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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2011
Still looking and enjoying the search.  The latest model that we are enamored of is the Rexhall RoseAir...96 to 98 there abouts.  We've seen a couple in the 40k range.  Does anyone have a similar unit or opinions about Rexhall?
Rexhall is an innovator in motorhomes but was never a top tier model. They are made and mostly sold in the far West (near the factory) and they no longer have a dealer network. Everything is factory direct. I always thought the RoseAir models were pretty coaches.

$40k seems a bit steep for a 1996-1998 RoseAir, but maybe ok if in top condition. I would have guessed more like $32k, but that may just be asking price vs actual sale price. Slide models sell for more than non-slide in that vintage as well.
Factory Direct Meaning that there are no RV dealers that sell parts for this make. (apparently the factory may still be open? don't know)

First off I think it is a pretty looking rig.
Second, what on this rig would be very specific to the factory? it is a 2002. does it have warranty? Factory warranty? then to me it is just a Ford engine - service available just about anywhere they can get the rig stuffed in the door.

As for all of the "house" part. I don't see anything that can not be replaced at ANY rv repair place. they might not be able to match the pattern on the dinnette to replace part of it......But unless it is broken now when do you think you are going to NEED to replace it? 5 months? no? maybe 5 to 10 years down the road at which time you are going to renovate anyway. which means you will (or have someone) rip everything out and put in new. or just sell it and get something else.
If it was me and I really liked the rig and it fit in my budget and needs then get it. make the deal that works for you. the place that has it is a dealer make an offer (again if you like the rig) that you would be happy to pay. It don't matter what nada says or what other people say it is worth make the offer you would be happy with. if the dealer won't come down walk away.

there was a rig I watched for almost 2 years the dealer had it priced at 3 times what I thought it was worth. while waiting I found a better unit of the same brand (year newer) with a better for us floor plan at the price I wanted to pay. one week later the dealer sold his rig for the same price.


The Rexhall factory and service center is in Lancaster, CA and, AFAIK, is still in business. They no longer sell thru dealers but only factory direct. Rexhall owners are fairly loyal and positive about the brand. I've always liked Rexhall products because they seemed to be at the leading edge of industry innovations, but they have never been very popular. Distribution and financial issues over the years may be the cause.

There are a lot of orphan brands on the market today for which there is no factory support whatsoever, but owners are still able to get parts for them and get them serviced. That should not be an issue.
Factory support isn't a concern on a 12-14 year old rig. All the major parts and subsystems, including the chassis, are industry standard items and available through many RV dealers, truck service shops, etc. There is little or nothing that the factory could or would do for a coach of that vintage - they don't stock parts for older rigs.

Rexhall is a niche brand with a small but loyal following. Make your judgment based on how well it suits you, not on how many others chose it.
I was thinking I remembered a post in the last few months from a forum member who had significant problems with a mid-2000s Rexhall.  I did a search and confirmed.  Member "lee0166" has a total of six posts on the forum and all of them are complaints about Rexhall.  You may want to take a look at what he said, bearing in mind that he has a bit of an ax to grind.
You would be hard-pressed to find any RV brand that did not have at least one disgruntled owner, and often for good reason. They all have their share of lemons.
Looks like a very nice coach. Where it is on consignment I'd think there is quite a bit of room on the price. I'd be asking if the consignee holds the title or has a lien. Depending on that answer there may be even more room to negotiate. It can be a pia with a middle man. I know as I bought our current coach off consignment took 3 weeks but the deal was completed.

As others have pointed out there are all sorts of places to get things repaired if needed. I'd try a 30K offer and let the owner counter.

Check the age of the tires always a negotiating item.

Good luck!!!
I think we are gonna hide and watch for a while...we don't NEED to buy something till closer to the summer and while I really like this coach, I've seen several like it for less.  I'll be going to Houston next month to check out some Rexhall and some other models. Will keep y"all posted.  I am enjoying the search and learning so much from this site.  Thanks to all the experienced folk who help us newbies along!

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