Nook vs Kindle vs iPad

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
Benson , AZ.
I have read some of the threads again as well as followed along earlier.  I have benn interested in an ereader since they first came out, (how long ago?)

Ihave had the chance to play with the iPad for an evening, and for wow factor, this is the one.  For $ factor, not sure I want to spend that much. 

I see the Kindle as being fone for reading novels, but for color illustrations for reference books I lean towards the Color Nook or the iPad.  A netbook would also work, but now you have the flip open, hinge, all that stuff.  (not that there is anything wrong wih that) 

I am used to the iPad type screen on my iTouch, and wonder about the Nook screen, same kind of functions or do I have to go to apple product for that? 

How handy is the non-book functions on the Nook?  How soon is the color Kindle coming out? 

Daughter now has a Nook, and I understand about book sharing and that would be cool, just not sure what we would share. 

I have actually been holding off buying paper based books I want to read in anticipation. 

My wife is an avid reader.  She got her Nook last summer and loves it.  She is able to download books from our library and does so often. 
My wife has the Nook Color, she likes it, but, Samsung has a Galaxy Tablet, that has a nook color app, operates on the same platform as nook, but it is also a gps,camera I think, and seems to be a really expandable device.
My reading and questions say I Pad is a wow device, but it has a finite memory and really expensive.
If you need to read ebooks with color illustrations, then the color Nook is your best choice.  If you just want to read ebooks, then either the Kindle 3 or Nook will work.  We've had Kindles since the 1st generation and see no reason to switch, but do go to the stores and try both before buying.  When we looked at the color Nook it just seemed heavier than the Kindle 3 and that could be a problem when reading in bed, for instance.  For just reading ebooks, there is no need for an expensive tablet, but if you have a need for the tablet functions, it will also make a good ebook reader, but again, it will be heavier than, say, a Kindle.
If you read for long periods of time then the backlighted units will cause eye strain. One without a backlight is just like reading a paper book but doesn't have color.
My wife and I are both avid readers. We got two Kindles in Nov. and have been nose down ever since. Tara is up to 130 books and hasn't bought one yet (she's reading a lot of classics and new authors). There are literally thousands of free book's out there.
I've probably spent $100, but I'm re-reading a lot of SciFi I read years ago; most of it is from Baens web site. I have 120 books (Baens has a lot of free books as well as selling them) so the cost hasn't been bad.
I highly recommend these readers; they are easier to hold and read than the real thing.

PS Don't forget to download Calibre; it great for reformatting and managing your collection.
We were in your predicament also.  Ended up getting the Kindle 3 for $189.00.  Bought them at Staples.  We like being able to read the kindle outside and sometimes in the sunlight.  The others did not satisfy our likes or budget.  Good luck.
I've had the Kindle since they first came out and still love it.  My daughter wanted one for this past Christmas and her husband did the research and ended up with the Kindle because of (like others said) weight.  I have trouble with my hands from chemo and sometimes even holding a normal paperback is an issue, so the Kindle was really the right choice for me.  Whichever one you end up with I'm sure you'll enjoy it.  Having the luxury of shopping for my books without ever leaving my chair is wonderful...lazy, but wonderful!! :D
I agonized over this decision a few months back.  Finally picked up the Nook Color at Best Buy.  Its nice to be able to to do other things in a pinch if you need to such as checking e-mail or viewing a website.  There are a ton of rumors about being able run the latest Android OS with a soon to be released update.  We will see if that happens or not.  For the price, I think it gives you the most bang for the buck.  But if all you want to do is read, then I think the Kindle is clearly the best.  I wanted a multifunction device at a price cheaper than an iPad.
I very much like my Kobo.  Excellent device for reading a book.  $150.  Its a B&W and works very well in sunlight and room light.    It's also Canadian.

You can use Calibre, an open source system, to manage your library, convert book formats and so on for most ebook readers.
Go to Best Buy where you can play with the Nook, Kindle, Pandigital, iPad, and Sony all in the same place. See which one you like. I bought the Nook because I like the virtual keypad but because of that, the battery doesn't last nearly as long as a Kindle and I know people who bought the Kindle because they like the physical keyboard better than the virtual one. I also like being able to borrow books from the library (or will as soon as I get back to Colorado and get a Denver library card which you can only pick up in person). Mike bought the Pandigital because of the color and because it is much easier to use on the Internet than the Nook and was cheaper than the Nook Color (and it's essentially a Barnes Noble product). The Nook is noticeably heavier and thicker than the Kindle (played with my Nook and my niece's Kindle together). The Nook and the Kindle are easy to read in bright light but need an external light if you want to read in the dark while Mike's Pandigital can be read in the dark but isn't so great in the sunshine. There are things I like about both the Nook and the Kindle and the Pandigital and would love to take features from both and put together one awesome eReader.

