Microwave outside vent & bugs

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Art In Mobile

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2009
I have found every kind of critter entering the vent & building nests from mud dobbers, bees, frogs, ect. so I want to remove I & install a screen then replace it. Is it glued in on Winnebago's? Anyone ever removed one? Thanks Art
My Winnie has a stove vent fan, below the microwave area, but no microwave vent. Small door closes to keep critters out, I have seen them fall off or get taken off.
Art - I've not had to remove that vent but if it's like most everything else, they probably used butyl tape.  If you put a screen over the intake you would really cut down on the airflow.  An easier solution would be to form an external screen that you can clip on, then remove it when you're going to be using the rig.
Why not easily stuff a piece of stainless steel wool on and change it often. I might just do that to mine also
Sam! said:
Why not easily stuff a piece of stainless steel wool on and change it often. I might just do that to mine also

I hope you plan on removing it like John said. It will drastically reduce the air flow.
They have some sort of baffle there in the exhaust vent that I can see.  It is starting to disintegrate & I am thinking between the mud dabbers which we have a lot of here, and the disintegrating foam strip baffle not much air can move now anyway. A screen will do for me. The mud dabbers are so bad here I had to remove the engine air intake & remove almost a half clogged chamber of dirt put in there by the little critters. I put screen over the two engine air filter inlets as I have no choice even though I might be restricting air flow to the motor. I still get the whopping 6.5 miles per gallon I have always got going down the road with the air filter screen on. Just don't want bugs in my engine or my microwave. Hard to stop as they out number us 17 billion to one. Thanks for all your reply's Art

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