Quartzsite Rally 2022 - Reply Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Ardra, sorry about your arm. Hope you and Jerry are doing well otherwise. Maria was just mentioned how crazy things have been when she's out shopping. Other shoppers bumping into her or cutting her off. Not sure if it's Covid related or just the new normal. Hopefully things will eventually get back to the old normal. Take care and heal so you can get back to driving your beautiful Monaco.
My work projects at the house are keeping me tied up again. I may make KofA for a few days this weekend if anyone is still there or going after Q.
We will probably go down Monday or Tuesday Marty. Be good to meet you guys
We held a delightful Social Hour this afternoon with some being bundled up, and some in shorts. Funny how we can acclimate to the weather in Quartzsite in our own ways.
I reviewed the RVForum rally "rules " established by Helaine Hepworth umpty ump years ago. Wear your name tag, wear your damn name tag and no dogs at food events. We saluted other group leaders of years past, Wendy, Betty and most recently Jeff. We shed a tear of remembrance for RVForum members who have passed. We calculated who is the most senior member present and denied many birthdays!
Terry provided a history of the first couple of RV Forum Events starting in 1995 and a year later when cops were called when outside folks thought we were stealing something as we attached to the local phone booth with acoustical couplers. We have come a long ways with technology and those first pioneers are to be commended to keep us connected.
Happily several countries were represented at RvForum Gathering this year. Canada, UK and Scotland and of course there were people from across the USA. A common theme presents itself when members recall the times RVForum Framily helped them. Seems Bill W loaned his generator and a long extension cord to a member whose batteries " failed." with no expectation of return of generator. And then there are the many many other stories that members can fill in now.........
Sarge, you should come to the Q pot luck if you make it to KOFA early enough. I think we are going to stay in Q until,Wednesday, then head to KOFA for a bit. Then again, plans may change!
We held a delightful Social Hour this afternoon with some being bundled up, and some in shorts. Funny how we can acclimate to the weather in Quartzsite in our own ways.
I reviewed the RVForum rally "rules " established by Helaine Hepworth umpty ump years ago. Wear your name tag, wear your damn name tag and no dogs at food events. We saluted other group leaders of years past, Wendy, Betty and most recently Jeff. We shed a tear of remembrance for RVForum members who have passed. We calculated who is the most senior member present and denied many birthdays!
Terry provided a history of the first couple of RV Forum Events starting in 1995 and a year later when cops were called when outside folks thought we were stealing something as we attached to the local phone booth with acoustical couplers. We have come a long ways with technology and those first pioneers are to be commended to keep us connected.
It's so good to "hear" you reporting from QZ once again, Betty. You always make me feel like I'm actually there after all these years away. Margi
Well the potluck has come and gone. It was one of the best ever reported by Terry who likes his food hot! We arranged tables at 1:30 based on hiding them from the winds. Larry's Ventana provided a big wind break and several cars also blocked a cool breeze from the eating circle. We began to eat right at 2 o'clock. Sun shined brightly with no chance of rain (until it almost sprinkled on us as we left. ) Don and Peg Miller drove in from Camp Verde to join in the fun and share yummy desserts made by Peg.
I wish I could credit each chef because I tasted a bit of everything and it was all delicious. Some even got left over chicken and dumplings to take home.
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During the meal I interrupted everyone to say a few words about the FVForum Framily we have lost this past year. We said a kind word, thought a good thought or offered up a prayer for Linda, Ron Ruward, Chet Parks, Jeff Cousins and Carol ( caede) Sorry I could not recall her exact screen name but they bought Ned and Lorna's Holiday Rambler RV. We are fortunate to have a traveling lifestyle that brings us together from so many parts and even include those of you out there in the internet universe can join us in thought. We miss our friends but have the pleasure of making new friends as well!
During the meal I interrupted everyone to say a few words about the FVForum Framily we have lost this past year. We said a kind word, thought a good thought or offered up a prayer for Linda, Ron Ruward, Chet Parks, Jeff Cousins and Carol ( caede) Sorry I could not recall her exact screen name but they bought Ned and Lorna's Holiday Rambler RV. We are fortunate to have a traveling lifestyle that brings us together from so many parts and even include those of you out there in the internet universe can join us in thought. We miss our friends but have the pleasure of making new friends as well!
Jackie caught on right away as to the rules of this group. I will attach photos when I get home tomorrow with faster internet speeds.
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Well the potluck has come and gone. It was one of the best ever reported by Terry who likes his food hot!

As always, thanks for your leadership, organization, and reporting. Also, thanks for remembering our lost members. Sorry we weren't there to see/meet everyone; We were (and still are) in transit back from seeing family in the MidWest.
You mean to tell me that no one took any pictures? Was Bill W and Renae there. If they were, you know how much he likes to take pictures. I see he is still up right now. Maybe he’ll see this and respond.

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