New Motorhome

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Aug 13, 2016
Northern Colorado
Just had to share our excitement on the purchase of a new Class A.  One more step in preparing for retirement and breaking the chains so we can spend some serious road time, see some new places, and make some new friends. We bought a 2016, new but now last years model, Tiffin Alergro Open Road 36'. So far we have one 3 night camp about two hours from home and are planing a couple more nights out this weekend for another short test run.
So far, lots of positives and a few negatives but nothing we can't live with or adapt to.
The Positives; Its really nice, two slides, lots of comfortable seating, and massive amounts of storage in the outside cabinets. Stability, the 22.5" tires, the truck frame, and the Ford V-10 let it cruise down the road with little notice of rough road surfaces, bumps, and even the air currents from other vehicles. The old Southwind was kind of like flying a Cesna in a thunder storm, so this is a great improvement. The "solar shades", I love the solar shades. Being able to minimize the suns rays coming through that big chunk of glass should make driving into the sun much easier.
The Negatives; Both slides are on the drivers side so when I wake up in the morning and look out my bedroom window I see, you guessed it, the side of the living room slide. The good part of that is the slides don't interfere with the area under the awning.
Although it has lots of drawers and cabinets, most of them are not very big so it is hard to find places for things like large pots and pans.  But we are both veterans, so we will adapt, overcome, and improvise, and in six months we will have it down to science.
Its ammazing how long it can take to clear all your stuff out of the old coach and organize it in  the new one.  I better quit playing on the computor and get on it so we are ready fo the next trip. Will keep you posted. ;D
Congrats and enjoy.  I wish you many great adventures!
Congrats Dave! Every time we switch RV's, it's like putting together a new jig saw puzzle.  Then it takes a while to remember where everything is!  Keep us up on your progress!
SargeW said:
Then it takes a while to remember where everything is! 

I have that problem.  I keep telling myself that I need to make an inventory of what's in each of the 4 large bins I carry small stuff in.  But I don't remember to do that until I'm trying to find something.  ;)    A strange cycle that keeps on repeating.  :-[
garyb1st said:
I keep telling myself that I need to make an inventory of what's in each of the 4 large bins I carry small stuff in.  But I don't remember to do that until I'm trying to find something.

Use resealable packing slip envelopes that stick on the bin or tape zip-lock bags to the bin and put the list in the bag. You can also set the list up on a spreadsheet and be able to change the inventory if the bin has consumable stuff in it. Setting up a spreadsheet stored on your computer will also let you know which bin to look for before you open the compartment. Don't forget to change the inventory on both copies if you use something.

Oh, pics or it didn't happen!  We all want to see pics from your next exploratory trip!

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