My new hearing aids

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SeilerBird said:
I am going to get mine programmed soon.

I have gone to the P.O. twice and both times the lines have been very long. I am going to try to get all of the paper work for those hearing aids to the Post Office before the end of the week. I am going to try again tomorrow.
Tom, I highly recommend an Audiologist. In NM they have to have an earned PhD. The Miracle Ear salesman that wanted to sell my friend Betty hearing aids in AZ for $6K was training a recent HS grand in how to give hearing tests --which were actually very off when she went to my audiologist, Catherine Worth at Worth Hearing Center in Abq on Wed. All others are retail sales personal, and some of them . . .
I've been doing some research - online, over the phone, and in person. Yesterday I visited our nearest Costco and got a good insight into their testing process and the products they sell. Their best deal is the 'Kirkland Signature', comprised of a set of two hearing aids and several accessories. The kit saves approx $1,000 over the combined price of individual pieces.

Currently, the Kirkland Signature deal includes Re-Sound's product, whereas it was Bernafon's product for the prior four years. Bernafon is still available at Costco, but not at the Signature kit pricing. Costco also sells Rexton's (Siemens') product, also not with kit pricing. Re-Sound's behind-the-ear receiver looks significantly larger than Bernafon's equivalent.

I tried a Re-Sound product for fit and feel, and it's certainly going to take some getting used to, although I suspect the audio side will take more adjustment.

Costco has the best deal on various sizes of hearing aid batteries - approx $8.50 for 40 batteries.
Tom said:
I tried a Re-Sound product for fit and feel, and it's certainly going to take some getting used to, although I suspect the audio side will take more adjustment.
I had no problem getting used to mine. They are so lightweight I can't even feel them on my ear. The dome that plugs into the ear canal is so small and soft I can't feel them. And the sound is so great that it took no getting used to more audio. The biggest problem I have is remembering to remove them before showering.

If you think the audio side will take more time then I think the volume level is way too high.
Since I haven't yet bought hearing aids, the volume can't be set too high  ;)  The 'adjustment' I was talking about would be my brain adjusting to the change of sounds over the audio spectrum, not a simple volume issue. There are a number of unknowns for me, and I like Costco's 90 days return policy, in the event I can't adjust to them, or I otherwise don't get the expected results.

Most of these products come with either a form of 'volume control', or alternative profiles &/or a mute option, any of which can be selected with the remote control.

I originally purchased the Signature series, and after a year returned them.  They were not reliable. While I was in Orlando, I went to Costco and purchased the Siemens.  Had them for over a year and had them adjusted once.  A little more money but worth it.  Have to get them adjusted again but the biggest problem is I forget I have them on and wear them in the shower.  I have the blue tooth option so I can listen to my music or answer my phone.

Thanks Jim. Were those 'Signature series' the Re-Sound product, or the Bernafon? Costco told me that Re-Sound wasn't labeled 'Signature' until a few.months ago.
Really don't know, but I got them almost 2 yars ago. Was not happy with them ands returned them.  Bought the new ones last Feb. in Orlando. 

Need to get volume adjusted.  All in all Costco has been up front and helpful. 
Tom said:
Since I haven't yet bought hearing aids, the volume can't be set too high  ;)  The 'adjustment' I was talking about would be my brain adjusting to the change of sounds over the audio spectrum, not a simple volume issue. There are a number of unknowns for me, and I like Costco's 90 days return policy, in the event I can't adjust to them, or I otherwise don't get the expected results.

Most of these products come with either a form of 'volume control', or alternative profiles &/or a mute option, any of which can be selected with the remote control.
I've been wearing mine over a week now, and don't know how I got by so long without them. I was always afraid that hearing aids would just make everything louder, and I suppose the cheaper ones do just that. I have top of the line Miracle Ear ITE aids, and the guy that programmed them for me did a great job, except he didn't activate the T coils so I have to go back. He sells Phonak aids and the ones he showed me were very small BTE with a very small tube going in the ear with a very soft dome. I've did a lot of on line searching, and have come to the opinion that the hearing device is no better that the person that programs them. My left ear does get a little sore if I don't get the aid in just right, Jeff told me that when he programmed them for me, as these were molded for someone else. I just didn't want to spend big bucks to find out I wouldn't wear them, but I know now I won't be without again. I think I'm going to try the Phonak mini BTE aids to keep my ears from getting sore. .

Tom there are several different style BTE aids, but the smaller they are the more they cost. Also depends on the audiologist, or dispenser too, some really stick it to ya.  Siemens makes a very good product, that's what they sell at the hearing center that's part of the hospital where I work.  And NO they don't give employees a discount, and our insurance don't pay one cent. Miracle Ears are made by siemens, but the hearing center wouldn't even try to program them for me. They won't ever get any of my money.

The mini is just as, maybe more powerful than the larger BTE aids, but that's why they cost so much more. 
92GA said:
..... and have come to the opinion that the hearing device is no better that the person that programs them.

I would never consider anyone other than a Au.D
It's imperative that the device be carefully synchronized with your audiogram.

