments to make between driving a trailer (my old one at least) and a motorhome.

One is that the added height of my motorhome does not seem to be taken into account by the country tree trimmers. 

On the maiden voyage from the dealer to my home (sold home that is) I slightly scratched the surface high up on one side from overhanging branches when entering the county road leading to my small housing community.  Now I have to take that road from the opposite direction, meaning an additional 10 miles to get to the main highway.

What do you motorhome folk do to prevent and minimize the effect of overhanging branches on a small country lane?  Other than "don't go there", as I am assuming instances where you either have to go there, or get caught by surprise.  I sure was caught by surprise just a quarter of a mile from home.

Also if you get scratches from tree branches, what is the best way to remove those scratches?  I think they do come off because I found just rubbing my finger will reduce the scratch.  Can they be lightly buffed out?

I sure do not want to be restricted to interstate only driving.

My trailer never had this problem as it was not nearly the height of my new coach.
Carry a chain saw. They can be purchased at most hardware stores. Have the Admiral inch the coach up to a low tree while you stand on the roof ready to saw off the low branch(es).

As for buffing out, it depends on the depth of the scratch or gouge. Hope you don't put hole right through the roof!

BTW did you know that some overpasses don't have sufficient clearance for your coach? We had this discussion among forum members a year ago and I learned that the warning signs for some of those low overpasses are almost too late. Make sure you know the height of your coach - use some Dymo tape to post it on the dash.

I am 12 foot 1 inch.  I was going to ask about bridges in another thread.  In fact I think I will do that so we can focus on branches here.

Are you serious about carrying a chain saw?  I am not sure how comfortable I would be holding up traffic on a county road while I cut down a branch on private property.  On the other hand, the alternative is pretty bad.  Can't turn around, and don't want to damage coach.  I am watching every ounce we will carry as full timers.  Not sure I can afford the weight of even heavy duty pruning shears.

Interested in what folks do to safeguard as they travel in uncharted waters.

Are the folk here who keep their coaches ONLY on main roads and Interstates?  By main I mean 4 lane highways that they are certain about.
Some of the lowest trees we've had to negotiate have been in campgrounds where the owner can't or won't lop off that heavy limb of an old tree.

The Eagle is 12' 3 " and we never realy have a problem.  The truckers atlas, available at most truck stops, iprovides you with clearance information as well as truck routes.  We just check the Truckers atlas when ever we are planning to travel over roads that we are unsure of.

As far as the situation you encountered you need to be aware of the possibilities and watch for obstructions when venturing down side roads such as yours.


>>What do you motorhome folk do to prevent and minimize the effect of overhanging branches on a small country lane?<<

Stay west of the Mississippi River....otherwords get out of the EAST or live with the scratches.<G>? You could also find a clear/open campground & travel via your toad.<G.<G>

Your learning experiences are now beginning. You only have 13+ years to catch up with us.

At Clark Fork, ID
Terry A. Brewer said:
You could also find a clear/open campground & travel via your toad.

But that would mean unhitching the toad and prematurely recharging the toad battery.

>>But that would mean unhitching the toad and prematurely recharging the toad battery.<<

Your right....What was I thinking of.

At Clark fork, ID
Your rig is brand new and you are probably still overly sensitive to minor brushes with tree limbs.  It is rarely a big deal, though you certainly have to watch for low limbs and leaning trees, not to mention low wires and bridges.  But quite a few people simply stay away from any place or road with trees.  That's OK by me - that reduces crowding in many  of our favorite places!
Tom said:
BTW did you know that some overpasses don't have sufficient clearance for your coach? We had this discussion among forum members a year ago and I learned that the warning signs for some of those low overpasses are almost too late. Make sure you know the height of your coach - use some Dymo tape to post it on the dash.

With a motor home you can use an electric chain saw (Use the genset to power it) much lighter and easier to carry

Dymo taype... How old school... Brother P-Touch

By the way, add six inches to the height of your coach. Mine says 12'6" in the docs (I have yet to have a chance to drop a line) but I'd not wish to try and go under anythign less than 13'.  Sometimes those signs are a bit... generous... as to clearance
13 feet is a good idea John.

Not sure a chain saw or a gasoline saw would be a good idea.  Any branch I cut down would be on someone else's property.

I am starting another thread on how to fix scratches.  Gary I guess I am overly sensitive, but after spending 8k on a full body paint job I would love to try to get it last for a year or two. :D

And Terry you are right.  My education has begun and I have tons of learning ahead of me.  That is why I am here.  ;D
Smokey, you might try to contact the local county authorities and have them trim the low branches.  I had a very damaging encounter with a low tree limb in Seffner Florida.  I sent the county a very emotional email and they responded by sending out a bucket truck to remove the low limb.  They said that all tree limbs/branches should be have at least 13' 6" clearance.  Of course they did not offer to pay for any of the damage that limb caused.
Periscope Man said:
They said that all tree limbs/branches should be have at least 13' 6" clearance.

I wonder if other counties &/or states have a similar requirement.
Well my problem will be that every day I will be in a new county.  I need short term strategies for keeping me unscratched.  :D
My other counties/states question wasn't specifically related to your experience, past or future Smoky. I was merely curious about which, if any, counties might have such an ordinance and which might enforce it.

FWIW we have a small tree in our small front yard. The gardener trims it occasionally, but for the most part I'm not conscious it's there. One day our neighbor happened to mention that, if he comes close to the curb before reaching his house, his coach gets scratched. I immediately got out a ladder and tree lopper.
I was really shocked Ron, that this happened to me a quarter of a mile from my Maryland former residence.  Shows me how much I have to learn on the observing part.

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