Off Again

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So soon as I get the chickens fat enough, they aren't fattening up very fast in this heat and the corn done we are out of here.

I'm still planning on Yellowstone.  Hubby said I need to go no later then the 1st of August for sure as we could get into fall weather and I don't want to do that.

So I'm crossing my fingers, that over the next 3 weeks that everything comes together and we are able to get out of here.

I always looked at factors of why we couldn't go, just never thought of health as being one I guess.  I'm sure getting antsy, have to sit back and be patient.  I'm tryin', I'm tryin' real hard.

All of you have a great time on your trips and adventures, we hope to soon!!
I forgot, also have to get our newest rental rented before I go, but don't think that will be a problem, there are no vacancies in that neighborhood.  Hubby has been working on it and should be done this week.  I have a bit of staining on some cabinets and maybe polyeurathaning them and just general cleaning.  Clean windows, mop floors, cabinets, stove, etc.  I want to rent it, I won't let anyone else make the final decision on my renters.  I've had one eviction in over 15 years, the only one I didn't interview.  I look at all the facts, then end up renting by my gut feeling.  This will be our 7th renter. Most have rented from us for 10 years or more, one little over a year, the next about 5 years.

Only bad thing is our handyman is in jail till August!!  He had drivers license problems and chose jail over paying fines, seems crazy to me, but oh well.  He does work for us when hubby is gone if its needed, so hope he is out soon.
PatrioticStabilist said:
Only bad thing is our handyman is in jail till August!!  He had drivers license problems and chose jail over paying fines, seems crazy to me, but oh well.

There was a recent murder in the jail in Edmonton.  The victim was only in overnight because he chose to serve a day rather than pay the $100 or $150 or so fine.  The jail was overcrowded, they're building a new one, and that section was under supervised.
Well we are gearing up to go likely middle of next month. I offered on another property couple of days ago, we just missed getting it, honestly Tom and I are glad we didn't at this time.  He said its to much for me anymore and he will be gone.

My canning is done, likely 200 jars or more, I know I have 60 of tomatoes, 40 of juice, 58 of beans and there is tons of other stuff.

If I have time I'm canning some bean soup, vegetable soup, making peach and strawberry jam, garden is pretty much gone.  Some tomatoes left and some peppers.

Starting on dressing out the chickens tomorrow, did 2 last week, was so dang hot, I like to collapsed, 105, is not getting it.  Want to do 10 more, then the barred rocks need to be a few weeks older so 6 more after that, down to only 4 for eggs.

Sue Anne is doing better, I had to get her off most everthing, back on brand name premarin.  Also she is taking protonix for her ulcer, that was a lot of her pain she kept wanting pain pills for, circular issue there.  They did start her on Seroquel, lowest dose, it is helping her.  Though I'm not thrilled about it, will do it.  I have been assured if the situation deteriorates they have someplace to put her in a very nice group home.  That takes a load off my mind. 

I am going to start out with her and see how she does for a few days, if it looks like its not going to work we will cirlce around and come home, but I'm very optomistic that she will be fine.  The newest rent house will be ready after I run over and clean a few things yet and pick up cleaning supplies, its ready and cute as a button.  Tom does great work.

He is down for his physical today, after that waiting for his visa and passport back and he will be gone.  He is going to a project in Indonesia, island of Borneo.  It's in Sangatta, East Kalimantan.  He will be supervising the building of a 13 mile conveyor system on pylons, carrying coal from the mine to the port, I assume through the jungle, the project is already way behind.  Not sure what part or if its all he will oversee.  Contract is 7 months, but they said expect 15.  It's in the jungle, in fact on the equator!  Sounds like a real paradise to me! :eek:  He will be living in a camp situation and is chomping at the bit to go.  I have got to see him retiring after this.  He can no longer work in Algeria where they have a big project as he is to old.  They can no longer go there if they are over 60.

So things are coming together for both of us.  My tenant will care for my dog, our 15 year old cat will go with us and my back neighbor will care for the chickens for me.  I hope they start to lay as he is wanting eggs.

