Money logic

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Active member
Jan 2, 2011
So, I went to a show today.  We saw soooo many models, today, was very good.  if the RV costs me $500 per month plus couple hundred dollars round trip for fuel, another hundred in groceries and I want to do that on average 1 to 2 times per month at least in the spring, summer, and fall.  It almost seems like it would be cheaper for us to just get a hotel room and drive the car.

If it were full-time, I see it as worth it, but just camping trips with the kids, not so sure anymore.

Any input you have to offer would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
We use our 11-year-old Holiday Rambler motorhome between 30 and 40 nights per year.  We paid cash and have no payments.  Our storage is cheap - $35 per month.  I figure that with depreciation included, our cost per night, including fuel, generator expenses, camping fees, maintenance, insurance, etc., is approximately $ 275 per night that we are using it.  It is not cheaper than staying in a hotel and eating in restaurants, but I think it's about the same cost.  For us, it is a lifestyle choice and not a cost saving measure.  We do it this way because it is fun.  There are several trips per year, mostly short duration, longer distance trips, where we don't take the R-V because it would cost signifcantly more than just getting the hotel for a night or two.
The only thing we can come up with is the fun and family factor that may make this worth it.
      If you have followed any strings in the forum, you will quickly come to the conclusion that there is no logic to money.  If you are trying to justify the purchase of an RV by its nightly cost, go stay at a Motel.  But if you ever try an RV, you will soon become addicted to the RVing way of life.  It doesn't matter if you use it a few week ends a year, or live full time in an RV, it provides a relaxation just not available at Motels and restaurants.  I traveled for my work for over 30 years, and as one of my co-workers aptly put it, after the first week every meal tastes like a "western sandwich", and now I itch every time I am forced to stay in a motel.  Compare that to sleeping in my own bed, making our own meals, and meeting wonderful people from coast to coast.  As the ads say, PRICELESS!

The view of a campground beats the hell out of a view of a motel parking lot.

Also, like said before, you are sleeping in your own bed, your own pillow.
Even if you pay cash you still have a cost in depreciation and lost interest on the principal.  We paid cash and over 14 years our motorhome costs about $24/day excluding operating costs.
It has all been said already.  People do not RV to save money and you can't cost justify an RV. 

Picture you and your family in a hotel room.  What are the kids doing?  What are the adults doing?

Now picture yourself in a beautiful state park, trees all around, maybe a river or lake out front, and a campfire burning.  What is everybody doing now?

Enough said?
Sounds great, George. Have done it for a long time. The simple answer is.... If you can't afford it, don't do it.

  Why do you think we all are in such an economical mess right now. Campfires and vistas notwithstanding.

Carson (member CCC club)
There is also the "drive until you feel like stopping, and your accommodations are already arranged" factor.

That ranks high in my book. No worry about leaving stuff in a hotel drawer, finding a restaurant that serves food acceptable to finicky eaters, or even finding a beer when you want one.
At our age (me & DW), it's almost worth it all just to have a bathroom anytime. ;D  Then those stops along side the road for lunch right out of the fridge and sometimes a nap afterward.

We're retired, but not full-timers.  But, we just have become spoiled to the RV way of travel.  Plus, we don't have to try to squeeze in when we go visit the grandkids.  It works out well being able to park in their drive(s) and when the day's hoopla is done, go to our own bed.

Anyone trying to make monetary sense out of it should look at it more like the cost of fishing.  Look at how many folks have a $20K bassboat and go fishing less than 10 times a year.  Or belong to a country club (BIG membership) and play a round of golf twice a month - not to mention the cost of clubs and the 19th hole expenses.  Some folks like to go to Vegas - win or lose.  RVing is just a choice in how you want to enjoy your discretionary funds.  If it's "the money" then save it and go watch TV.
and, we get to have the dogs instead of finding a house sitter/dog sitter or taking them to the vet when we get back because they are sick from the kennel.  Plus if we decide not to come back for a few weeks, it's ok too.  And, to top it off, we have a fully equipped guest house when we are home, a generator when the power goes out, an easy way to leave if the weather gets out of hand and more storage if needed on a short term basis.  Oh well.

Ok. Ok. Ok. We are starting preparations on purchase plan. we can afford and time with kids will be priceless.
One thing not mentioned are not sleeping on someone elses crab and bed-bug ridden sheets with a comforter that hasn't seen a cleaning in a month. That is reason enough for me :D
Rafigso said:
Ok. Ok. Ok. We are starting preparations on purchase plan. we can afford and time with kids will be priceless.

