Merry Christmas

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2010
Newtown Pa. 18940
Merry Christmas everyone! After we have our Christmas at home with my kids and grand kids we will pull our 5th wheel from Pa. to NC to see the Biltmore Estates to see it at Christmas. It gets hard ever year to put it away for the winter. :( We will park it for Jan and Feb then in March it will be set up in Va for the summer. We are so much looking forward to the little trip. ;D We have the RV bug bad this winter. Can't wait until the RV shows start. That will help us get through the winter. Full time RV is not too many years away!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas! Hope that you have a great time with the kids & grand kids. I am at my son's in Panama City having Christmas with my 4 year old grandson. Waiting for Santa. You will love the Biltmore Estate at Christmas.
Merry Christmas! I picked up son Jeff just south of W Ina Road and La Canada and we headed back to Catalina  State Park. Estelle had started fixing brunch for us including raisin bread French toast, scrambled eggs with cheese and smoked ham.

My Christmas gift was to have my very first taste and was it good of gemine maple syrup. yum! SCRATCH THAT OFF MY BUCKET LIST!

We walked down the Ken and Sheilah's coach where a number of earlier arrrivals were enjoying getting acauainted. . .we went with out chairs and dressed for a 4pm Christmas Eve service. After about 10 min, Jeff arrived to pick us up and we headed for St. Bede's Anglican on Ina Rd.

Standing between my Jeff and Estelle for our 1st Christmas Ever together and singing "Joy to the World "made Christmas" for me. . .

May the 12 days of Christmas be special for each and all of you. Feliz Navidad!
Congratulations Bob, and merry Christmas to all.

We're 'camped' in the kids' 5th wheel in their side yard at around 3500 feet in the Sierra foothills. The grandkids are excited, but finally got off to sleep, allowing Santa to deliver gifts under the tree.

We enjoyed the 3.5 hours drive up here, although I envisioned a nasty pileup on the freeway when a car, a few ahead of us, blew a tire and came to a stop. Cars were going every which way to avoid each other, at least one spinning around on the median. Fortunately, Chris was driving far enough behind the car in front that she had plenty of room to slow down without having to slam on the brakes.
Pat & Jim Dick are here (parked in our side yard) and daughter Sheri arrives shortly, so it will be a very Merry Christmas here in warm & sunny Florida. Currently 66 degrees and expected to be 76.  Christmas morning Mimosas are a tradition at our home, and I have the champagne & OJ  chilled and ready to pour!
Merry Christmas to all from Gatineau Canada
We got 1" of the white stuff last night to make it a white christmas -12 cel.
wishing all that santa is good and all the best for new year.
for those on the road drive safe.
Carl (crazycanuck)
Merry Christmas to all from Old Faithful in Yellowstone NP.  Spoke with Jolene at our daughters in VA, she is rebounding from a terrible cold and ear infection.  But, on the mend!  Gkids all got on the phone to tell me about their Christmas. 

Here in the park we had a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner with the Ranges from the Old Faithful district. Got better acquainted with some of the rangers I had met but only briefly in the past.  Lots of fun, and Jim, tell Cody that Sonia says hello.

For my Christmas, JOlene sent me a nice long rifle with scope!  (Fireplace lighter)  In fact, I am about to use it to light a fire in the woodstove.  (Our coach is winterized in Tucson)

Tonight, I am having my workers over for a Christmas Night meal of spaghetti with clam sauce and a chowdah. 

For today, I plan on some xc-skiing and or snowshoeing.  So to all, Merry Christmas, and be safe!

My wife and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year in 2012.

Mike & Chrystal.
Terry is still snug in his bed  at his  mom's house in Long Beach, CA as he worked until 2:30 this morning on my computer and his sisters computer.  Now we are good to go but he  is tired.

We  can smell freshly made cinnamon rolls in oven baking that his  91 year old mom is doing for us this morning. Then we have carnita tacos and a ham .  We feel so blessed to have good health and good food this season. May it last all year  for everyone.  Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas Day as we await Santa's sometime stand in to arrive st B 31 in his Magna at Catalina State Park. George & Lucy are his healer at B-17. . .
I got another Christmas Tie!!!!!! Yea buddy, collection is getting pretty impressive, almost up to 10, that's two weeks of wearing them at work before Christmas without rotating (which I do because I start wearing them anytime after the 1st of December!)  Not crazy, just love wearing Christmas ties!  Favorite is a "tie" (pun intended) sponge bob (square bottom tie) and the one that has the light and plays a song.....
[quote author=Tom]We're 'camped' in the kids' 5th wheel in their side yard at around 3500 feet in the Sierra foothills.[/quote]

We were awoken by an excited grandson at 6.00am letting us know that Santa had been, eaten the cookies, and left a note.

We use the bathrooms in the house for showers. I'd forgotten that their master bath has no curtains or blinds on the windows  :eek:  Fortunately, they live in the middle of a forest, with no nosey neighbors except deer and an occasional bear.

We're off down the hill to our daughter's in-laws for the annual 'extended family' Christmas lunch.
[quote author=Tom]We're off down the hill to our daughter's in-laws for the annual 'extended family' Christmas lunch.[/quote]

A wonderful Christmas get together and (late) lunch. Everyone in the extended family used to buy each other gifts but, a few years ago, they all decided to pick names out of a hat, so one person would buy for one person, kids aside of course.

This year I received a Fry's Electronics gift card. So, as we descended from the hills today, we stopped at the huge Fry's store in Roseville. Got my Fry's fix, and we headed home.
If anyone has watched the movie The Christmas Card, based in Nevada City and Grass Valley, that's where we were. The kids and grandkids live in Nevada City, while their siblings and inlaws live in Grass Valley.
Funny you should mention that ....  ;D  We DVR'd it and are now half way through watching it.  Tom's Dad was born in Nevada City.  Family homestead was not too far away.  Are your kids getting snow yet?  Storm doors are opening, but not cold enough for snow here, yet. 

Hi Margi,

That's a wonderful movie that we've watched numerous times.

We leave the hwy (49) at the same exit as the downtown, but the kids live 3 miles up the mountain above the town. No snow in sight, but we did take our electric blanket to use in the fifthwheel  ;D

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