New EPDM Roof. Antenna to Satelite Conversion

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Jan 3, 2007
Getting ready to have a new rubber roof installed. With the end of broadcast TV stations this year has anyone converted to dish. Will the new folding dish units replace the old Wingard antenna without major structural change. Have the dish units been designed to do so?

Any other problems a person might encounter? My AC works fine but is 15 years old. replace it while the roof is off? Vents, replace them also?

Broadcast TV isn't going away, it's just going all digital, and not until Feb. 2009.  The Winegard batwing antenna will work just fine with the all digital signals, it's the TV that needs either a converter or replacement.  There is a lot of digital programming available today along with the pre-existing analog.

The manual Winegard rooftop satellite antenna will mount using the same hole as the batwing, but it's whole new antenna mount.  The automatic dishes don't use a through the roof hole, but mount on the surface, and are not a replacement for the batwing.
Ned, thanks. I have upgraded TV already or at least Santa Claus did. I think it was here where someone said 15 years is about the lifespan of a roof. We are getting our little MH ready for summer and a new roof was the only thing I thought we might start having trouble out of.

So while the roof is off I thought the satelite upgrade might be a good Idea. I am glad to hear the satelite will replace the antenna.

Do you reccomend vent replacements at this age or if they are removed in one piece to reinstall them?
If the vents aren't cracked, I wouldn't replace them.  If they show sun damage, then I would.

You may want to keep the batwing so you can still get the over the air RV programming in addition to satellite.  We have both antennas.
I will keep that in mind. Too bad someone hasn't came up with a piggyback design. That rusty metal grinding noise is those wheels in my head turning. Thanks.
There are some omni-directional antennas that can mount on a satellite dish, but in my experience, they aren't nearly as good as the amplified batwing antenna.
I also had one of those round piece of junk antenna/s and it was disposed of the same maner as Karl mentioned. There is a antenna for over the air reception that will clamp right on the satellite dish that works well.  Sorry I don't recall the brand name.
The antenna that clamps to the satellite dish is made by TERK.  They come in 2 versions, a single and a dual antenna for one or 2 receivers.  No they are not as good as a batwing.  I have both and can tell the difference in fringe areas.  They are not as susceptable to direction as the batwing however.

I beleve they cost about $50 to $80 depending on which version and where you get it.

Anything else??

Thanks Jim that is the name I was thinking of.  You are right they are not as sensitive as the batwing but they are far superior to those round saucer like things.
You may want to consider covering the existing roof material with stuff from here, It would be a lot cheaper and it seems to work well.  I saw an installation last spring and I would consider it if I needed to replace a roof.  I think it would be less than $500 and no removal of stuff!!  VBG
Thanks, Ron, Jim and Ned. Do you find yourselves watching more broadcast or satelite? Broadcast would be much better for local information, I understand that but didn't really want to put old tech back on after the roof job if it wasn't needed or practical. I am looking at a non mobile dish, just the basic crank up type.

If I decide to go with a new roof A/C unit any recommendations on make and model for a 15K w/heat unit?
Jim, I am from the Lake Cumberland area in KY. My best friend builds houseboats and has been doing the EPDM for about 7 years. These lake yachts demand quality installation. He will do the installation of the roof and fixtures, all I will be out is materials and some sweat.

I will take a look at the site to see what they offer. I wouldn't want to insult my friend and not let him do the job. cough cough
Jim I took a look at the Rapid Roof product. I really will probably go ahead and replace the A/C unit during this roof job. The MH is a 1991 Toyota Itasca with only 28K miles. We are trying to do any preventive maitainence before we have a problem. The previous owner poured the Kool Seal to the roof and it has worked but was really a nasty job. It looks like carp and has started to bubble.

No leaks but while covering for the winter I didn't like the looks and the bubbles had to be avoided while doing the cleaning. Don't want to be at Diamond Crater this spring and have problems.

I value the combined experience here and really wanted someone to tell me I needed to do this and replace the AC while I was at it.
We rarely watch local OTA programming, almost exclusively DirecTV.  I'm keeping the batwing for the future HD local programming, in the event we ever want to watch it.

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