Missing posts by Len and Jo

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011

Don't know if this belongs in the Van Conversions or not, but missing the Len and Jo posts here! I see they have been on the forum but just not posting for a month. Best!
Hi Al, I'm back!!

Being a part-timer there are many things going on.  Did take a short week trip to Sand Lake NFC (west of Cadillac, Michigan) this month with one of our kids and her family.  Right at after the 4th of July.  We were lucky.  Weather broke as we got there and temps dropped from 92+ down to the low 80's.  When we left the temps were scheduled to return to the 90's.  National forest campground w showers and a GREAT beach (campground name is very accurate description).  Being just after the 4th the only people on the 18 site loop we were on was just us!!!  Did not have to worry about the little grand kids.  No water or electricity at the campsites so I did use our Honda 2000i several times to recharge the house batteries. 

Van is setting in the driveway collecting dust since.  We have not thought about or planned our fall'sh 1 month trip yet.  With this summer I want some place cool.....if there is such a place in the US within our driving range.

Brother just gave me a French 10 speed bike he picked from the trash a few years back and put in his garage to take up space.  A Gitane Nantes 44.  What I have found on line is it was a common fairly cheap bike BUT has some frame riding characteristics that most modern bikes do not have.  I got it going and I've ridden it once with its rotten tires and it sure is 'alive'.  So I've decided to save the frame and rebuild into a road/touring bike in the coming months.  For now I will just make it safe to ride and then double check my plans to replace about everything but the frame.  Maybe I would be better off buying a $600-$800 bike....but then would that be fun....would it keep me out of trouble...off the streets - aaah in this case on the streets :).

Yes I am alive.

Glad to see that Len & Jo are still enjoying life and travelling around. It can be some fun times as we travel and explore the country.

Len & Jo ... I have seriously considered heading up north ... I mean really north in the summer to beat some of the heat. I am looking at Yellowknife in the North West Territories. I have been monitoring their temperatures and I think I could easily live there during July and August without having to use A/C ... hence I wouldn't need generator and that would allow me to boondock as much as I wanted.

Yellowknife has a population around 20,000 so it would provide some entertainment opportunities and certainly give you an opportunity to see a different side of North America in terms of customs and the people up there.

I am seriously thinking about it in the future ... if even for a few weeks.
Hi Len and all,

Good to see you here and I understand the busy parts in between planning camping expeditions. Hope to here more about the bike when you get it restored. We plan on taking grandkids with us on summer trips when retired and spending some quality time with them.

I'm currently on vacation and doing major clean up around the stick house. Amazing how things (junk) accumulates. Have an A/C unit at the house not working so need to spiffy up in order to have repair men come in for me.

I may make it up your way in a few days. Plan on visiting the American RV Center. They have been nice in assisting me with questions and emailing me when they have shows and units of interest for me.

Stay well and let us know that things are going O.K. when you have the chance. I appreciate your input here and enjoy you comments.
Al, voir le film de Youtube attach? ? d?montrer je DORS pas.  Profitez de la musique.   
Cela fait comme une Alouette.

(Al, see the Youtube film attached to show I'm not sleeping. Enjoy the music.
Done as a lark.)

Well here is my new towed for my 'B':  It's in good shape now for a 40+ year old bike.  Will be taking this one with us at least half the time.  Needs good paved roads.



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