LOL; You did ask on a RV-Forum!  If you ask the same question on a "different" forum you'd probably get some different perspectives.  Just sayin'
Rafigso said:
So, I went to a show today.  We saw soooo many models, today, was very good.  if the RV costs me $500 per month plus couple hundred dollars round trip for fuel, another hundred in groceries and I want to do that on average 1 to 2 times per month at least in the spring, summer, and fall.  It almost seems like it would be cheaper for us to just get a hotel room and drive the car.

If it were full-time, I see it as worth it, but just camping trips with the kids, not so sure anymore.

Any input you have to offer would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

RVing is a commitment and as you have figured out the pocketbook takes a hit  if you use the RV or not.  I had a small budget and found the right trailer for me.  Even without monthly payments things can add up but for me it's worth it.

10-15 years ago I was investing a good amount of funds into traveling in the US.  Now I travel by RV and instead of seeing The Phantom of the Opera on Broadway I have a view of the ocean from my bedside or dining table.  Its a different environment for sure.  I think of it sort of like taking a cruise except that RVing does require some work. ;D  There's something to be said sitting & relaxing after setting up camp while listening to the buzz of the campground.  Most RVers are very friendly and helpful.  In today's society we don't always notice our neighbors but it can be different with RVers.  Need help?  Ask and most people will jump at the chance to assist.

There are several kinds of RVS and some cost a lot more than others in more ways than one.  RV rental is a good way to have the RV experience without all of the costs or commitment.  Renting is not cheap but on the other hand you don't have maintenance costs either.

Now if you were to ask me why I didn't rent instead of buying my answer would be that I wanted my own trailer with my personal items all ready to go any time any where.  RV is a lifestyle that I wanted for a long time and finally had a chance to make it happen within my budget.
Interesting that all has been said about RVing.  My main reason is that I like to eat the food we prepare AND the biggy is the bathroom always being clean and available.
So, I went to a show today.  We saw soooo many models, today, was very good.  if the RV costs me $500 per month plus couple hundred dollars round trip for fuel, another hundred in groceries and I want to do that on average 1 to 2 times per month at least in the spring, summer, and fall.  It almost seems like it would be cheaper for us to just get a hotel room and drive the car.

If you are talking one trip a year, for a week or maybe less, then I agree. Get a cheap motel, rental car, clip some coupons and go for it.
The bottom line here is there are some things you cannot put a price on, such as memories with the family.
Now, if you want to look at economics that?s fine but you have to follow through. First, the $500/mo cost of the Rv is inflated because of interest (vs paying cash) and also when you sell the rv you will get something. The difference between buy and sell is your true cost, not the loan payment.
A hundred in groceries for a week for your family is a necessity of life, not just for an Rv. If you stay home I assume the family still eats. Now figure the real cost of 4 eating for a week in restaurants, 3 meals a day. Include big tips cause you love the processed food so much. A hundred in groceries (very reasonable in an rv) would not cover your first day in restaurants besides McDonalds. Get used to happy meals, that will be the only thing happy.
Lets not forget about boarding the two pets at another $40/day while you are gone and how happy that makes the kids feel. I?m sure fido and the cat will be back to regular bowel movements and their hair will grow back after a week or so at home again.
What about paying the neighbor kids to mutilate your grass while you?re gone, or the lawn service after the wife comes home to the weeds and hay field where the front yard used to be. That is priceless during the summer growing season.
What about rental cars, this is an enjoyable moment by itself. Between bus transfers from airports to conveniently located rental lots, some that even have lights in the lot at 2am, and which you will never find again on your return trip. Upgrading is always a necessity (and extra cost) because ?family size sedan? refers to circus families, not your family with luggage. Don?t forget the $6/gal gas because you forgot to top off the tank down the street after stopping for directions the 4th time.
Lets look at motel costs, this should be easy. You can stay at a decent place for a couple hundred a night, and pay extra for an internet connection. Or, you can do a motel 6, once, and then the wife will bring you back to reality while the kids are in the next room jumping up and down on the vibrating bed looking for more quarters. You will get rid of that bathroom lemony smell from your clothes in about a week, maybe.
Have we considered the plane fare yet with all the reasonably associated fees? You know, extra costs in case your wife has luggage, wants a snack or something fancy to drink like water. What about the $15/day to park your car at the park & ride while you?re gone. This usually gives you an opportunity to replace the four stolen tires, try not to take the newer family car.
Obviously I say all this in jest, not meaning to offend but rather to point out the reality and have some fun with it. I could go on and on with associated costs and I can say I have traveled for years because of work and seen all types. I have never regretted my years of Rv?ing with friends and family. I do my own work to save maint. costs but even with that the overall cost is really no more than a couple extravagant vacations, year over year.
I will also back up all of the people and positive opinions of Rv?ing above as completely unbiased and factual. IMO you need to make it fit your budget, you won?t regret it.
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