Personal Parcel Delivery Drop Box

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2018
East Texas
I got a note from my postal person today asking me what i wanted to do with parcels.  I did shop around for parcel box to purchase and since i dont want to spend $200 to $300 for one i figured i would just build one instead.  And i dont want to have to go to the post office to get packages.

So i doodled this quickly using paint,  seems to work as i want.  Has anyone here ever built one before? 

here is my doodle..



  • parcel_drop_box_idea.jpg
    100 KB · Views: 45
Yes but with porch bandits on the rise, alot of people are either buying a special drop box or making one.    I wonder if Norm from TOH (this old house) has ever built one.
A big advantage of living in an RV Park is the neighborhood atmosphere. We really don't have porch pirates!

djw2112 said:
Yes but with porch bandits on the rise, alot of people are either buying a special drop box or making one.    I wonder if Norm from TOH (this old house) has ever built one.
So what you are saying is people will steal off of a porch but not steal from a special drop box?
SeilerBird said:
So what you are saying is people will steal off of a porch but not steal from a special drop box?

Probably not if they can't get to the package in a couple of seconds.
kdbgoat said:
Probably not if they can't get to the package in a couple of seconds.

That is correct, its more of a smash and grab job, they dont linger around, they grab and go.  In order to steal from the box they would have to take time to break it or pry it open and that will draw attention to them, they dont want that.

Ernie n Tara said:
A big advantage of living in an RV Park is the neighborhood atmosphere. We really don't have porch pirates!


True, i have never felt safer any place i have lived than here, people just dont do that sort of thing here.  I wish we had a place like the office to leave packages at the new location, but that is not the case.  And since it is owner vrs leasing, we are on our own.
You'd better lock down the package box, either via a stout chain or cable to something substantial or by sinking the support beams into the ground.  The latter really isn't practical when you're relocating frequently.
Lou Schneider said:
You'd better lock down the package box, either via a stout chain or cable to something substantial or by sinking the support beams into the ground.  The latter really isn't practical when you're relocating frequently.

Yes the legs go in concrete, or it can be attached to the mailbox post if that post is already in concrete just screw it from the inside.

maddog348 said:
Looks Good ~ Think I saw an ad for a 'real' one ~metal~ but was to cheap to buy it.

Yes there are many online for sale, i dont like them because they are metal or plastic and all of them are way expensive.  The cheap ones are not postal person friendly (meaning they have to get out of their vehicle to drop package) and dont lock.  Then the extreme ones are like little vaults with wifi hookups and all of that tech stuff and also very expensive $400+ 

I think i can build one for under $60 that is postal person friendly, looks good, is secure, and will last, we will see..  :)

PS this is for those that are permanent not moving around fequently.  Acturally i think the post office should offer a community drop box.  Its just like the ones at the post office but they are set up in certain locations in the gated community and they just leave you a key in your mailbox.  The key can be secured alot easier than than a package.  But sadely i think they tried that and since they do not install lights on their boxes people have been breaking into them because its nice and dark for them to get away with it.  And obviously the safest thing is to just go to the post office to pick up your package, but some of us want alittle more convienence.
Man, I'm glad I live in a crime-free neighborhood.  No gates, no police patrolling. If I get a package in the mail, the carrier walks the 200 feet to my porch.
ChasA said:
Man, I'm glad I live in a crime-free neighborhood.  No gates, no police patrolling. If I get a package in the mail, the carrier walks the 200 feet to my porch.

We dont have much crime where i am going either, its rural and you know what they say about rural Texas, they handle their own problems lol  But i think it would be a nice little project and who knows, if it catches on maybe i can make alittle money making them for the neighbors.  :)
I've heard of Amazon Lockers, and Fedex will deliver to an alternate location, but I'm not sure about UPS or USPS.

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