Sooooo, crossing fingers and toes that all goes well, so far so good.  I'm itching to go too. ;D  I really really want to see Yellowstone.
PatrioticStabilist said:
He is going to a project in Indonesia, island of Borneo.  It's in Sangatta, East Kalimantan.  He will be supervising the building of a 13 mile conveyor system on pylons, carrying coal from the mine to the port, I assume through the jungle, the project is already way behind.  Not sure what part or if its all he will oversee.  Contract is 7 months, but they said expect 15.  It's in the jungle, in fact on the equator!  Sounds like a real paradise to me! :eek:
Not to me.  A sister was living in Sri Lanka.  After hearing about constant heat, 28-32 C, year round, humidity and bugs I'm happy to live in more moderate climate. 
Looks like tentatively we are heading out about the 15 of July.  Tom is supposed to leave about then for Jakarta.  Sue Anne is doing better, just have to go for a few days and see how she does.  I sure hope she can handle it.

She is driving me nuts, she is loading the motorhome, I keep saying, no, you cannot take your bedroom!  She had the dog in the motorhome today because of a real thunderbumper.  I was looking all over and there they were in there.  Oh man, he was happy as a clam.  She went in the house and I lay down in bed which I could hardly get in for all her junk until the storm was over.  He was so scared he wanted to get in with me, NO!  It was so hot in the garage got 103 today that it was just not good to put him in there. We have been keeping the AC on in there some days 80 or so, I don't like the closed up odor they get.  Also she likes to go out there as do I.

I cleaned out bays the other day so they are good to go.  Have to vacuum, dust, and load items again.  I took most stuff out last time to clean, not all the food though.  Tom has all the mechanicals checked out for us.

The canning is all done.  I still haven't "dressed out" all the chicks as they just didn't seem to have enough meat on them, so waiting a couple more weeks to do most of them.  Really hard for them to gain in this horrible heat.

But so far, so good, she and I are itching to go.  But I don't want to leave before Tom does, that would seem very insensitive to me if he did that to me.  In fact all of us are itching to go!  Poor dog is going to feel left out. 
:( Delayed again.  I'm starting to wonder if I'm ever going to get to go this year.  Sue Anne has had medical issues since last November. Twisted knee, then the frozen shoulder, had therapy for months.  She has lost 28 pounds in 3 months,  we are thrilled as she needed to but we really didn't do much to cause it.  The docs were convinced she needed medication for mental issues as her actions were out of control at times. They thought maybe diabetes but she had an AC1 test and it was a 6 while diabetes is a 7, so they ruled that out.  I was not convinced this was a psychosis.  It could be but like from one day to the next and she had never done those things before?  I took her off those meds, it was horrible what they were doing to her. I kept looking and researching and reading. There aren't very many doctors that have ever seen a patient with Williams Syndrome.  So I finally have arrived at some conclusions.  I got info from the Williams Syndrome Association.  Apparently these young adults have issues with thyroid and glucose issues.  Out of a study group of 20 only 2 had normal levels, several had full blown diabetes, some had silent diabetes, and the rest had glucose intolerance issues. 

I finally worked it out that every 4 hours she would start just having real issues, agitation, anger, no control of her emotions.  My husband had seen some commercials for a product called Glycerna so I got some.  Now if I'm not able to get her something to eat in 4 or 5 hours she drinks a bottle, within 10 minutes she is ok.  Also in the middle of the night I told her if she starts feeling shaky to get one.  With the drugs they were giving her I don't think she could even figure out what was going on.  Now with the right foods and frequent eating and a lot of vitamins and minerals she is doing much better.  However, I know there is some underlying cause.  So I have an appointment with an endocrinologist at Baylor Medical Center the 22nd, and the followup August the 5th.  She is very unhappy with me but I told her we have to find out what is wrong before we go on any kind of extended trip. I wonder how many people end up with the wrong diagnosis and they are treated with just pills being thrown at them.  I just hope this is the answer and its something we can take care of.  Sooooo, here we go again another delay.  I did take her the other day and we went for a long drive in the motorhome about 70 miles or so and I will take her to Galveston for a few days until we can go somewhere.  Life sure gets in the way of fun sometimes, but just the way it goes. :eek:
Better to delay or cancel than to get caught somewhere with a really bad event.  I'm glad you're taking her to an endocrinologist.  It sure sounds like something to do with low/high blood sugar.  If a bottle of Glycerna every four hours helps, maybe just eating something of the right stuff (whatever it might be) will help too.  I hope so for all your sakes!