A few people have mentioned costs. Also factor in the post fitting services. I receive unlimited check ups, free repair, an audiogram every year and free batteries.
Well the Miracle Ear aids ended up hurting my left ear too bad, so I bought some Phonak Audeo, behind the ear aids yesterday. With the in the ear aids my left ear just felt plugged up at times, so I went back to the hearing center to see if he could do something to help with maybe cutting it down or something. He had a set of used mini BTE, receiver ITE aids. They work even better and don't bother my ears at all. It is hard hearing every thing after so long. I've actually taken them out to be in my quieter world again. ;D ;D ;D  The refrigerant running through the coil on our refrigerator is driving me nuts, guess I'll have to get used to it.  People tell me that I talk a lot lower now, and they don't feel I'm yelling at them anymore. 
92GA said:
I've actually taken them out to be in my quieter world again. ;D ;D ;D  The refrigerant running through the coil on our refrigerator is driving me nuts, guess I'll have to get used to it.
I have found that when the environmental sounds are driving me nuts it means I have the volume up too loud on the hearing aid. It is easy to set the volume up too high, especially for new wearers. They are so much more comfortable when the volume is set properly.

On a humorous side note, the bathroom where the toilet is is about three foot by three foot, about the size of a phone booth. When I take a leak with my hearing aid on it sounds deafening.  :D
Morning Tom, Yea, he might have the volume set a tad high, but he set it according to my hearing test with them in. I just turn them down a little. You ever get yours tuned? Don't know why I was so stubborn about admitting I needed them. Hey, did you ever get your MH figured out? Probably haven't had time to worry about it huh. Yours looks a lot like mine, but the front end is a little different. I know you've had a ruff time lately, and glad you're doing much better. 
92GA said:
Morning Tom, Yea, he might have the volume set a tad high, but he set it according to my hearing test with them in. I just turn them down a little. You ever get yours tuned? Don't know why I was so stubborn about admitting I needed them. Hey, did you ever get your MH figured out? Probably haven't had time to worry about it huh. Yours looks a lot like mine, but the front end is a little different. I know you've had a ruff time lately, and glad you're doing much better.
My hearing aids are not the kind that can be tuned. Oscar Mike sent me a pair that I can't use yet because I don't know what kind they are. They need to be tuned but I can't tune them until Oscar Mike sends me info about them.

All men are stubborn about admitting we need hearing aids. It took my sister complaining about my hearing to wake me up. I was asking her to repeat herself way too often. The whole reason I started this thread was to encourage other men to get their hearing checked and get a hearing aid if they need one. I mean millions of people walk around with iPod headphones or those silly Bluetooth headphones so having a hearing aid is no big deal. I had breakfast with Catblaster last week and after about 10 minutes I asked him if he had noticed my hearing aids and he said no.

No I have not figured out my MH. I moved it to a new spot a few months ago and it died 50 feet from my site so I have to have CoachNet send me out someone to winch it into the spot. I have basically given up on it. As old as it is it is not worth spending too much time or money on it. I am very happy living here in Florida.

Yes I am doing much much better. I got some dynamite news that I am over the moon about. My doctor did an ultrasound of my heart and kidney and pronounced my heart perfect. Never in a million years would I expect that reaction. I smoked for almost 50 years. So in the last few months I have had a chest xray and it is perfect, I had a CT scan of my brain and it is perfect (structurally) and now an ultrasound of my heart and it is perfect. I think my doctor was wrong about me dying at age 50 like my dad did.
Well you did get some very good news!!  I've been dealing with a bad heart now for several years. Was kinda funny I was going thru this the same time you were. I've had my wife telling me for years, that I need to do something about my ears. I didn't realize they could program them for only the sounds you can't hear. I thought they made everything louder, boy was I wrong.

My father died of a heart attack at age 50 and at age 44 my brother had a bypass so the doctors are assuming that bad hearts are hereditary in my family. But both of them had very bad lifestyles and I think that lifestyle is way more important. It is never too late to quit smoking and drinking.
I was diagnosed with A Fib about 10 years ago, didn't know at the time, but I knew I would get worn out very easily. Then I had a heart attack in Sep of 2010, can't do much anymore. I'm retiring at the end of February, as I have nerve pain in the bottom of my feet and can't do much walking anymore. I don't have diabetics, but have the pain associated with it.

I did quit drinking several years ago. Lord knows I really liked my beer, and drank a lot of it. Doc said my limit should be 2, and I told him that's only a taste to get me started. I did quit because I wanted to live. Smoking is next.     
Good luck to you. Smoking is a really hard habit to break but fortunately there are plenty of aids to help you quit that didn't exist when I quit. I just quit cold turkey. Then five days later my brother had a bypass operation and every time I wanted a cigarette I just thought about have my chest cut open and the urge left me rather quickly. I feel there is nothing you can do for your health that is more important than quitting smoking. I see people smoking in movies and I ask myself why did I ever smoke? I can't figure out why it is I smoked. You don't get anything out of it except pain and a bad smell.
SeilerBird said:
Good luck to you. Smoking is a really hard habit to break but fortunately there are plenty of aids to help you quit that didn't exist when I quit. I just quit cold turkey. Then five days later my brother had a bypass operation and every time I wanted a cigarette I just thought about have my chest cut open and the urge left me rather quickly. I feel there is nothing you can do for your health that is more important than quitting smoking. I see people smoking in movies and I ask myself why did I ever smoke? I can't figure out why it is I smoked. You don't get anything out of it except pain and a bad smell.
So very true Tom.  So many accomplishments in my life I look back on, quitting smoking is actually at the top of the list, will be 2 years in March, unbelievable how stupid I was for so many years...  That pack of cigarettes looked so cool in that tee shirt, rolled up in the sleeve... in the movies and mine.... Man, just plain dumb.

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