No more RVing for the Akers

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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2005
Maricopa, AZ
Another Quartzsite pioneer bites the dust!
We took our RV to the dealer to list for sale. Sad day. Lots of good memories of the framily.
Well, we all start and stop RVing at some point, but stopping is usually hard. It's good that you knew when the time was right for you. Good luck with the sale, hopefully the dealer treats you well.
We hope you'll continue to visit the forum and stay in touch with your many forum friends. Best wishes to you both.
So sorry to hear that, Lucy.  We recall many good times at QZ with you and George.  Do stick around here.
Happens to all of us eventually, and it's never fun.  :'(  Our keys have been hung up for several years now and we still miss the traveling and, especially, the old "pioneer" gang.  Following along on the forum helps.
I have no power over my addiction.

I can't seem to stop.

Sure I am moving slower, staying longer, but I just can't stop.

I've been parked for a month of healing and already I am itching to move along, to see what's around the next bend.

This RV situation was just going to be a temporary answer while I figured out where I fit into America after living overseas for a few decades.

Um, 6 years later, I am still careening around in my temporary home.

I just can't stop. I must be addicted.
Dang Lucy,

We did not even get to see your new RV.  Bad news is, no RV, good news  you are still a driving day away from a visit here. AND I suppose you could drive out to Q for the potluck.  Sigh........

Another  passage.  I sure hope everyone's health is ok!
Lucy sorry it was time to quit. We will have to get together for lunch sometime when you come up to the south side of PHX.
Oh no!  That's not news we wanted to hear, Lucy!  We surely will miss you at Quartzsite.  I'll always remember George practicing his roping!  I do hope you're both okay health-wise and will come pay us a visit.  You know you'll always be welcome!

Hugs to both,
ArdraF and JerryF
I'm slow in coming back on this, but I'm not getting here often anymore.  So sorry to hear you too, are hanging up the keys.  But sometimes you have to do, what you have to do.  We are still missing it terribly, but know in our hearts we did what we had to do.  Like Margi, we miss the "old pioneers" and those early days in the desert.  But we still have the memories to sustain us.  And like the others, we hope you are both well.  Keep in touch. 
Thank you everybody. Yes, fond memories of you all and so glad we met.

As my hero would say, "Happy Trails"!!
Lucy -  Strangely, I was thinking of George just this afternoon - an expression of his, "Son of a buck".  Weird.  I miss 0600 coffee club at QZ with George and Jim Dick.  There were others there, but I misremember - too shivery.  ;)

I'm still piloting the same VW bus, but our last coast to coast trip was two years ago.

Good times,
George Jannini & JoAnn Greenberg


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