One more question about traveling to Alaska

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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2010
I have a Direct TV system in my RV which is in the inactive mode at this time.  Was going to activate it when I headed to Alaska but I have heard that it will not work traveling through Canada and Alaska.  Is this correct?
Without a larger (32" IIRC) sat antenna you will not receive Direct while up north.
It will work if you can see the satellites.  In Alaska, that can be a problem as the elevation angles are so low, with the satellites nearly on the horizon.
Ned's experience was different than ours. We had an oval Motosat dish that received internet while in western Alaska but our 18" round direct TV sat did not work north of Prince George.
Of course, that was 8 years ago, and we gave up on DirecTV as it was just too difficult to work with up there.  The Datastorm did work well when we could see the horizon, but that was a .74 meter dish, like Jeff had.
I do have a motosat dish and also the Kingdome in motion dish that came on the rig, which I haven't used in years.  Possibly the Motosat would work at times up there.
I have found that many of the campgrounds have cable - forget using a dish it is nearly impossible to get a clear shot at the satellites with them being low n the horizon and many, many mountains in the way....

Good Luck - enjoy the scenery and listen to the radio...there is almost always radio with local news and weather...



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