Need Help, Serious Subject Drifting

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geodrake said:
A Seilerbird's (don't get upset Tom) comments often appear abrasive, but those that have been around come to know that he is simply direct, and offense isn't taken.
I am not upset at all George. I realize that sometimes my comments are abrasive. And I will gladly apologize any time I offend anyone. But I fail to see how asking a person if this is the only forum they have ever been on is rude. You are correct, he has no reason to start calling other people rude. That is rude.
This forum has been around for a long time -- plus or minus about 15 years.  The conflict between those who want posters to adhere rigidly to the subject at hand and those who enjoy the social aspects of meandering conversations around a campfire has been around since the forum's beginning.

I think Tom and his all-volunteer staff do a wonderful job of striking a satisfactory balance between the two extremes.  The notion that people might be excluded because of the value of the rigs they drive or the "toys" they own is, IMHO, unfair criticism and might possibly be in the eyes of the beholders (readers). 

Relax, everyone -- we are a really nice group of people enjoying a mighty fine and friendly forum.  I wouldn't want to change a thing.

Now, did ANYONE think this was going to somehow tie into street drifting when they read the title?  I know London double-decker bus drivers are taught to control those things if they slide, but drifting an RV?

It's so EASY to start a new topic, and going way off topic is thread highjacking ("drifting" does sugar coat it).  Forum visitors should be more considerate, plain and simple.  I tend to stop reading forums that missed that left turn in Albuquerque.
We are JerryF and ArdraF and we want you to know that we want you to stay with us in the RVForum.  All to often folks here on the forum say things that appear to be unkind or are somewhat offensive to someone without realizing it.  They may not fully take into account that sometimes their "written words" may be interpreted in an entirely unintended way.

On the other hand, with verbal face to face discussions a quick comment or explanation can defuse the situation "immediately" but that cannot be done immediately with written messages.

For example, if I feel that what I just said in a verbal face to face discussion may anger the other person I immediately, before the other person can speak, say two words..."just joking."  This cannot be done with forum postings or email which sometimes leads to threads being locked because of the back and forth bantering.

So, as we said, stay with us we have enjoyed your postings!

JerryF & ArdraF
I for one have found this forum to be very civil for the most part. I came here from another large RV forum that I grew tired of because of the sarcasm and aggressive nature of many of the posters. On this forum however most posters are very helpful and civil when replying to a question.  As far as topic drift goes, all of the forums I visit have the same responses that get off topic. The nature of the beast.
I belong to one TT forum for quite old TT's. There is no thread drift there and the forum is mostly dead.  You get a bit off the topic and they will tell you, also no photos can be posted.  It's to the point that you might see a few posts then its a month before you see anymore, it is strictly technical stuff and its almost dead.

I see some people that post that would like to have rallys and things but it just never is allowed to get to the point where people can be really friendly.  The real old ones know each other but any newer ones never will. I'm not sure they even realize it.

So I really enjoy this forum, I am a drifter big time and I know it, we all are different types of folks and I think there are all kinds here ;)

So Miss Mermaid, please don't swim away, I like reading your postings and I've read your other blog and think your adventures are really neat.  I read through this and don't see anyone having hard feelings either. I guess its just how we interpret it.
I have to jump in here. I am fairly new to this forum and have found it to be a very friendly bunch. I take people's comments with a grain of salt. On the other hand there advice especially someone who has years of experience on me more serious.

For one this forum has walked me thru purchasing a fifth wheel trailer that i am happy with, my first trip in my new rig and a number of other help me topics.

Sure there are personality's you have to get used to. Newcomers have to realize that people on this form i assume are personal friends, camp and travel together, go to meets together etc... yes there have been a couple of post that have rubbed me the wrong way but others are quick to jump in and say so and so is just that way.

This forum just like others is like life. You run into people that just rub you the wrong way. You either cope or move on.

As for me i am here to stay a while and thanks for all the help in the past and for sure the help i know i will need in the future.

Whiners grow up! I hope to build relationships that i sense exists between members on here. Those relationships can turn into lifelong. friends.

My 2-pennies. 
Now that we have all been duly chastised, it's time for Buster Blues to reveal his/her true identity and relationship to DearMissMermaid  ;)

In the 17 years I've been on this forum, and the 20+ years I've been online, I've never seen the need to hide my real identity. You can click on my forum name or click the Hosts button above to see who I am.

Compliments aside (although they're always welcome), this forum is what it is, and has been for many years. We freely admit to our personal and collective shortcomings, including the tendency to wander off in our thoughts and postings. But, if someone really finds us objectionable, feel free to go somewhere else.

We don't actively chase anyone away and, as has been amply demonstrated by responses here, we sincerely hope that folks will stick around. But we can't satisfy everyone, and some folks could never be satisfied, no matter what we did to appease them.

Attend a forum rally and you'll get a far better understanding of the wonderful folks who participate in this forum. You'd be welcomed with open arms and treated as a VIP by our rally leaders and other attendees. Please don't judge us unless/until you meet us in person.

