Maiden Voyage

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Jul 2, 2006
I just wanted to let everyone know that we took our Coachman MH out last weekend for her maiden voyage. It was just a short little get away to Gettysburg PA. We were more than pleased with the old gal. No real problems with anything. Everything worked as it should and I was smiling? ;D all weekend long. My wife and daughter are currently planning our next outing, possible the Myrtle Beach SC area sometime in mid August. If anyone has info about the MB area please pass it on.
Glad the maiden voyage went well. We enjoyed our Coachman for 14 years before we sold the old girl to a local fisherman.

All I remember about Myrtle Beach was that there were lots of really cool minature golf courses there and you could pay a flat payment for all day. I think we hit 3 of them when we were there.
Thanks for the tip on the minature golf courses Wendy. I'm not really good at it? ::) but I do enjoy playing.
WVRider said:
Thanks for the tip on the minature golf courses Wendy. I'm not really good at it? ::) but I do enjoy playing.

And you have all day to practice !!

There are also full-size golf courses there and, of course, beaches. But I remember the minature golf courses more than anything else.

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