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I just saw the Energizer Bunny on TV and it reminded me of an old joke. I am not sure if most have already heard it or not, but I guess I will soon find out.

Q. Did you hear that the Energizer Bunny got arrested?

No, but for what?

A. It was charged with battery.

-Don- Reno, NV
Just another day turning left with the RV and toad on a divided highway...

That truck has some good breaks. Both drivers are probably pulling seat cushion out of their behinds. We have those kind of crossing everywhere here - we call them Arkansas Suicide Crossings. Cross 2 lanes of traffic, pause at the median, then merge into the other lanes. Strangely few accidents, though. Hardly ever saw that in N. CA where we came least not on a main highway.
That was crazy!

Here in the country that seems to be the most common accident, especially at night. When I travel at night I always slow to a speed I can stop before the intersection if the cross road has a stop sign.

Seems we have at least one fatal crash a month.
Two friends are walking down the street trying to think of something to do; one turns to the other and says, "hey, there's this new place that has the best punch you'll every drink."
The head to the bar and the first man yells, "bartender, two glasses of your best punch."
The bartender grumbled," you'll have to get in line like everybody else." The friends turn and look around, but_

there's no punch line.
I can honestly say that I cannot remember there ever being a school closure in any school I attended all the way through college.

True story. I'm in my Physics (Also Bio and Chemistry.. 3 proffs. one office) Office in College and some classmates come in wanting the afternoon lab cancelled due to bad roads (Cleared at least 2-3 hours ago) I mention that I arrived in the building at 7:30 same as always (I did not mention I was wearing about a quarter inch of ice over all my cloths) Fellow students commented I walked.
I mentioned Mr.Thompson (My Bio-Lab instructor) was sitting there smoking his pipe same always when passed....They suggested he lived close (About an hour's drive) OK on the main road (Not then but a couple years later I drove (Well road) past his house in a Ford F-350 is gravel road.and the trees were slapping the rear view mirrors....BOTH OFTHEM, the same time...Well my poor classmates were now at a loss so I added "When the going got tough he just moved the lever on his Jeep from 2WD to 4WD and kept on trucking".

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