MOSQUITOS!!! They're killing me

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Here in Ontario, we're experiencing wet wet weather - the highest amount of rain in 75 years apparently, and the worst one for mosquitos.  Apparently, the fact that we had multiple feet of snow on the ground for the entire winter (as opposed to the more normal freeze-n-thaw), meant that mosquitos survived the winter in record numbers.

No matter how careful we are - we can't seem to keep mosquitos out of the 5ver.  We don't open the big window in the dining room because when we do, there's a gap of about 1/8" between window and screen. 

Last night, we were up 4x, trying to kills mosquitos - they're obviously coming in somewhere, because we were pretty sure there weren't any in the trailer when we went to bed.  It was quite a sight - both of us with flashlights pointing at the walls ... dogs thought we were crazy..

Any advice on how to keep them out - or hints as to where they're getting in -- would be so appreciated by us.
Ditto on the slides.  Check from the outside both the seals and the corners where the seals come together. 

Too late for this trip, but Amazon has the following indoor zapper. 

Also, for outside, try the nets that fit over your entire head.  I used them with my grandkids a couple of weeks ago and they worked great.
When I was contemplating moving to Florida three years ago many people warned me about the horrible mosquitoes in Florida. In the last two and a half years I have been living here I have gotten maybe three mosquito bites.  I live around a lot of water and I spend a lot of time outside. I am shocked that they are not a problem.
Tom, I lived in Fort Myers and Naples from 82-93 and always had problems with mosquitoes. I couldn't sit on my front porch for five minutes without getting at least 50 bites, and that's not an exaggeration; I counted them. But when I moved back to Cape Coral in 09, I have noticed the only time we get mosquitoes now is when we have standing water in our swale from heavy summer rains, and even then, they're not as bad as in past years. I was told there are two reasons for the improvement. First, development has extended well into what used to be swamp land and has pushed the swamp and its inhabitants, including mosquitoes, farther inland or away from us, and second, they have developed better control chemicals and delivery systems to fight them. I can remember in Naples, watching the fog trucks roll down the street every month or so. Now, they spray by air and I haven't seen a truck since moving back. One or both reasons could be why you haven't had a problem. I have been told by tourists that they have worse mosquito problems in Minnesota than we have here.
John - The park I live in sprays for mosquitoes. And Disney World, where I spend a lot of time, releases millions of predator bugs every years. 
Maybe before you go to bed you could set up a easy trap? We use a plastic 2 liter soda bottle with the top cut off about 1/3 of the way down. Then in the bottom part we put 1/2 c brown sugar, a packet of yeast and a cup of hot water. Then we tip the top upside down and put it inside the bottom part creating a "trap" The yeast gives off carbon dioxide just like humans do and it attracts them. Tape the pieces together together and if using outside wrap it in newspaper as mosquitoes are most active dusk and dawn. Leave it in your galley and it should help you stay bite free during sleep.

Then you can check your slides, and everything else in the daylight.

Good luck!
I made traps like that for fruit flies in my restaurant. Only with rotten fruit in the bottom and Dawn to dissolve the little buggers. For mosquitoes I use one of those racket electrocution thingies. I still get bit but feel better n e way. LOL
MicheleF said:
Here in Ontario, we're experiencing wet wet weather - the highest amount of rain in 75 years apparently, and the worst one for mosquitos.  Apparently, the fact that we had multiple feet of snow on the ground for the entire winter (as opposed to the more normal freeze-n-thaw), meant that mosquitos survived the winter in record numbers.

No matter how careful we are - we can't seem to keep mosquitos out of the 5ver.  We don't open the big window in the dining room because when we do, there's a gap of about 1/8" between window and screen. 

Last night, we were up 4x, trying to kills mosquitos - they're obviously coming in somewhere, because we were pretty sure there weren't any in the trailer when we went to bed.  It was quite a sight - both of us with flashlights pointing at the walls ... dogs thought we were crazy..

Any advice on how to keep them out - or hints as to where they're getting in -- would be so appreciated by us.

go to canadian tire and buy some mosquito coils that will get rid of them
I can't help with how they are getting in but we found the hand vacuum was very efficient in capturing them and thus reducing the number in the RV.  I am not usually attacked by mosquitos but my wife is an attractant of the first order.  A little B12 solved her problem or at least reduced it significantly.  There are some herbs and essential oils that do a good job too or so I have been told.
Eat more garlic

Fleas and misquotes used to bite the heck out me....but not any more.
MicheleF said:
Range hood outside vent usually does not have a screen.
incandescent light attracts them but not LED's maybe switch a few.
keep citronella candle near your entry door if your going to be in and out?
Canadian mosquitos drink the blood of turkeys and mate with moose lol Where do you americans think you got the name "SWAT" from - its trying to swat canadian skeeters .

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