National Ban on Text and Voice while Driving

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
Benson , AZ.
Have you heard about the latest in mobile electronics?  A Ban on all use, is being considered on all use.  Not quite sure how I feel about this, have been a Ham for many years, been using a microphone while driving and is like second nature, have used cellphones as well. 

A definitley agree that texting is way too distracting, but answering your cell?  If it is in a pocket, or in a purse on the floor, well common sense dictates but on the dash in a holder, using handsfree, I just do not see it as that big a deal.  The NTSB used a number of something like 3900 deaths attributed to distractions when driving. 

How many were cell re;ated, how many were kids spilling a soda, or driver spilling a coffee, guys shaving women applying make-up.  We have all seen these things being done. 

OK, so pulling over to answer a call, pulling over to make a call, these actions I guess will be OK, but will we see an increase in accidents in the breakdown lane? 

Looks to me like a HUGE can of worms. 

How about a way during the accident investigation, if actual use had occurred, the driver is held responsible for entire accident?  No claims would be honored by the drivers insurance company.
I find it interesting that the NTSB feels we get distracted by portable cell phones, even those with hands free features, but not by cell phones (or two way radios) installed in the vehicle. Those would be exempt from the recommended ban.

Commercial vehicle drivers are already forbidden from texting or using a hand-help phone while driving. Hands free is ok, though.
I would guess that if you are involved in a really bad accident and your cell phone records show that it was in use just before the accident happened,  you will be found at fault.
Good Luck with that,
Arizonia Al
I'm happy to live in a area of Idaho where cellphone service doesn't exist so this is not even a problem in my area... Like Riggins, ID they have cell service but as soon as you leave the city limits the signal is gone... Riggins, ID is only 1 mile long and a 1/4 mile wide...  :eek: What happens when you live in a canyon...  ::)
PancakeBill said:
, well common sense dictates 
There you go You think people use or have common sense.

PancakeBill said:
"the driver is held responsible for entire accident?"
Does me a lot of good if he kills me and my family.
I understand the NTSB only makes recommendations and the law/rule would be state by state created. My daughter was in a bad accident a couple of years ago, after they cut her out of what was left of my new super crew pickup (it took over a hour to get her out) the state police took her cell phone. Later in the day the trooper stopped at my house and returned the phone to me, he said the first use of the phone that day was a text that was sent to my daughter ( by her best friend) telling her to go to school a different route because there was a terrible accident on her normal road, of course it was my daughters accident! The trooper said if she had been in a small car we would be having a different conversation, my daughter received one small bruise in the crash. I bought her another super crew.
eliallen said:
There you go You think people use or have common sense.

That phrase would solve so many issues if it was followed..
A lot of Canadian provinces only allow the use of cell phone with hands free devices, no use of smart phone, no programming of the GPS with the hands while driving, but I think it's also extended to shaving, putting on makeup while driving.

A co-worker was telling me in UK, they even ban drinking and eating while driving.

The goal is to keep both hands free for driving I guess.
I like the ban, no ones personal social life is really that imprtant.

My daughter was almost killed by a texter, he got distracted, ran a stop light, and hit her and 3 of her friends...they were on the curb of a sidewalk.....

Life for decades went by just fine before cell  phone use in a car. They don't need to ban it,  just place it in the same catagory as "reckless operation of a vehicle" (one level below a DUI). That will get your attention.

Everyone knows that when I get behind the wheel I turn my phone off. Anyway, I enjoy the quiet time....
I was driving to work the other day when I saw a woman, in the passing lane, driving 65 mph while looking in her rear view mirror applying makeup. ::)

The sight was so terrifying that I immediately dropped my news paper, butted out my cigarette, put down my coffee cup, hung up my cell phone, turned off my IPOD, grabbed the steering wheel with both hands and slowed to under 70.

People can do some really dumb things while driving.
Marc L said:
A lot of Canadian provinces only allow the use of cell phone with hands free devices, no use of smart phone, no programming of the GPS with the hands while driving, but I think it's also extended to shaving, putting on makeup while driving.

A co-worker was telling me in UK, they even ban drinking and eating while driving.

The goal is to keep both hands free for driving I guess.

It's notyour hands that they are worried about, it is you brain.  The simple act of talking on a cell phone reduces your attention to the raod by 40 to 50%,  In essence, you are driving under the influince.  Just as if you had had three or four shots, glasses or bottles of beer. 

If you need to talk, pull off the highway and give the person on the other end your full attention.  When driving, then drive with your full attention. 
What about all those MDT's in LE vehicles used to run license plates?  DW was in LE for 17 yrs and most of the terminals were used to IM, e-mail and order pizzas.
I really have to agree with them about the ban on texting and or using a cellphone while driving.  I have a hard enough time having to watch out for the people that cut in and out of traffic without watching where they are going. I like to watch the people that when I am in my RV at a stop light in the left hand lane and the sign says merge left and at the last second they pass on the rightside and look at us like we should not be allowed on the road, while they are try to put make-up on and talk on their cell  phone and yell at their curtain climbers in the back seat  :eek: 
I agree with the National Band.....There are way too many idiots out there on the road. I have an Attorney who tells me if I am hit by someone using a cell phone while driving, that he will make me a very wealthy man.....
[quote author=Just Lou]... I saw a woman, in the passing lane, driving 65 mph while looking in her rear view mirror applying makeup.[/quote]

It used to drive me nuts to see folks on my daily commute putting on makeup, reading books/newspapers, eating their breakfast, shaving, and brushing their teeth.

I haven't commuted for a number of years. Now I get frustrated when I see young Moms exiting the school driveway with a cell phone in their hand, looking over their shoulder to yell at the kid(s) in the back seat, and not even slowing down when they shoot out in front of me.
R1Kirby said:
I agree with the National Band.....There are way too many idiots out there on the road. I have an Attorney who tells me if I am hit by someone using a cell phone while driving, that he will make me a very wealthy man.....


CNN just did a piece on this idea..a reporter demonstrated the different stopping distances when preforming those expected answering and using the phone was the least distracting...dialing a call was twice as distracting,..texting was an eye opener...the average driver lost eye contact for an average of 5 seconds while texting..and this wasn't a total but for each attempt...I knew it was bad..just didn't know how bad...have I been guilty..yes..wll I change my ways yes..
I agree with a no-texting law, makes sense, you simply cannot text and devote the proper amount of focus to your driving as is required.  Even cell phone usage should be restricted perhaps though I have mixed feelings about that.  But I'm tired of dealing with idiot drivers who drive with one hand on the wheel and the other holding a phone to their ear.

Can you decode the following message for me?  What is MDT, LE, DW, and IM???

What about all those MDT's in LE vehicles used to run license plates?  DW was in LE for 17 yrs and most of the terminals were used to IM, e-mail and order pizzas.

Thanks and best regards,

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