Need mirror re-attached on kitchen back-splash

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Well-known member
May 2, 2009
Northcentral Oklahoma
One of the 7 mirrors on the backsplash around the kitchen surface burner has come loose so I finished pulling it off before it might drop and break.
Now the big question:  what type of glue should i use to reattach it that will set up pretty quick since it's about 1/4" above the counter and will have to be held in place until it's stuck good?  Some of the old glue stuck to the back of the mirror so I don't dare try to remove it and risk scratching the backing of the mirror which would then show through.  And the fear of breaking it is overwhelming as I don't have a clue how I'd replace it having those belved edges.
Gorilla Glue would probably work well too. I use it for gluing all kinds of different materials together. Just remember to apply it sparingly and don't apply it near the edges of the mirror. It expands as it cures and it will seep around the edges of the mirror and be visible.

Use something that is made specifically for attaching mirrors to walls. Some chemicals will cause the silver backing on a mirror to flake off. I would call a glass company and ask for a recommendation. They're the expert's.
As Rene says, you need an adhesive that won't penetrate or remove the reflective backing on the glass. I wouldn't try Gorilla Glue (etc.) without testing first. Both Loctite and Liquid Nails makes a mirror-compatible product, and I'm sure there are other brands. Loctite rates their PL520 and PL530 adhesives for Mirrors and Liquid Nails simply labels theirs "Mirror Adhesive".

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