Probably will be deleted or blocked

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It's too bad this gent feels the way he does.
(Just wondering if the OP is someone who occasionally writes for RV Travel, gent of same name on that weekly newsletter)
Personally, I read everything in this forum for months before I got our RV.  Didn't post was just absorbing all sorts of information.
Bought the RV and have continued to read everything I can just to learn.
The folks here have been wonderful, answered many/all questions when I have posted and honestly, saved me much grief and a few dollars also for which I am grateful.
That is why when I figure something out or get some of what I consider good information on suppliers etc, I try to share incase someone else can use this information.  It's all about or SHOULD BE all about working together and helping others.
Ever since I first posted, I have been made to feel welcome and NEVER felt like I was being looked down upon because I have an older RV. 

To the good folks here, I think this truly is the Friendliest Forum on the Web.

Looking forward to being here for many years.

Best to all.

Generally I have found that threads that start with "Probably will be deleted or blocked" are posted by people with a lot of experience at getting blocked, banned or deleted.  And generally I don't bother reading them, because most often it is a "I'm outta here because........" post.  As if anyone really cared or noticed that the poster was outta here. 

But in this case I'm glad I read through it because it really illustrates how friendly this forum is.  Other places most of the posts would have been of the "don't let the door hit your rear" style.  Instead, all comments are friendly and most expressing a wish the OP would reconsider.

If the OP is reading I have one piece of advice: on a forum everyone gets a chance to state their opinion and that is the only satisfaction you will ever get.  If your advice is good 100's maybe 1,000's of people might benefit from that over time.  But don't expect a response, a thank you or a hug.  If helping for free is not enough satisfaction then this is not for you.  I do not post here much because RV'ing is not something I have a lot of experience to share about but I have certainly read a lot.  On other forums where I do have something to share it is done for free with no expectation that anyone will read, comment, or thank me for it. 
I am a year into the forum and most of my most responded to posts are how I can fix something myself cheaply.  Not sure that I am a deep pockets guy?.

I also found myself annoyed when I responded to someone with the right info and no one responded.  Then I began to understand this is a giant discussion that is very little about me specifically.  I know I have asked a question and have been guilty to not thank every person that responded even though I appreciated all the people that took the time to answer.

??I wonder what the reason is that "we don't want to know" that he boondocks???
I will chime in here - I too do not own a "high dollar" rig. Just a modest MH.

A couple of people picked up on this already.. my take was the OP was angry because his advice was not taken as gospel and headed. I hate to say this, but I don't like to be around those kind of people anyway. None of us are better than anyone else. Give advice, opinions, thoughts, etc... and let the recipient make their own decisions. I am a servant when I try to help someone.. not a master that should be worshiped. I am giving back because someone gave to me - it's called "pay it forward". Whenever I help someone and they try to pay me I tell them you don't have enough "cash". Pay it forward and I will be paid in full.

I will also say I have found this forum to be MOST friendly! As a few other people in this thread have said "go try a few of the other RV forums". This was the second RV forum for me - the first one was definitely not someplace I would like to call "home".

Happy Camping People!
high dollar rv ?..hahaha, guess my little ole 22ft TT, that I paid a small sum ( costing me a arm and leg to fix though ! ) kicks me out of the '' high end club '' ?! shoot, I don't care if you drive a 500k MH ?, or you own a 200 dollar tent ?'s all good in my book !. I've posted a few here and there, and tried to lend a few words of my ole butt, and if I got a response ?..well..woohoo ? most of us, spec me !, came here to learn from others, and trust me, I've learned a few things I never knew about for TT !!. this forum seems to be a great place to hang out, learn, give advice, take advice, and enjoy !. I am a mod on an atv forum ( i restore atvs as a hobby, been doing it for about 20 years now ? ), and it's just as good as this forum when it comes to friendly folks !. so what if we don't get an answer ASAP, or even at all ?. i'm here to learn, not write a book ! seems like a great place to me here ?, or am I missing the big picture ?
Well, I do happen to have a high dollar RV. The best thing about it is that I am not the one who spent the high dollars on it. I waited till it was well aged and well loved and then swooped in and snatched it up. :)
We too are especially grateful for this forum. Whenever we have a problem/issue we try and fix it on our own. We will try and find it in a manual, look on'-line, or even talk through it ourselves. And then finally one of us will say, "Let's ask the forum." We try and acknowledge the responses, but sometimes we forget because we want to see if the advise will work. Wr have learnedvso much from this forum.
Wow.  And I thought I was a sour puss. I guess I might be the same way..I like people to stand up and listen to what I say, but sometimes even my dog will turn around and walk away. But this self-absorbed guy takes the cake. Just because he gives advice, he thinks that everyone should follow it.  It is his way, or the highway.  We are all individuals, and ultimately, we go our own way and follow our instincts. He obviously has a chip on his shoulder against people who have the fortune to have high-end coaches. Like others, I own a humble class C, so I have no idea how he comes by these ideas.  I have more bits of wisdom I could spew in response to this naysayer, but I am afraid the Moderators would chastise me, so I will leave it at that.
Hi All,

