Need suggestions for low cost Verizon phone replacement

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To everybody,

I trust you all know this but here it is anyway.  If you went with the, hopefully still FREE, Pantech UML295 XLTE enabled modem you could plug it directly into your USB port on your PC and get the HIGHER speed data connection.  You do NOT need a router like I have although you would have an additional $20 per month line fee for the modem.

BTW, last year I checked on how much DATA  I was using on my "unlimited data" plan and discovered that I was only using  between 1 to 4 Gb per month so I changed to Verizon's "more everything" plan and now I have more than enough data and gained unlimited calling and unlimited messages for $4.00 less per month. 

Here is an interesting story.  Yesterday I downloaded a 300 page PDF camera manual.  As usual with windows explorer the blue line that goes from the left to the right across the screen to show the download completion started its movement from left to right.  Then when it reached almost 25% of the way across the screen it just disappeared as if I canceled the download BUT the cover page of the manual appeared.  Upon checking I found that the manual was there totally downloaded (6.5 mb).  It only took 4-5  seconds.  It amazed me so much that I did it again. 

So as George Peppard on the "A Team" used to say, "I love when a plan comes together."


PS, Verizon can look up your data use for the last couple of years.  Today, with the new modem, I am getting 21mb DOWN and 10mb UP during the most busy time of time day.
I am getting 21GB DOWN and 10GB UP during the most busy time of time day.

You must have a huge fiber pipe to your modem to get those speeds :)

I am amazed at how fast Verizon's XLTE 4G is!!!  Because I didn't believe it I have three different speed tests and they all agree.

On the other hand, maybe the air here in Las Vegas is so thin that there is less friction to the message contents as they slip and slide through the air, dodging dirt particles, from the cell tower antenna to my modem antenna.

Who knows, but I love my new VZ Pantech UML295 modem.  Best thing I've purchased so far this year!


Thanks you are so correct.  It is mb and not Gb.  Lucky I could still modify it in my previous post and I didn't even get your clever humor.

Oh well, thanks again

Actually, it's not MB but mb.  A technicality but a significant one :)  We can get 1Gbs data service here on our fiber, but it's $300/month.
And the US lags behind most of the world in high speed internet.  Many places take 100/100mbs for granted while we're happy when we get 10mbs while paying much more.
Garyb1st stated: "Thanks for the suggestions guys, but all things considered, I guess we'll stay with Verizon.  The wife insists their network has the best coverage and we have unlimited talk and text as well as unlimited data on our air card.  The only down side is our 3G connection.  If we can update our air card without restrictions we'll probably do that at well. "

Warning.....Just a heads up if you are not aware of this.  Be very careful that you do not purchase a phone or air card from Verizon at a discount.  Once you do that, they put you on a new plan and you will loose your unlimited data plan.  The only way, that I know of, to keep you grandfathered into the unlimited data plan is to purchase the phone or device outright.  It can be from Verizon, but you will pay retail.  If you do not have to have the latest and greatest phone, then I would try eBay.  Had to do that last year but needed a smart phone so close to $600 bucks.  The positive side of things is that I can stream video while traveling using 4G internet and a Roku box and never have to worry about the data plan.  My guess is that if you have unlimited on the air card, this will not impact your phone plan but you probably want to make sure.  They obviously want to get you off of the unlimited plans if they can.
My experience tells me that all these penalties, rules, caveats, etc. are franchised based. I've had Verizon for years. As Gary RvRoamer states, the difference between a franchise dealer and an actual Verizon store are like night and day. My advice - never do business with a Verizon re-seller like best buy, etc. especially stay away from the kiosk type Verizon stores as found in malls. Find an "actual" corporate verizon store.
They have always been helpful in discussing phone purchases and their impact on my data plan, and have recommended changes that have actually saved me money.
Gregg said:
Warning.....Just a heads up if you are not aware of this.  Be very careful that you do not purchase a phone from Verizon at a discount.  Once you do that, they put you on a new plan and you will loose your unlimited data plan.  The only way, that I know of, to keep you grandfathered into the unlimited data plan is to purchase the phone outright.  It can be from Verizon, but you will pay retail.  If you do not have to have the latest and greatest phone, then I would try eBay.  Had to do that last year but needed a smart phone so close to $600 bucks.  The positive side of things is that I can stream video while traveling using 4G internet and a Roku box and never have to worry about the data plan.

I got a Razr 4g phone off of Craigslist for $200 a couple of years ago.  I bought it to be my backup phone.  Verizon told me to call in the SN & IMEI number and make the free call to Verizon to verify that it's not stolen and can be activated.  Now that I have that phone I play games, use it's clock and alarm features, and when my phone breaks, I just put my SIM card in it and I'm good to go.  Once I get my phone fixed, I put the SIM card back and all is well with the world.  I use my phone for business, and business stops without a phone, that's why it was worth having.  I found Galaxy Note 3 unlocked phones for under $200 on the DFW craigslist.
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