I meant to say she only gets the Glycerna if for some reason I can't get her some quality food in time.  Now she is off all the "dope" they had her on she can tell me when she is getting shaky or feeling funny instead of getting out of it. I told her not to just be drinking it whenever as it could throw her the opposite way plus its fattening.

Anyway life here the last 4 days has improved drastically, hope it lasts till I can get her in. She is worried we won't get to go anywhere.  I told her it may not be Yellowstone this year but we can still make Vegas, which she loves, or someplace like that even in the fall if we have to wait that long.
You know I think I'm jinxed.  I'm sitting here with 2 motorhomes, we offered on another property and got the durn thing.  Now we will be building out a little one bedroom shell house, sigh.

My carpenter is starting next week, last one is done and has been rented, great tenants.  When this one is done will be rental number 8.  We will have a duplex and 3 houses, so 5 renters there.  1 is a 35 ft TT, another a mobile home lot, and the tenant in a  2 bedroom mobile next to us.  When hubby retires we plan to put 30 ft TT's on 6 more lots we own and rent them.  That is a lot of our retirement income.

Anyway, I'm thinking of having him work 2 weeks then taking off and having him come back when I get home.  Hubby said get him approved on our Home Depot card and mail him a check once a week while gone.  But I kind of like to see what he is doing. I'm not sure how to handle it.  He and I usually go over things he is working on every few days.  But business keeps getting taken care of before pleasure.  I guess I will see how it goes for the next 2 weeks, maybe he can get it buttoned up to the point I can leave for awhile.  He does get other jobs so that would give him a chance to do some of those too.

I am ready to load up and leave, this has not been a year for us to travel like I planned.  :'(
At least Sue Anne is doing well.  She has after I basically got her off the psychotic medicine crap they were giving her.  I kept telling them she is not crazy.

Since August 7th, she has done just great. She is on plain old valium and she is more mentally together then I've ever heard her.  She is calm, told me she is feeling so much better.  I am thrilled and all is well.

She does take citrizine for allergies, premarin, the ulcer drug still, valium, half a tab in the morning and one at night to help her sleep and vitamins and an acetaminphine for just overall pain.

I have gotten her and I off sodas at home.  She can drink one when out or for dinner out, but there are none in the fridge, this was hard for both of us.

Still crossing our fingers and hoping to go, but if we don't for awhile, its certainly not because of illness.  So here's hoping.
I hope you get out soon. Where do you think you will head at this time of year?

We are going to run down to Matagorda and fish a bit.  A nice COE park down there, then head to Vegas for a bit.  And not sure where beyond that, but hey that's enough of a plan, just wherever.  It's just durn hard for me to get away anymore.
I'm so tired I can hardly wiggle, slept till almost 10 and I remembered have to let the chicks out and feed them plus feed daughter!

We went to the lake subdivision where we bought a little shell house.  I had the carpenter and his friend start on it.  Took the motorhome and Sue Anne and I stayed all week.  We had electric to fix so he used the generator for his tools. 

I didn't even realize that the furnace would run on battery, got in the 40's a couple of nights.  We stayed nice and comfy on battery power, took the batteries down about a 1/4 at night and recharged them during the day.

I got the water turned on and we hooked up temp to it.  Had been a mobile on the front of the lots so had a drain.  They had cut the water line but we were able to sit it up temp to use. The drain line is above the ground so I started digging it out, went back about 10 ft and found the main drain I think, another clean out at ground level, going to cut it off and leave that so when I go up between rentals I can use it for the motorhome if I want.

I have been clearing more trash and brush off.  Hubby and I took off 2 1/2 tons of everything.  I got a 20 cubic yard dumpster for the small room tear off and roof.  I have it all cleaned except about 3 raked up stacks in the back but I'm tired.

We couldn't use satellite, the trees were just to tall so that didn't thrill Sue Anne. Anyway we are back home as of last night, left the motorhome a few more days.

That is a small lake subdivision with canals and the lake is so low they tell me they are dry, need to look and the lake has retreated way out.  The city of Houston is pumping water from it to flow down there as they are very low.  The drought here is the worst in many years.  We are losing more trees at our house.  A couple of that lot are dead others just of poor quality and to near the house are coming out.  It looks like here even my crape myrtles are dying.  They are so hardy that tells you its bad.  Right now I see 2 huge pines we have to take out, 2 ornamental trees, one of my crape myrtles, I fear we will lose all our trees before this is over.

