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Active member
Sep 27, 2013
california or az, I can't decide
Hey Y'all !

I just found this place. It is pretty cool!

I have always had this traveling thing going.
Born and raised as an air force brat doesn't help. I always moved every three years whether I wanted to or not.
Thirty years in machining, I went where the money was.

It's a curse I tell you!

I can't make up my mind ...
Arizona or California
I am still trying each in order to find my preference. Can I have both?

I almost forgot. (My evening meds must be kicking in...)

I went full time in September 2012 in Northern AZ in my first mini-rv.
I am kind of broke down at the moment, in Central Coast California, but it is wet and cold. I miss the quiet and serenity of the desert. Does that mean I am a Desert Rat? I need to get back. The problem is, my mini-rv needs some maintenance at the moment. I think I might have aggravated that situation with the California trails around here. I think the rocks are harder here! I am hoping to see the Verde Valley for the holidays. We'll see how that goes...

I hope I get meet y'all!
(And by the way, the spell checker is wrong! That is how you spell " y'all ". I don't think the spell checker ever spent much time in Texas. Sorry for the rant... (< step down from soap box >)

I hope to get to meet y'all. Here is cool, but out and about is better.

Happy Trails !
Let me help you with your CA vs AZ decision.  This one is EASY!

If you are politically conservative, go with AZ.  If you are politically liberal, go CA (Please bring lots of money for taxes.  We need it.). 

As far as RVing, I doubt you could find a much better place to RV than CA.  Beaches, mountains, forests, deserts, you name it, CA has it.

This is a link to the CA State Parks camp host page, if you are thinking about doing that:  There are hundreds of opportunities there.  The downside for CA RVing is the price of gas.
Inscap said: "The downside for CA RVing is the price of gas."

And the poor roads, and the small campsites, and the ridiculous 55 mph speed limit when towing, and the roads with length limitations, and the rush hour traffic (all day long), and the high food prices, and the high camping fees. I'm sure I missed a few that will come to me in a couple of minutes.

bucks2 said:
Inscap said: "The downside for CA RVing is the price of gas."

And the poor roads, and the small campsites, and the ridiculous 55 mph speed limit when towing, and the roads with length limitations, and the rush hour traffic (all day long), and the high food prices, and the high camping fees. I'm sure I missed a few that will come to me in a couple of minutes.
And it is still the best and most populated state in the union. ;D
Hey Y'all!

(I love that spell checker)

Thanks for the posts!

And thanks inscop for the linkie.
I was on that site just 20 minutes ago, looking up the golden bear and disabled discount passes. I wonder if I can apply for both? I thinks the disabled discount is the way to go, as the glden bear has no discount effect on camping. I will have to make a new post on that topic in the forum.

BTW I am still waiting on more parts, I sure do know how to bust up suspension parts... But it was worth it... I got to spend 3 nights boondocking at my avatar campsite.

I have a gripe... Why does boondocking come up wrong in the spell checker?
I guess the spell checker doesn't like dry camping...

Happy Trails,

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