“No EVs on a dead planet”

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other than the one issue that EV's are not as clean to build, which is true, because of the mining for the lithium and perhaps other stuff. But everything else more than makes up for it, and it's really not even debatable at this point.

-Don- Reno, NV
Also the disposal of all the batteries. I’d say it’s still debatable.
Not all EV batteries recycled.
You mean one got missed somehow? :)

Do you have a link for the last few years that shows such?

But I do wonder where up to 5% of the non-Tesla batteries end up at:

"Although the percentage of batteries recycled varies, companies in recent times often find recycling more than 95% of these batteries deposited by consumers. "

-Don- Reno, NV
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Yes, I have noticed that also. But the ones who claim ICE are cleaner or as clean as EVs can usually be caught in lies every time, other than the one issue that EV's are not as clean to build, which is true, because of the mining for the lithium and perhaps other stuff. But everything else more than makes up for it, and it's really not even debatable at this point. The tire BS almost had me convinced for a little while, until I checked more into it.

-Don- Reno, NV
Well first most folks do not know how long we have had EV's (And I mean cars not "Golf Cars" many of which are EVs) I recall seeing one back in the 1960s and the original Saturn (GM Stole the name from th Saturn car company) was A Chev NOVA converted to EV Used Golf Car Batteries. Not sure when it was made. GM took the name in 1985 I do not know if the original was a division of GM or not all I know is I never heard about them after GM made the cars. GM did market and EV but the original was an ICE conversion.

As I said above. I am convinced the future is EV's.. I am just not sure we are there yet.
Well first most folks do not know how long we have had EV's
First EV was in 1884. First ICE car was around a year later, in 1885.

But you cannot compare the technology in EVs today to the old ones. New ICE vehicles compare much better to old ICE than new EVs to old EVs.

Old EVs were simply a battery to a DC motor. Modern EVs use a very complicated waveform in pulses from an inverter going to at least one 3-phase motor. A pulse every 120°. In fact, I got a miles per charge increase by an OTA update several years ago, when Tesla discovered a better more efficient waveshape that could be sent to my Tesla OTA. So now my Tesla has slightly better range than when new.

ICE engines have not changed all that much, other than the electronics that control them. Still an explosion in a combustion chamber. No major change, IMO, except in the electronics.

Efficiency of modern EVs:~67% (average).
Efficiency of modern ICE: ~33% (average).

So EVs waste slightly less than half of the energy ICE vehicles on the average.

-Don- Reno, NV
Thanks Don.. The relative efficiency info is very useful.. And increases my support for EVs.

As I said. I likely will not out live my current car.. But if I do EV's are high on the list.

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