Norcold 662 fridge wont stay lit on LPG

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Jun 28, 2010
Hello everyone,

Well I seem to have another problem with the fridge in my trailer. (Norcold 662) While boondocking a couple of different trips in October and November, the fridge after some coaxing with the switch will light on LPG mode for a few hours to even overnight and works great it gets really cold and even makes ice cubes in the freezer but then for no rhyme or reason the red check light comes on and the fridge quits working. It will work fine in Auto mode with the generator running but just having problems in Gas mode. Any ideas anyone? (And yes there is plenty of propane lol) Thanking you guys in advance.
I can think of several things to look at: poor gas pressure; clogged LP regulator; low DC voltage, dirt/rust/bug nests in the burner tube; improperly adjusted igniter gap; bad igniter (intermittent failure)
Thanks Gary.  I have an older Norcold 6182 in which I have replaced the burner tube assembly.  All possible items you mentioned have been ruled out except the igniter itself and possibly a LP regulator.  The stove and oven work fine.  The water heater has another issue.  It fires up just fine and and has no problem getting up to temperature but then the pressure relief valve starts to leak.  The pressure relief valve has been replaced.  Thinking I have a bad thermal limiter.  The boss...I mean wife says the water is too hot.  Just not sure  what to do about it now?
Back to the problem at hand...
Where would be a good, reliable place to obtain a new igniter?  All the other possibilities you mentioned have been ruled out.  Except maybe the LP regulator.  It was also mentioned that maybe a circuit board problem in the fridge.  I think I would like to try a new igniter first being quick and easy.  After all, the thing is old and it couldn't hurt for the price.  Otherwise, the fridge works great. 
Wadda ya think?
What kind of job was it and approx. cost?  I'm pretty handy but I also know when a particular job is over my head without instruction.
Also, where did you get the part?  The same place may be a good choice to get an igniter too.

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