Passenger Side Front Sliding Window Leak

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Well-known member
May 14, 2006
I noticed a minor leak to the rear of the front window, i re caulked the top and sides but now a brown or rust color runs down the the inside near the top rear of the window. Should I have taken it out and put new putty in and re caulked. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated
Caulking is usually sufficient, so I'm wondering if the water is actually entering above the window, perhaps at the roof line or maybe a screw hole for an awning or light fixture?
Gary I'm glad you mentioned the light I forgot a roof light closest to that side was missing caulk when I polished the Motorhome, I'll fix that ASAP before the cold sets in on Long Island. Thanks again!
Things haven't changed should I look at the side awning mounts or maybe time for a professional.
i dont think it would hurt to still take the window out and put new putty in and re caulked  that way you know

most RVs here in FL need new putty every 5 to 6 years  as really the putty dos not last to long

its not hard to do and with the right tools is a 30 min job  then at lest you know its not some coming form there

all so one thing to look at but i am sure its not over the rust

there are 2 small cuts in your window frame .... most of the time ....  they can get blocked and not late water out  and it fills with water and comes in the RV that way
I covered the window so no water got on it and still the same, may try where the side awning hooked on the side roof!
This very perplexing, there is nothing obvious. I'm thinking I might dab some caulk on the rivets where the roof meets the side where the molding is. Any other suggestions?
Took the window out resealed it and then a light bulb went off in my head, for some reason I checked the front roof A/C and that was a bit loose. We'll that was the problem water was trickling in through there and making it's way to the passenger front window. Boy was that a job to find. Thanks for all your help and comments. Forgot to post fixed the beginning of May!
I have been beat up for this but I am sticking to this. When resealing ? well? anything on my campers I have used 3m marine 5200 or 4200. If I never want to remove it again 5200. If I may need to remove it 4200. I use it to seal exposed edges of any wood area outside. It stays pliable and come in white or black. I have even used it to fix a small area of a rubber roof split.  I have NEVER had an area leak again after using this product.
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