Well, I have a top of the line RV  ;D and I am always willing to talk with others who are here regardless of their RV (top of the line in 2006 in that price range  ;)  )

I've always felt this is truly the friendly place to be and most everyone very helpful. I think sometimes people come away with an idea that something is a certain way based on the way they perceive it to be in their mind. Sorta like the glass is half full rather than empty. We also have a group who become friends here (framily) and that could be the way this fellow thought we were a club of sorts. I've been on many a website and considering how many members are here, things are always fairly tame. Congrats to Tom and the other forum staff that help keep it this way without really being over barring as long as the simple rules are followed. (What more do you want?)

I try to offer any help I can, though I can think of a time when someone posted what I considered a truly weird introduction and I didn't know how to interpet it. With that said I'll bid the good people here safe travels, and fun talk on here!
I tried to write a whole big thing about how I didn't pay a lot for the coach that I've got parked 5 miles off the pavement in the east Colorado desert and how I feel about this forum, but I figured no one would listen anyway, so I deleted it.

Wish I wasn't headed for the Canyon, I'd stay here a week.  I love!
Old_Crow said:
I tried to write a whole big thing about how I didn't pay a lot for the coach that I've got parked 5 miles off the pavement in the east Colorado desert and how I feel about this forum, but I figured no one would listen anyway, so I deleted it.

Wish I wasn't headed for the Canyon, I'd stay here a week.  I love!

I wish you had wrote it. I read posts like that with great interest. I'm an East coast flatlander, working for a living, kinda guy. I want and will go West someday before I die to see the great things you guys post about. I look at the websites some of you guys have here, and check out YouTube videos you guys post about the West and in particular, boondocking. Write it up and post it, it will be read by at least one interested party.
It's intriguing that a guy with limited participation here assumes these positions.  I suspect he is just jealous having observed that Gary, for example, does receive thank you posts occasionally, and deservedly so! He ignores the fact that Gary has a history of literally 10's of thousands of well thought out and carefully researched posts and still receives a response to perhaps one in 20 or more posts.

Credibility is earned, not awarded because because you say "I'm the greatest........."

Some folks just are not Team Players. A little respect for others goes a long way. Fortunately there are many others on this forum with significant knowledge to aid others. I won't miss this guy unless he changes his views of others.  JMO
Bob T said:
(Just wondering if the OP is someone who occasionally writes for RV Travel, gent of same name on that weekly newsletter)

I think you may be talking about this guy.... not sure it's the same person ?
Since he never even registered and signed in as a guest, seems he wasn't seriously interested in the forum anyway.  Too bad he has not been back on this thread he started to read all the lovely comments made.  Personally, You all have helped me in so many ways.  Thank you!  I hope i can help you all in some way at some point once i have years of experience! 
Since he never even registered and signed in as a guest, seems he wasn't seriously interested in the forum anyway.

For clarification, he registered and logged in, then deleted his account. One cannot log in as a guest here.
Tom said:
For clarification, he registered and logged in, then deleted his account. One cannot log in as a guest here.

Sorry tom.  I just read "guest" under his name and thought that is what that meant.
Apologies Peggy, I should have been more clear. When someone deletes their account, 'Guest' is automatically inserted under their name in all previously-posted messages.

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