Multiple Kindle Usage?

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2006
We have a 4th-gen Kindle and also use the Kindle app on an iPad2.  We can keep the same library of e-books automatically on both the Kindle device and the iPad2.

My question is:  If we bought additional Kindle devices (such as the paper-white Kindle or Kindle Fire), would we be able to have the same Kindle library on multiple Kindle devices?
Yes, you can have multiple devices on your Kindle account.  We have 11 devices on our account.
I have a Kindle Keyboard, an android phone and a Kindle Paperwhite on my account. I read many books from the public library. The trick for me is remembering to download the book to the correct device from the public library. Other than that the system works well. Especially continuing to read my book on my phone when waiting wherever I am. The phone will open the book to exactly where you left off in the Kindle, and then the Kindle will open to where you left off on the phone. What a system!

I made another of my mistakes last week. Ordered another kindle, came in and wouldn't find a signal. Finally figured out that the new one was wifi only. Old one still worked on whispernet but new one won't. I don't have wifi here at home. Got it ready to send back as soon as I get into town again then will reorder.

Thank goodness the old one is still working and I can always read in my Iphone but that is a really small screen for my old eyes.
I have a second generation Kindle. And I use text to speech on my kindle books. I enjoy having my books read to me. It keeps your hands free, and one can do other stuff while reading. In the past text to speech was only available on kindle devices.

So my question is: reading kindle books, is  text to speech available on other devices. Like a android tablet, or ipad?

Barb said:
I have a second generation Kindle. And I use text to speech on my kindle books. I enjoy having my books read to me. It keeps your hands free, and one can do other stuff while reading. In the past text to speech was only available on kindle devices.

So my question is: reading kindle books, is  text to speech available on other devices. Like a android tablet, or ipad?
As far as I can tell on my iPad2, you can't do text to speech in the Kindle app directly.  You have to do an Accesibility General Setting outside of the app.  Then it is a pain to get around with that turned on.  I haven't updated to the latest software rev, however, so maybe it works better with that...
I am new owner of kindle HDX.  Picked up yesterday, so far awesome.  Was looking to get iPad mini, but huge difference in price.  Although, it will probably cost me the diff in rebuking apps!  I used kindle and nook apps on iPad,so, library is spread between.  I can still use iPad to read those books stored there.

Just got the WiFi for this one.
With Kindle books, once you buy the book you can read the same book on your Kindle, Your Wife's Kindle, your I-Pad, your Android tablet or your phone (I and Android both)

In short you can have the same book on all readers, or different books on different readers.

On each application or reader there is an option to read "Archived" books, or "All Books" go to that option, find the book you wish to read, and download it to the device in your hand.
Wizard46 said:
I made another of my mistakes last week. Ordered another kindle, came in and wouldn't find a signal. Finally figured out that the new one was wifi only. Old one still worked on whispernet but new one won't. I don't have wifi here at home. Got it ready to send back as soon as I get into town again then will reorder.

IMHO it really isn't necessary that each of your readers have internet connections of their own (that all Whispernet is, it's just a specialized internet connection).  My DW and I both have Sony readers that could have been directly connected to the internet, but we never do that.  All our books, regardless of where we obtain them are downloaded to my laptop and we use a popular, free book management program called Calibre catalog them.  Kindle books, library books, etc, are downloaded to the laptop (it's a registered Kindle device) and then are sent to the eReader we choose using a USB cable.  It takes only a second or two to send a book to a reader.

One advantage to using Calibre is that it can change the format of books that you own so that you can use readers with different format types in the same household and still share books. 
Only books obtained through Amazon, either by purchase or by emailing to the Kindle address, can be shared on multiple devices through the Kindle apps.  Most of my ebooks have been loaded directly to my Kindle via USB and don't appear in my Kindle library on Amazon.  As was mentioned, Calibre is capable of downloading ebooks to multiple devices, but each device has to be done individually.
Ned said:
Only books obtained through Amazon, either by purchase or by emailing to the Kindle address, can be shared on multiple devices through the Kindle apps.  Most of my ebooks have been loaded directly to my Kindle via USB and don't appear in my Kindle library on Amazon.  As was mentioned, Calibre is capable of downloading ebooks to multiple devices, but each device has to be done individually.

That's the same as with our Sony's.  Books that we've obtained through the Sony Store can be shared using the Sony eReader app since they are in the Sony library "in the Cloud" but other books obtained from libraries and other sources don't show in the Sony software but we share those using caliber.

When you say that Calibre requires that "each device has to be done individually" I assume you are referring to the fact that each device must be connected via USB so that books can be sent to it.  We use a common Calibre library to serve both readers.
Yes, that is what I meant about Calibre.  One library, but each device has to be loaded individually.
Your Amazon account keeps a record of the Kindle books purchased and library loans downloaded for Kindle.  However, if you want to reread a library book you must go to the library to check it out.  Any purchased Kindle book can be downloaded anytime.

ferfer said:
Your Amazon account keeps a record of the Kindle books purchased and library loans downloaded for Kindle.  However, if you want to reread a library book you must go to the library to check it out.  Any purchased Kindle book can be downloaded anytime.

You're probably referring to the Kindle "lending library".  We get lots of our books from the public library.
There's nothing wrong with what you are doing, all I was trying to point out is that there are lots of ways to obtain books.  You don't have to deal only with Amazon.

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