Like I said, find someplace where you can play with all the different ones and pick the one you like the best. Then be sure to visit to download tons and tons and tons of free books. Guess we should have had an eReader round table, show & tell at Quartzsite like I had planned :) You could have tried out Nook, Kindle, Pandigital, iPad and perhaps others.

Enjoy the search and enjoy your eReader when you get one.
Cattail Cove State Park

Most of the advice you are getting in this thread is spot on.  "Spot on" means it agrees with my own thoughts LOL!

I wish I had known you were on this mission when I was out at  QZ.

For sure, if you are going to read lots of novels by the beach (or in the QZ sunlight) Kindle 3 wins hands down.  The pages even look like paper books.  The brighter the lighting the brighter they read.

My only regret is not being able to use a bird book (Peterson) or a rockhounding book.  The Kindle 3 handles illustrations beautifully, but not in color.  You need color for rockhounding and birding.  So with those, I still use real paper.  I don't know about the color nook, but it would be hard to beat the Kindle 3, for non color novel reading.

Whatever you get, welcome to the new world where you can hold many thousands of books in the palm of your hand.

Best Buy is nearby in Flagstaff, might try it again.  Bought a Netbook for Jolene and she hates it.  Uses touchpad, and with the small screen, it is just inconvenient, along with the fact she is not that comfortable with a PC anyway.  So, might just turn it is=n and get something else.  I was thinking an alternate use would to use the netbook for an e-reader, get my color illustrations, but it is just not that convenient for this purpose. 

Deep down, I want the iPad.  I like the fact it has the apps, the books, the connectivity.  I just don't like the price.  I have the iTiouch, so have been reading like this for a bit.  Just too small. 

If your a kindle user, there is a PC app. You can also read books from your PC without buying a Kindle., Kindle Store. Or you can read books you already have on your kindle.

Also, you can charge and read your Kindle, by usb, if you eject it. But do not physically remove the usb.

I read books on my PC, Kindle 2, android phone and Ipad. They Sync with one another, and you pick up right where you left off, no matter what device.

I like to read on the PC at night. With enlarging the print, I can read without my glasses. And can see pretty well too in the evening light.

I you go to Wal Mart, and to the photo frame dept, you can find a free standing frame holder, or plate holder. Which will hold your devices for you, if you read at a table.

Ned, nice article!  Maybe wait for my second one free.  I guess any of us in our age group uderstands and related to the razor business model.  I just don't understand the Apple bizMod, sell them high, allow no discounting, and get people to believe the system is the best.  Great concept!

Our daughter went for the Nook.  I was looking on the Nook selection, and for subscription type publications they don't seem to have the selection yet.  iPad being able to have readers from both Nook and Kindle etc, has access to more.  With a PDF reader, it can show any pdf files you may have.  I have most all my manuals in pdf.  I know there are programs to covnert, but to be able to di it in native format seems a bit better.

I have both apps on my PC now.
Calibre has plugins available to convert even DRM restricted ebooks so format isn't a big a concern any longer.  I've been able to convert epub to mobi with it, but don't tell the paranoid publishers :)
You can read pdf files on the Nook. And you can read just about any ebooks on your PC if that's where you prefer reading them. I'm enjoying my Nook while I wait for someone to come out with something that can be read in the light or in the dark, has a battery that lasts 6 months, and weights 3 ounces :)

One thing to keep in mind: if you buy Kindle format books, you can read the books on darned near anything. The Kindle apps for the iPad and Mac are pretty good.

On the other hand, you can only read Apple's iBook format on iPad or iPhone, and NOT the Mac, as far as I can tell. Bummer!

I compared prices on a few books offered by both Apple and Amazon for their respective readers. Amazon is always cheaper.

So: even though I am a fan of Apple products (and have been since the late 1970's), I recommend Kindle over other options if reading books is your primary interest.

Barnes & Noble, and other brick and mortar bookstores, are in financial trouble. Borders is in bankruptcy and Barnes & Nobles is up for sale and may end up in bankruptcy if no buyer is found. Don't know if that will affect Nook or its usability in the future.
While my question is not regarding which to purchase, it is related . . . so, I have the Nook (basic e-reader only), and have seen where many folks have said there are tons of free books available.  When I go to B&N, I can only find "free samples".  Am I missing something or is that all there is?  Any other websites available for free "full version" ebooks?  Thanks in advance for any assistance you all can give me  :)
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