Pros and Cons?

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Migrating Nester

New member
Dec 23, 2017
I am in research stage at this point.  At the moment I am looking at pros and cons of camper vans (vs. small TTs), saw Roadtrek Simplicity and like it, but obviously storage will be more of an issue in a camper van than with towing a travel trailer.  Wondering if roof racks are a possibility?  Not sure yet if gas mileage would be better or worse (if the TT is a T@B 400 pulled by a SUV with appropriate towing ability).  Smaller size for me is both a pro and a con.  Overall I like small and simple, and I also recognize it will likely get old, but for me don't think intolerable.  I like the idea of easier maneuverability with a camper van rather than towing.  A con would be price:  even buying something 2 or 3 years old it seems it would be more money than buying a new-to-me used vehicle for towing, plus the TT.

What have others experienced with pros and cons of camper vans?


Youtube is probably your best source for this information.
Lots of info in the areas you are asking about on:
Gary RV_Wizard said:
Van Pro: Your house is always with you
Van Con: Your house is always with you (even when you just want to go to the store or sight-see)

You could carry a small scooter on a bumper rack.    Assuming it can handle the weight with all your fulltime needs inside and out on the roof rack.

When you try to do fulltime and small together.... it gets way more difficult.

Youtube is full of  films of people actually doing what you are talking about.  Yes It is very possible, but after watching them discuss what it's like to live fulltime in a Van type RV you realize it's got some difficult issues you never think about.
Well, the biggest camper van has approx the same interior space (6'x12') as the smallest TT (assuming the van has a hightop). In the TT, battery banks and propane storage should be easier/safer, as well as modifications.
The van by itself could be somewhat simpler to maneuver in tight spaces, but unless you plan to do a lot of boondocking on 4wd trails, does that apply?
If using a van as your TV, either vehicle could be disconnected for service or whatever, and you could still live/camp in the other.
Dang, I'm convincing myself as I write this...........
As TonyDtorch stated, YouTube has TONS of awesome information about van conversions. There are a lot of videos that explain the lifestyle, pros and cons, and general information about stealth camping (parking lots, how to find toilets, etc.). There are also a ton of videos explaining in great detail how to convert your van, everything from flooring and insulation to solar-powered electricity and running water.

This guy has an excellent series that goes into exceptional detail for conversion: youtube - watch?v=ukZmSwmZ9Hk (I think it wouldnt let me post a link, so put that at the end of the Youtube URL)

Best of luck! I would love to have a "mini house" as a home base and live part time in that (it's always nice to have a real bed and a shower to use, ha!) and travel most of the time in one of these van conversions. If I had the extra pocket change right now, I'd pay someone to custom create this, as I don't have the time, tools, nor a place to do it myself (apartment complex) but where there's a will, there's a way and it's going to happen, dang it!


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