Ontario to Las Vegas March 20

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2006
How would the roads be to go from Ottawa, Ontario to Las Vegas in the March 20 timeframe be?  Any mountainous roads to avoid for fear of snow or sand storms?  what would be the best route to avoid such as much as possible?
Snow can come any time in march when ant where near the Sierra mountain range, sand storms are in Saudi Arabia, no chance of that. It would be more predictable later in the year.>>>Dan
80W to Salt Lake to 15S is a good bet if no storms coming through.
  70W across CO. can be a nightmare IF the road is open after the recent rockslides.
  40W to Barstow, CA has mountains in AZ. and is out of the way (you go S of Las Vegas then 150 miles back N on 15). 40W to 95N is another option. It follows the Colorado River to Hoover Dam etc.
  From MN to S.CA. I usually take 80W to 15S and watch the weather.
  The 'Saudi Arabia' sand storms usually occur in fall/early winter in the Mojave. They can be brutal with zero visibility. After an El Nino (rain) Winter blowing dust/sand shouldn't be a problem for awile in the desert. You travels should keep you north of Mojave.
Have you been following the weather in the western U.S.?  Weather is a HUGE factor this year for winter travelers.  El Nino storms are rolling in off the Pacific Ocean and causing all kinds of weather-related problems.  Yesterday (3/9/10) it snowed on the floor of the Las Vegas Valley and it may reach 70 degrees this weekend.  Whatever route you choose, be prepared for very variable weather with layered clothing.  Also be prepared to hole up if it gets bad.  You'll need to watch the weather constantly because it can change very quickly.  If you have a weather radio, bring it and use it.  I would be tempted to try to I-80 to I-15 route but it will be iffy and you may have to drop south much earlier.  You probably know that weather across Nebraska can include a lot of snow and its hazardous.  But, many people don't realize that numerous sections of I-80 in Wyoming are in the 6,000-7,000 foot elevation range and they often close the highway because of drifting snow.  We've seen snow fall in Riverton Wyoming in May.

Other alternatives for cross-country are I-70, but that crosses the Rockies west of Denver and, as Wendy mentioned, may still be closed.  The rockslide did some major damage, including one boulder going through the roadbed of a bridge.  The reports I saw talked about I-70 being closed for quite a while.  They're dynamiting the boulders so they can move them.  Then they'll have to do repairs to the road.

The next southern crossing is I-40 which goes across New Mexico's high country and then across Northern Arizona.  Flagstaff is almost 7,000 feet in elevation and storms can close that road in both states.  After Kingman AZ the road drops down out of snow areas.

That leaves I-10 which is the preferred winter crossing.  Even it has been known to have blizzards in Texas that closed the highway.

So, take your pick but be prepared to change, stop until the weather changes for the better, and above all drive safely.  Definitely stay on major highways that are more likely to be cleared quickly and where more help would be available if needed.

Thank you all for your suggestions, you have me nervous now...What if I went south via 81 to Tennessee and LA, Texas and over that way, is it way too far out of the way?
I have been in Las Vegas all winter and right now there is snow on the mountains surrounding town and it is very cold every night. If you are coming next week dress warm.

The thing about the weather in the western half of the USA is that the altitude is a major factor, unlike most of eastern North America.  I grew up on the east coast of the US but have been in California for 10+ years and it's really a different mindset regarding the weather.  For example, if you're in Ottowa and it's below freezing and snowing then it's probably below freezing and snowing in Quebec and probably the same in Toronto (generally speaking).  But out here it can be sunny and mild in one area but an hour away it's freezing and snowing.  And it's largely because of the altitude, and can be as large as an entire state, as one poster said, Wyoming, along I 80 is 6000-7000 feet for most of the state, or it can be a small as one mountain, such as Big Bear mountain here in S California, which can, and does, get many feet of snow, at 6500 feet elevation.  But drive to where I live and it will be 30-40 degrees warmer.  So my advice is to know the areas that are mountainous, such as the places already mentioned, and also be prepared for a layover in case of unexpected weather.

Yesterday was March 20th so I assume Workingtorv is on his way from Ontario to Las Vegas.  Sure hope he reports in so we know which route he followed and how it went.

  Tom: I noticed that too but in view of her recent assorted posts thought she had loaded her M/H on another cruise ship and was now in Singapore.  terry
ROFL!  Guess I have March 20th on the brain.  Thanks for getting me back on track.  :-[ ;) :)

No the "He" is a she and you all scared me too much to venture out, I am too nervous to be driving over mountains in snow.  I will do it by plane next year or make it a longer trip so that if it is bad we would have the time to stop and wait it out.  I want to see the Grand Canyon and want to do Phoenix and Flagstaff, Vegas was thrown in because somebody asked us if we would meet them there but it isn't high on the priority to do Vegas, we were just there for the Nascar race and that was enough actually.  It was the farthest destination in the plan so that's why I asked from Ontario to Vegas the other's would have been along the way...

Thanks though for all your replies I appreciate that I knew before I left that I would be gray by the time I got there..

So glad you got back to us!  We don't mean to scare people, but because you're not comfortable driving over mountains in snow, perhaps it's just as well you made the decision you did.  If you've been reading some of the other threads, such as the one about the Albuquerque FMCA, you'll know that others have had snow on their way to the rally.  Now, if you could just plan that same trip for a better time of year it wouldn't be so scary.  We've driven everyone of the interstates across the country and it's great fun when the weather is decent.  There are a lot of non-interstate roads that are fun too.

By the way, have you ever taken an RV driving course?  I heartily recommend it because you'll learn a lot that will make you feel more comfortable about driving your RV.  There are a number of us women (sorry for the "he" assumption!) in the RV Forum who either drive all the time or split the driving with our "other half" so we're here to encourage you as well as try to keep you out of trouble.  ;)


I was talking about being nervous as the passenger, I would never drive the RV myself being a passenger is bad enough and hubby is a truck driver and believe me he isn't nervous at all (which makes me more nervous) not that he would take chances but I am a wreck as a passenger so it's just as well we don't take off in March.  Yes, I have been following the posts about Alberquque and I was really surprised because up here in Canada we had sunny balmy weather when you were getting snow down there, we actually broke records for 3 days in a row last week for the warmest weather ever. 

Thanks for all of your suggestions and I am so happy we didn't go and maybe next year we will do it later in the year but I do want to plan it so we can get to Phoenix for April 10 and Forth Worth for Apr 18 (yes big drive but we want to do two nascar races in a row).    I have driven the motorhome a little and would be able to if I ever needed to but I don't really have any interest at all, I like to be the co-pilot and read my books and of course give orders.
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