I told my carpenter to work till the 4th of November and then hang it up for awhile.  I have tried to leave on vacation 3 or 4 times this year and I'm going.  We will resume work when I come back.  I need this break so we are going for  at least 2 weeks, maybe more. FINALLY

The house will be secure, we aren't wiring it yet, just a couple of runs for security lights for now.
I'm getting excited.  Going up to get the motorhome, electrician got some security lights up and receptacles for the carpenter to use so generator not needed. And don't want to leave it unattended with Halloween coming up, my tenant next door is taking me to get it today.

I've got to get the propane topped off, take out some of Sue Annes "junk", man she likes to pack the junk in the trunk!!  Start loading clothes, make a food list and see what we have in there and what I need to add from the home canned goods and freezer.  Tow car is in the shop to see why we have a check engine light on.

Also cancelled the AT&T internet we had for the laptop when traveling, I didn't like it and was to high.  Anyone got Verizon, I read you can buy what you want when you want to use it like the prepaid phone, anyone have it,  is it good??  Need to get something so hubby can call on Skype and keep track of us.

I was afraid to put the motorhome in the shop to get the cruise fixed, will later, thought I might not get it back in time.  I've never had it on it so won't miss it. Everything else is fine, check fluids though, hubby changed them not that long ago.  Need to check hours on generator,  I have run it a lot this time, oil and filter might need changed.

I hope its not freezing in Matagorda was 39.8 here this morning, brrrrr.

Also had trouble getting the oven pilot to light.  I know air gets in the lines but normally after I light the burners its good to go, not this time.  Bought some new long lighters, will try again.  We like to bake!! 

To Matagorda first then wonder out toward Las Vegas.  Not sure what route yet.  Like to leave on Sundays so I don't encounter the freeway challenges here.

Lots to do this week to get ready, also to see carpenter wraps up the outside rent house work.  Hope I don't have to delay, but will a few days if necessary.  Sue Anne is ready!!  Has her traveling shoes on, she is getting excited, me too.  Our year didn't work out like we planned but hey getting to go somewhere, anywhere works for us! ;D
I wouldn't/don't drive anywhere over 45mph without cruise control. With the Allison 3060 I'm able to hold rpm and get great mpg. That saves a lot of $$. With the torque of the diesel. it's always a smooth, pleasurable drive. My leg, esp with the slow recovery from tendonitis, a side effect of Levaquin, couldn't take a long trip. . . 

I would get an appointment at my engine dealer [Cummins,]and have them fix it ASAP, even before Wallmart. But, that's just me.
The diesel has working cruise and it is nice.  This one didn't work when I bought it and just never had it fixed.  I likely will when I get back.  I never thought about, heck, had all summer to have it fixed.  I doubt there is much wrong with it.  Hubby likely could have fixed it, he just never got time.

Tree cutter didn't show up, said his truck was down and couldn't find my number.  Of course

Carpenter must have decided Saturday he needed a day off, after specifically asking me if he could work Saturday, guess he partied to much to work Saturday.  People!  So now I am having scheduling conflicts of getting the needed work finished on the outside of the new rental.

Last night went out to get a soda out of a bay and turned on the coach lights.  Almost totally off.  Checked coach batteries, dead as a doornail.  They were up all week while using it and were fully charged night before, now what is on to drain them over night??

I couldn't start the gennie and had to turn off the fridge.  So today am going to back up and plug in to charge them.  They were new batteries last year.  Will check them and see if there is any corrosion.  Humm wonder if the guys turned off the button by the door that lets them charge.  The motorhome itself started fine.  Need to get DD to come out and hold the button that connects both sets of batteries and see if the gennie will start.

Come to think of it the guys said the saw flipped a breaker somewhere.  I reset it, hope something didn't get fried somewhere.    Need to go out and look at that today.

I have overdone it a bit, hauling off lumber and tilling the garden.  It gets my flat feet which in turn throws my back out.  Likely time to get the orthotics built up more.

Ok, let me see if I can get everything charged up and running.  I'm sure I didn't have the furnace on, yet the propane looks like it went down a quarter in one day, just filled the tanke.

The plan is still to leave next Sunday, lets see if that happens. :-\

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