Phoenix Direct TV

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
Now that I have discovered that the various DirectTV sports packages will black out any local games that are duplicated on local channels, I am thinking of telling DirecTV I have moved from Maryland to Phoenix.  This way while out west I can watch my beloved Orioles and Ravens via the packaged sports channels.

I am wondering, how far away can I travel east, west, or north from Phoenix, before they cut local channels off.  In Maryland, once I traveled 200 miles west I lost local programming.  Anyone here with Phoenix local programming know how this works for Phoenix?
Why not file for the distant network services and get the networks from both coasts?
Ned said:
Why not file for the distant network services and get the networks from both coasts?

The sports packages are not available if you don't have a local zip code for you Directv receiver.
Catch-22.  I'd rather have the networks.

>>I am wondering, how far away can I travel east, west, or north from Phoenix, before they cut local channels off<<

We couldn't get them in Indio, CA....Sometimes in Laughlin, NV. Couldn't get them in Albuquerque, NM. The spot beam is elliptical.

Hmmm, so it looks like 200 miles either east or west.

Ned, I believe Phil explained why I do not want national coverage.  My first priority is Ravens and Orioles, second priority local coverage.

Looks like if I switch to a Phoenix zip code, I will get local both in Montana and Phoenix, which would cover us 8 months of the year.  12 months of the year I could get Balto-Wash sports by buying the sports packages.

Now I am curtious, how often will Direct TV let me move?  Surely they must have a limit on how many times a year you can move?
Smoky said:
Now I am curtious, how often will Direct TV let me move?  Surely they must have a limit on how many times a year you can move?


Check with DirecTV customer service. I think I remember reading that they have a service where you can switch back and forth between a summer and winter "home". When you ask the question they don't need to know that your "home" is on wheels.


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