I've waited a while to respond, letting the thread wind and take it's course.  So yes, I'm a bit late in responding to your concerns; but I'm bringing it back on track.

I'm truly sorry for your frustration and can understand a bit of why you feel the way you do.  Thread drift is always a constant issue and often we as staff catch it quick, and sometimes we don't; for various reasons which have already been addressed.  I think I would have personally appreciated your point if you had not co-mingled the thread drift issue with several other factors which really have nothing to do with thread drift i.e. inflated egos, your statement that "deep-endless pockets don't rule the roost", and the costs of RVs and campgrounds.  Thread drift is thread drift; but you've made other implications than just thread drift and have labeled all under the title as such. 

Thread drift I can work on; the other issues I can't.  There will always be those who feel their RV, their situation, their life style whatever is the best; that's just human nature.  They know the best places to stay, eat and play and how best to spend theirs and everyone else's money and time.  That's the world; it's how we who receive that information, act upon and handle it, that it becomes our problem. or not

The staff tries very hard here to welcome everyone; provide quality information and help; and yes, we try to keep the threads "somewhat" in tack and on track.  We also can be very technical; and sometimes we as a forum need/like the social outlet....the fun times.  We also hope our members will feel comfortable enough to say within the thread,  "hey I had a question so let's get back to it."  That helps a lot.  I also see this as a responsibility of the members to tap the forum on it's shoulder to remind us, just as you have done.

I'm sorry you are frustratred and would hate to see you leave the forum; but that is your decision.  I appreciate your bringing the thread drift up for discussion, but the other issues you have addressed, you have to handle .  I welcome your comments.

Well I am waiting to find out when they are going to make this thread into a mini-series... ;D
George, I thought you were a better detective than that. Go back and reread the entire thread and the answer becomes obvious. If you still can't figure it out PM me.
Buster Blues said:
Luca1369 says
It went from a complaint about thread drift to a complaint about some folks looking down their noses at those who are not as well heeled and ask about thrifty campgrounds
Well Luca1369 in her original post she says
For instance if someone is asking for campgrounds under $20 a night...
Did you see that FOR INSTANCE IF...?  She was citing an example, the way I read it. But I'm an idiot, what do I know?

Just remember that YOU are the one calling yourself an idiot, nobody here has used such terminology or even hinted at it. 

Yes, I did notice the "For instance if...," there is nothing wrong with my reading comprehension but thank you very much for trying to offend me, so let me point out something prior to that statement that the original poster wrote:

" need an open chat, 24 hours, for the drifters to chat and prattle on about what strikes their fancy at the moment.
And while I'm stepping on toes and asking for a beating...  Let's face facts. Everyone seems to own the perfect RV, albeit each one is pretty different."

This begins Mermaid's movement away from the topic of thread drift.  My point (and I'm really tired of repeating my point, perhaps I'm not conveying my thoughts correctly or they are not recieved in like manner) is that a writer of her caliber should realize that her message about thread drift was suffering from...what else...drift.  In an attempt at humor about drift I tried to point that out...tough room...

I found it really difficult to imagine the folks here, myself included, guilty of anything other than poking harmless fun at the original poster, something that has been mistaken in the past for rudeness and insults.  You should grow up fat and ugly (yes, I'm guilty of that), you'll be quite thick skinned and not so easy to cry "Foul" at the least provocation.  Life's too short to sweat the small stuff...
Tom said:
Now that we have all been duly chastised, it's time for Buster Blues to reveal his/her true identity and relationship to DearMissMermaid  ;)

In the 17 years I've been on this forum, and the 20+ years I've been online, I've never seen the need to hide my real identity. You can click on my forum name or click the Hosts button above to see who I am.

THANK you!  Buster seemed more articulate than most ranters don't you think?  Saw that one coming a mile away.

Sarge made the point early on that the social/community aspect of this forum is important to the vast majority of its members.  The objective of the forum isn't to produce a dry, factual "rv wikipedia" and I fear that is what the OP is searching for.... and with 140 posts I take exception to considering oneself a newbie. 

I'll add my complements for the job done by the moderator staff.  IMHO each of you could attach your replies in this thread to your resumes'.  Very well done. 

Sounds like we've just had our collective forum bell rung ... again.  Peeees me off, but it happens from time to time.  We all try to be upbeat, dedicated, and spot on with our postings and try to provide honest help to RVers via this forum.  We do get  compromised (sucked in) from time to time by those with hidden agendas, but it never feels good. 

Oh well --- still wouldn't change a single thing about the way this forum operates!  Loved it then, love it now!

If you want NO DRIFT in your thread, please put NO DRIFTING PLEASE in the subject.  Like congress, I'm sure everyone will respect your wishes.  As many have said, since humans are involved, these are rivers not lasers... for the most part.  There are exceptions, just ask Charlie.  He's on target, like a laser... usually.

thx, G.
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