New Consumer Report Toilet Paper Ratings

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
A couple of you have questioned why disintegration rates are important.  First, because toilet paper getting on sensors and sticking because the tank isn't full cause gauge issues (for those of you who actually use your gauges).  Second, if it clumps and doesn't disintegrate it can occasionally cause clogs.  Logically it can even contribute to the dreaded poop pyramid if it just sits there instead of disintegrating.  Most of us try to avoid anything that causes problems with the toilet.  But, hey, if it doesn't bother you, it sure doesn't bother me!  ::)

Shame on y'all. Complaining about companies making smaller sheets. My index finger is only 1 inch across. Therefor anything in excess of that is waste full. and bad for the ecology. LOL
Well, I have used slick catalog pages and corncobs, but never just my index finger. I'm gonna keep a large supply of Angel Soft from now on!  :eek:
Two men were traveling when one had a very urgent need to "go".  The rental car had no tissues, no napkins, nothing to "help".  His friend suggested he just use a dollar. 
A few minutes later, the guy emerges from the woods, shaking his dirty hand.  His friend says, "I told you to use a dollar!"  He responds, " I did!  3 quarters, 2 dimes and a nickel!!"
Quillback 424 said:
Well, I have used slick catalog pages and corncobs, but never just my index finger. I'm gonna keep a large supply of Angel Soft from now on!  :eek:

Don't the corncobs clog the black tank?  :p 

I don't know why you guys are wasting money when perfectly good toilet paper is growing on trees and shrubs.  You call them leaves, us rednecks call them wipey.  Of course, the first priority is identifying EXACTLY what poison ivy looks like!  ;)
sdasaro said:
Shame on y'all. Complaining about companies making smaller sheets. My index finger is only 1 inch across. Therefor anything in excess of that is waste full. and bad for the ecology. LOL

Think the problem with that is measuring my backside, it's a couple more inches wider than my finger.  ::)

Frizlefrak said: Of course, the first priority is identifying EXACTLY what poison ivy looks like!  ;)

How do and can you identify it when it is in a spot you can't see behind you. ;D
This is just ONE of the things I love about Florida...spanish moss is everywhere and great for many things and TP is butt one of them......just watch for the chiggers
catblaster said:
This is just ONE of the things I love about Florida...spanish moss is everywhere and great for many things and TP is butt one of them......just watch for the chiggers
Glad to see you finally joined this exciting discussion Will. Take notes, there will be a quiz later. ;D
Funny part is the worries of the TP breaking up fast or not.  :p I'm sorry to say it doesn't break up faster in my toilet bowl at home nor does it as it flushes down the pipe to the septic tank. What the difference? The difference is a house toilet has a bigger flush volume to push the solid waste down the line. Which is why I always mention the pre-loading of the black tank with 5 gallons of water. Because in the RV case the flush is when you open the knife valve and this is why most here say don't dump till FULL. This give the volume you need to move the solid waste. Still the fact remain regardless the TP doesn't break down any faster in the Rv than it does at home. So why worry so much?  ???
A sure fire way to prevent paper clogging

Edit: Duplicate image.


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growing breasts . . . .

Fresh from her shower, a woman stands in front of the mirror, complaining to her husband that her breasts are too small.

Instead of characteristically telling her they are not, he uncharacteristically comes up with a suggestion: "If you want your breasts to grow, then every day take a piece of toilet paper and rub it between your breasts for a few seconds."

Willing to try anything, she fetched a piece of toilet paper and stood in front of the mirror, rubbing it between her breasts. "How long will this take?" she asks.

"They will grow larger over a period of years," he replies.

I stop. "Do you really think rubbing a piece of toilet paper between my breasts every day will make them larger over the years?"

Without missing a beat he says, "Worked for your butt, didn't it?"

He's still alive, and with a great deal of therapy, may even walk again.
Stupid, stupid man.
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