Pressure Pro now on RV Forum

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Gary RV_Wizard

Site Team
Feb 2, 2005
West Palm Beach, FL
Vanessa Zaroor, Director of Marketing for Advantage Pressure Pro, has joined our group and will be available to answer your questions or get you to the right person for help if you have a product problem.  Vanessa is aware of our "no advertising" policy but has volunteered to be as helpful as she can within those constraints.  And please remember she is a forum member and entitled to the same courtesy as any other member.

Please welcome Vanessa to RV Forum and feel free to ask questions.

Glad you've joined.  We bought Pressure Pro last year and like it so far.  Love being able to know the pressure of every tire, both motorhome and toad.  No questions now.

Thank you Gary, Ardra and all other forum members. I appreciate all of the warm welcomes!

If anyone has any questions about PressurePro, or any general tpms questions for that matter, please don't hesitate to ask. I look forward to hearing from you.

Vanessa - Could you please expain the Pressure Pro system in detail to me. I went to your web site but it was making so many obnoxious sounds I logged off quickly.
Turn the volume control down on your PC. That's what I do. You can also skip the sound intro by going directly to this page.

Each 'sensor', containing a pressure transducer and a radio transmitter, screws onto the valve stem of a tire in place of the valve cap. Sensors transmit (wirelessly) to a monitor on the dash that displays the pressure readings and locations of the sensors. If a tire loses air, the pressure goes down, and the monitor emits a visual and audible alarm if the pressure falls more than a specified amount.

There's more to the electronics, but that's really "all" there is to the concept.

I'm sorry, I can't help but chuckle a bit at your response to the sounds, as I think the same thing. So much so actually, that we are totally overhauling the website with a new one... rain sounds not included... with a new one to hit sometime within the next month.

In the meantime I'm happy to help, while still staying within the boundaries of the forum's policies.

The PressurePro Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems are available in different monitor and product options to cater to many different markets. Some of these markets include RV, Truck, Heavy Duty (Mining/Waste/etc), Auto, Industrial and more. As you are logged on to RV Forum, I'm going to go ahead and assume you are looking at a unit for your RV. If I am wrong, please correct me.

Our RV units can monitor up to 16 wheel positions, 10 on the RV and 6 on a tow. The Monitor allows you to monitor the RV and toad together or seperately (allowing for easy travel while unhooked during travels, etc). As with all PressurePro Systems, our Sensors replace your dust cap on your valve stem and send pressure readings to your Monitor (in your cab) via radio frequencies. The systems alert you to low pressures at 2 levels...  1) when the pressure in your tires drops by 12.5% and 2) when the pressures in your tires drops by 25%. Our monitors now give you a variable high pressure alert, that you can set to alarm based on your needs, from 10% to 45% raise in pressure.

Other points on the product that you might want to know are as follows. Pressure Monitors are powered by a 12 volt source, and can be hard wired or plugged into a 12 volt source, such as your lighter accessory. They can read in PSI, kPa or BAR and they are easily programmed and can be switched between vehicles without problem.

I hope this helps give you a good overview of our TPM System. If you have any specific questions on PressurePro, please let me know. I'm trying to remain somewhat brief on this post so as not to violate any forum rules on marketing and such. I'm available by phone or email however, and more than willing to take time with you to explain the benefits of TPMS and the PressurePro system in specific, with you.

ph: 816-887-3505 or 800-959-3505
email: [email protected]
Thank you for your respond, Vanessa. You are right, I am going to get a class A and I will be using the Pressure Pro system on it. You response pretty much covered all my questions.

As for the sounds on your web site. Tom, I know how to turn down the volume and I know how to mute the volume. That is not the point. Having a web page open up blasting sounds is not only rude but very dangerous. I have heard stories of people being caught surfing the web at work and then being fired for it. A noisy web page is hard to cover up quickly in a quiet office. I find it extremely obnoxious to go to a web site and have sounds blasted out at me. The reason I mentioned the obnoxious sounds is to send a message to Pressure Pro that if they want people to use their web site they need to learn not to offend people.
Seems like PressurePro already has the web site changes underway. None of the folks I've talked with at PPro have any desire to offend anyone.

