Official Announcement

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2006
For those that haven't already heard about this, Fred and I are hanging up the RV keys.  Leaving all our adventures and great memories behind us as we move back to Fred's roots and our family in Maine.  Daisy is not looking forward to the cold and snow, as I've certainly enjoyed the Arizona sunshine, so I am asking all my good friends to soak up plenty of it for me.  Fred is delighted to get back into it. 

As time goes on, life has a way of changing course as well as minds.  We've missed the family and are anxious to meet a few new members that have joined us in recent years.  Our driving days are just about over and it's time to move on. 

We will be forever thankful for the life all of you have given to us. Your friendships and good times will remain with us as long as our minds do.  We have had lots of fun times with so many of you.  The many Christmas parties at Desert Gold, [Jim Dick's new camera comes to mind], numerous News Years out on the desert, Alalmo Lake, and finally Catalina.  All the Quartszite rallies since Jan 1995 that we have so much enjoyed.  And, the biggest is suddenly finding each other on the opposite side of the country, or out in the boonies somewhere, when we could continue to party. 

Anyone coming East at anytime, be sure to give us a heads up.  We won't be able to park you, but we will try to find you some great clams and lobsters.

Daisy & Fred
A sad passage for us  but completely well thought out by you!  We'll see you again my friends!
Thanks for the heads up Daisy. We've enjoyed the all-too-few times together since our fist meeting at the Plymouth rally in 1995. You've both passed along numerous gems of RV-related information and tips that many of us have benefited from.

We hope you won't be total (online) strangers, but wish you both the very best in this 'new' chapter in your lives.

Tom and Chris
We will miss seeing you both on our now less frequent trips west, but do hope to see you around here once in a while.  We wish the very best to you.
You know that old saying "Once a Marine, always a Marine"?  Even though you're hanging up the RV keys, we'll still be here and you probably will be too once you're settled in your new digs.  We'll anticipate your occasional posts and everyone will be looking forward to having some mini-rallies in Maine!  Thank you for making so many of us feel welcome at our RV Forum rallies, not to mention all the great stories that kept us entertained.  It's been quite a ride!

Fred and Daisy, we wish you both the very best in making many happy memories with those grandkids.

ArdraF and JerryF
Look on the bright side - it's the beginning of yet another chapter in your lives.  And hopefully some of us in the East will get to see more of you too!
Oh, my!  So much to say and I can't find the words.  A first, I know.  We have so very many memories of fun times with you over the nearly 20 years since we first "met" you on the forum and soon after in person.  We wish you well and will eagerly look forward to tales of your adventures with your family.  Pictures, too, I hope.  Please e-mail your new address when you settle.  It's the end of one era and the beginning of another.  Godspeed.  :-*
Now that's the best reason I've seen for visiting Maine ! Stock up on firewood and stay warm.

Daisy And Fred

Good luck on the move.

Sue and I will see you in Maine.

I want to say "thanks for the memories" and there are a lot of those, but that seems too final when really like somebody said its the start of a new chapter.

Enjoy.  And do you still have that Queen Victoria cast iron stove?

Please continue to share your wisdom and insights with us.

Best wishes to you for your "new" life style.  Our memories of rallies and times with you both are of great value to us.  We too are moving but I hope to still be able to RV for a few more years but the time is coming to face the selling of the RV and doing as you are doing.  I am not looking forward to that day and have some empathy for your situation.

Our best to you both, we will miss seeing you as I doubt we will ever travel east again.
I have never met you, but best wishes on your new adventure.  With that many years of RV experience, you must have a lot on knowledge, so please continue to share it with us on the forum. 
Daisy & Fred,

I hope you know that just moving to Maine won't prevent us from finding you!

We will see you two again.

Take care,

Hey what's the idea of moving back to Maine in the fall, just when it's starting to get cold. Hope the move isn't soon. Laurie and I were planning to try to come for a visit around 22OCT. Will you still be in Serra Vista then?

We're going to miss you folks. Who knows? We just might visit you there, in Maine.

I still remember that you two were the very first folks Laurie and I met in person from the RVForum back in 1994. Time sure does fly.

Thank you all for the very warm wishes.  We will miss you all, but hope some of you will give a holler as you pass through the Portland area so we can hook up.  As with most of our decisions, they are quick and we make plans as we move along.  Can't believe how quickly it has all come together.  Our car is on the carrier heading east; our "things" were packed and loaded on Thurs. and assume they are also on their way.  We've sent two boxes ahead of time with our necessities of things we need immediately.  Have packed our carry on bags, and by tomorrow this time, we'll have taken off from Tucson.  [Good Lord willin' and the crick don't rise).  Sorry Chet & Laurie,  but we will have to catch up with you in Maine.  Joel, yes, we still have the "Queen Atlantic," but it's in storage and no room for it in the small apt. we'll be living in at first.  None of the kids want/or have room for it, so we will probably sell it when we get back up there.  Part of that "necessity" box has our sweats and long johns.  Yes, we'll probably need them right away, as we leave 88 degrees for 53.  Not looking forward to that, but am looking forward to seeing the family and all the peripherals that have been added in the last few years.  Good luck to all of you and I'll tune in here once in a while to make sure everyone is still behaving themselves and living the good life.

Daisy & Fred 
What a wonderful life we have had with our framily.  All the dozens of "campfires" we have enjoyed, all the places traveled to and from.  The scenic lunch stops looking out on our great country.  We do and will continue to view the hundreds of Forum pictures and films and will recall the stories told around those "campfires."  I still have my "HFWPOH" award.    Never say "goodby",  it's always "see you down the road."
Fred, a big thanks for all you've done for our forum. Hope to see you down the road. Have a safe trip.
Fred, thank you for all the good times we've enjoyed with you and Daisy.  They are some of our fondest memories.  I don't know if we'll ever get back to Maine, but you never know.  Best of everything to both of you.
Fred & Daisy. You two continue to amaze Laurie & me. What did you do, wake up one morning and someone said lets move back to Maine and the other said OK and then you were packed that afternoon?

Gee, Laurie and I are just getting into this full timing thing and we were looking forward to asking you lots of questions. We spent the last week of SEP in one of your favorite campgrounds, Lake Cochiti COE. We were right on top the hill with a view of the lake and only one other site in that loop was occupied. What a great place!

Good luck on your new venture and remember to wake Fred when you relocate and need to move his chair.<<VBG>>


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