Quartzsite 06 ARRIVALS

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Bob, thanks for welcoming our friends Dave & Lisa this evening, just as I was calling Dave on the phone. We leave Lake Havasu in the morning (Sat) with the Reiters and should be there before noon.

Hope Dave didn't tell too many bad stories about us  ;D

Speaking of getting lost, I had to go back to Phoenix last night and tried leaving at 3:30 am.  It took me a full hour to find my way back to the ranger station.  Looks so simple in daylight.  Really tough at night.  :D

Somehow I missed you.  When you get back look for the guy who keeps spilling his drink at happy hour and introduce yourself to me.  ;D
Hello everyone . . .

Wanted to report that the latest list of arrivals is now posted so you can see who is here and who is not. Looks like we have 23 rigs so far. Will be adding any names from Betty's group of those that decide to stay on for our rally. Right now, the group itself is posted on my list as one rig.

This has been a very good day here in QZ. It's really been fun greeting the new people that have found our forum and this one of many rally's of this forum. The weather today was beautiful as well. Hardly a cloud in the sky -- and we felt the warmth of the desert, which is nice after spending the past month in the rains of NCal. Many were seen in short sleeves and short pants.

Evenings are cool to cold as the night wears on. However, Helaine allowed me to build a fire in my fire ring tonight and a number of folk joined us. That's what I love the most about the desert. Sitting around an open fire under that incredible AZ sky -- with RVing friends from around the country. Oh -- and BTW, Jeannine and Dan noticed and quickly pointed out one of the brightest and fastest moving shooting stars most of us had ever seen. Amazing.

Anxious to see the arrival of many more names from the attendee list . . .

Tom said:
Bob, thanks for welcoming our friends Dave & Lisa this evening, just as I was calling Dave on the phone. We leave Lake Havasu in the morning (Sat) with the Reiters and should be there before noon.

Hope Dave didn't tell too many bad stories about us? ;D

Oh -- my pleasure and a pleasure meeting them.

Actually, he spoke only very kind words about you, Tom -- and withheld all the bad stories.? ;)
Smoky said:

Glad you made it in OK.? I may have failed to meet you last night at the happy hour.? If I did, I was overwhelmed by so many new faces.? If I didn't I hope we can say howdy this evening.? This is a first rate operation you run and we are very appreciative.? ?;)

Hi Smoky:

Wasn't able to get to the happy hour last night. Just too zonked after fighting the weather for 2 days getting here. I'll find you tomorrow, tho. I did meet your friend, Shayne. Thanks for talking them into coming. We had a good chat . . .

Thanks so much for the comment of our rally. I appreciate that. Actually, I just proceed in whatever direction Helaine points me. This rally always goes back to Fred and Daisy -- they set it up originally and it all just falls into place each year. Hope you have had a chance to meet them.

Looking forward to meeting you . . .
John In Detroit said:
I'm back in the Detroit area for the weekend (Will be back to QZ Monday Afternoon)

Just spoke with my wife... She mentioned meeting you (Nice thigns were said about you)

And by the way a public thanks to Bernie,,, He showed us to a parking space, helped me back in
and got us settled for the night when I arrived in my newlly repaired rig.? ?Then he tried to help wife and dizzy blond friend driver find their way back to the rig (alas, they were way too lost... thankfully I thought to give them a nav aid and between it and myself... We figured out she was in the wrong part of the desert, (Wrong ranger station) got that fixed and she found the rig no problem)

Now if we could just tap a bit of Smokey's 50 amps :)... Only need about 10 or so

Thanks, John. It's been fun meeting so many nice people today. Glad you made it here -- and sorry that you have had to do all this extra travel stuff over the weekend. Looking forward to meeting you in person. You will be amazed at how many more rigs are here now vs. when you first parked Tuesday afternoon.
Mike, Wendy & Sam arrived Friday, January 20, 2006 around 5pm & stopped to say hello to all & then went to set rig up.
I just noticed we did not make it on the latest list of arrivals that Bob posted as of Friday, January 20, 2006 09:23 PM.
Had no luck getting my Direcway Tripod system working so I am online via my Cell phone tonight.


For the record, attendees who have come and gone are:

Marlene & Manny Kaplan (FT, in Mesa)
John & Nancy Russell (still in the area, may join us on 4x4 trips, members of our home RV Club-Rovin' Pebbles, Goodyear, AZ)
Wendell & Sandra Smith (Rovin' Pebbles)
Will Bogenhagen & Jan Smith (Rovin' Pebbles)
Bill & Ilene Hodgdon (Rovin' Pebbles)
Jay & Andrew Stocker (Rovin' Pebbles)
Chuck & Mary Howerton (Rovin' Pebbles)

Ted & Sharon Oehlerking (Rovin' Pebbles) are still here

Others from Goodyear as planned attendees did not make it:

I was going to walk up and introduce myself yesterday afternoon, but you were busy with Tom's friend pulling in and I did not want to interrupt.  Maybe today!  We saw that Monaco pull in and thought at first Tom had shaved his beard and dyed his hair blond.  ;D
Smoky said:
thought at first Tom had shaved his beard and dyed his hair blond.

Look closer  - some of that blonde is Dave's bald head (g).
Bob Buchanan said:
Thanks, John. It's been fun meeting so many nice people today. Glad you made it here -- and sorry that you have had to do all this extra travel stuff over the weekend. Looking forward to meeting you in person. You will be amazed at how many more rigs are here now vs. when you first parked Tuesday afternoon.

I'm sure.  The area was kind of vacant Tuesday.  Wife tells me it's filling up however

The convention I"m at features a "Young Lady" (Ok, so she's about my age) who is currently living in Oregon.  She is a Celtic musician and very good... To be honest her concert last night was worth the effort of getting here... and I have it all on digital media (PCM mode or wav if you prefer)  She is trying to spend more time in Michigan.

There are others here... but I did have to return to this convention this last time if only to tell folks I'm moving on and though I'll now be going to other cons... this will very likely be my last Confusion (The convention I'm at)

Did just buy a new T-SHirt..... Mad Scientist Union Shirt (not like the one I already have)

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