I don't (like) blasting sounds either, and my PC volume is always turned down to zero or muted. I turn it up on the rare occasions I want to listen to something on my PC. I have the same aversion to folks who play loud music in public and seem to think that everyone else should enjoy it.

As for surfing at work; Some companies encourage it, and it might even be a requirement of the job. Other employers don't want their employees surfing. If they don't, then employees shouldn't be doing it. They are, after all, being paid to do a job. They can surf and play in their own time, or go work somewhere that allows it during working hours.
Edit: Fixed typo.
I like to keep the volume turned up on my computer because Windows has sounds to alert you to things like your battery going dead, etc. If I turn it off or mute it at a web site I usually forget to turn it back up when I leave the web site. So therefore, when I surf to a site that has sounds coming out I immediately leave the site. However, I won't hold it against the company, I am planning on buying the system and I am exciting about using the product.
We'll be sure not to bombard you with sounds from this forum.

My aversion to loud sounds comes from my days working in a steel plant; When I'm in the presence of loud music, my ears go from hurting to total shut down in a very short time. If I'm in a noisy restaurant, I can't separate the sounds, and it's all a garbled mess. If you're across the table yelling at me, I can't hear/decipher what you're saying.

I am planning on buying the system and I am exciting about using the product.

I'm sure you'll be glad you did. We have a reliable source for PressurePro listed right here. Numerous forum members, myself included, have bought from this source and have been happy campers ever since. The system comes with simple, clear instructions, and installation is a breeze - see here. Also see the photos attached to that message.
I didn't enjoy the sounds on the Pressure Pro web site that much, but certainly wasn't put off by them to the point that words like blasting, rude, obnoxious, dangerous and offensive came to mind. ??? ::)

And I'm a very very sensitive guy.  ;) :D :D :D

OnaQwest said:
I didn't enjoy the sounds on the Pressure Pro web site that much, but certainly wasn't put off by them to the point that words like blasting, rude, obnoxious, dangerous and offensive came to mind. ??? ::)

And I'm a very very sensitive guy.  ;) :D :D :D
It depends upon how loud the volume is turned up on your system and how sensitive your hearing is.
seilerbird said:
It depends upon how loud the volume is turned up on your system.............

Which is something loud, rude, obnoxious, offensive people have control of.

my last word on the subject..............
Which is something loud, rude, obnoxious, offensive people have control of.

As do folks with a volume control at their fingertips Lou. It's when I don't have control of the volume that it really bugs me.

In the presence of obnoxious loud music, my hearing quickly progresses from garbled sounds to hurting to almost total deafness. We've been at new years parties, sitting alongside gigawatt speakers blasting out megabels of awful stuff, and folks couldn't understand why I was fast asleep. When your hearing shuts down and everyone around you is having a great time, singing and dancing to some band you can no longer hear, there's not much else to do  ;)

I've even been known to nod off over dinner in a noisy restaurant  :-[

It's also common for me to ask a restaurant to turn down their "background music". In the worst case I can remember, we were with two other couples on a cruise ship doing the 10 day "Mexican Riviera" thing. At one port, one of the other couples just had to take us to their favorite joint. As I walked through the door, I immediately said "I'll see you back at the ship" and turned 180 degrees. I was deaf before I even got inside the place.
Tom, I truly am much the same way.  I never learned to appreciate many (any ?) of the classic rock or heavy metal bands because I couldn't stand the volume (noise) long enough to listen to the lyrics.  (there were lyrics, right?) 

In my opinion, too many places (bars, restaurants, clubs, etc..) substitute loud for good.  It's when they insist on overcharging me for their services to help pay for the entertainment that I, too, quietly leave for the quiet.
I was just having a little fun earlier playing with peoples words and attitudes.

I was about to say that maybe someday I'll learn to keep my mouth shut, but that's not likely.
I keep thinking, "what would Shayne do?"

OnaQwest said:
Which is something loud, rude, obnoxious, offensive people have control of.

my last word on the subject..............

And here I thought this was The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing.

I don't consider calling someone names because they disagree with you opinion very friendly. I hope this is his last word on everything, he doesn't belong here. He is stinking up the place. I did not come here to be insulted. Goodbye to this forum. 

I thought lou was referring to the folks who play loud, obnoxious music, not to you  ???
And silly me, I thought we were going to talk about Pressure Pro not if its to loud you're too old...and I am.

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