propane tanks

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Jul 4, 2006
have two 20 gallon tanks that are obviously mounted and covered. is there some way to tell how full they are ? have tried the stick-on indicators but aren't necessarily happy with the results. :mad:
They sell calibrated pressure gauges that give a fair indication. Not real accurate, bt least they tell you when it is getting near empty. LPG Gauge

But the better solution is to get a switchover valve, which provides an easy way to switch from tank #1 to #2 and includes a ""tank empty" indicator.  Then when one tank goes empty, flip the switchover valve to the full one and take the empty to be refilled. That way you are never out of propane. LPG Switchover Valve

They even make an auto-switchover valve, but the drawback is that you may empty the second tank
I am a fan of the auto-switch over valve.  Murhpy's Law dictates that a manual switchover will be required at a driving rainstorm...with an ambient temperature in the 40s.

All that is required with the auto switchover is to check your valve every two days or so.  If the tank has switched over, fill the empty right away. 
All that is required with the auto switchover is to check your valve every two days or so.  If the tank has switched over, fill the empty right away.

If you can remember to check that often, you don't need a gauge or a switchover valve. Just rap the tank with your knuckles now and then.  :D
Well you have a better ear than I have.  I am never sure what a boink means as opposed to a bink.  Besides you have to lift the fairing to boink or bink anyway so why not sneak a peek at the valve tell tale? 

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