Need Good Anti-Virus program, FREE if possible

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
Hondo, TX


We are helping our neighbor set up her laptop computer. Her AVG program is going to expire in a few days. Can you recommend a good anti-virus program, one that is FREE, preferably?

AVAST has a free home version that's been working extremely well for me for several years on several PC's.
I'll second the Avast program, fairly low impact on system resources and updates nicely, especially if you're online, like me, all the time.

I've only had one system were it had problems with Avast and I'm still not sure why or if it really was an Avast problem but after I installed Avast on it the system bogged down just like I'd see when I used to install Nortons AV  :eek:  Never did figure that one out just uninstalled it and everything was fine.

I'm running fine with Avast.  I usually use a paid AV package, Trend Micro Internet Security, but put avast on a PC because I am running Windows 7 beta.  It has been solid.  Note you do need to register it annually but it is free.
Another vote for AVG free.  Have been running it on all our PC's for years with no problems.  Have never tried AVAST, but hear it is good too.  Stay away from any of the big dogs (Norton/McAfee) as they are memory hogs.
For comparison purposes, I ran AVG free and wife ran Avast for about a year.  Neither of us caught any sort of viral infection.  We do tend to both practice "safe computing", so YMMV.

We have since dropped the free packages in favor of Sunbelt Software's Vipre.  This program is very reasonable in cost (annual subscription), can be run on up-to-five computers (we have 4) on the "family" license, and has totally blocked all mal-ware from our computers.  It has a very small memory footprint, and lower CPU usage than either Avast or AVG.
Been running AVG for about 10 years, never had any problems. Price is right, and it works...what more can you ask for.
A big THANK YOU to all that replied to this thread. We decided to go with the latest version of AVG. It was an easy download for our neighbor!!


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