Quartzsite Report

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Happy Prospector

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
The Great Sonora Desert
Another great day here in Sunny Quartzsite Arizona, the temperature this morning was 62 degrees with a forecast hi of  84. There has been a slight wind out of the NW. Had some rain a few weeks ago, so the dust is low. There are many great trails around here in great shape for your ATV/UTV, jeep or what ever driving. A great ATV/UTV Club here in Quartzsite Arizona Sunriders or on Facebook AZ Sunriders

There is great Arizona Desert boondocking here in the La Posa Longterm Visitor Areas with lots of parking and town is only 2-3  miles away, or if parking in the RV parks is your thing, there are many of those here also.

Time to go, we are headed out with the Polaris Ranger for a 70 mile ride up to the Kofa Preserve.
It's the number of the road at La Posa Tyson Wash BLM area leading to where the RV Forum has held a rally for about the last 23 years.  There is a map in the forum library complete with pictures.
There is a La Posa South and a  La Posa Tyson Wash past the 102 and a  La Posa West and a  La Posa North in towards town but there sure ain't no  La Posa Tyson West. Sound screwy to me.
I corrected my original message to read La Posa Tyson Wash.  It's been a few years since health has permitted our attendance, so memory failed.  I encourage you to attend the rally this year.  It's held around the time of the big tent in January.  A fine group of people!  As time draws nearer there will be more info posted on the forum.
    Actually Lou, the treasure isn't buried, it is the comradery amongst the attendees and it is out in the open particularly around the campfire every evening.

    Gary, I actually was looking at google maps on Thursday.  We got as far as Phoenix last year but the family functions timing was off by a couple weeks.  Now my cousin has been diagnosed with the first signs of Alzheimer's and who know how long he will remain alert enough to make a visit worthwhile.  So, don't be surprised if we make an appearance.

We will be coming to the Q on the 20th of Jan for a few days. Will be coming over from Tuscon were will everyone from the forum be located want to meet up with everyone this is our first time to the Q for the rally.
sc4668 said:
We will be coming to the Q on the 20th of Jan for a few days. Will be coming over from Tuscon were will everyone from the forum be located want to meet up with everyone this is our first time to the Q for the rally.



Lots of good info in above links.
My wife Lisa and I got here today. We stayed in Vegas for the NY party down on Fremont St. What a great time we had with the thousands of other crazy zoo creatures, we loved it. We even ended up on the local news channel with the reporter interviewing us for the where from and the why did we come, drank, danced till around 1am. Stayed in the Main St. oversize parking for free, easy walk to Fremont. We are staying at the Shady Lane Rv park until this Saturday or Sunday, then heading back to Norcal, Lisa has to back to work next week. We brought the Harley so hoping it warms up a little to get some road trips out to the desert before we leave. Happy New Years,,,gregg
Broke Boater said:
My wife Lisa and I got here today. We stayed in Vegas for the NY party down on Fremont St. What a great time we had with the thousands of other crazy zoo creatures, we loved it. We even ended up on the local news channel with the reporter interviewing us for the where from and the why did we come, drank, danced till around 1am. Stayed in the Main St. oversize parking for free, easy walk to Fremont. We are staying at the Shady Lane Rv park until this Saturday or Sunday, then heading back to Norcal, Lisa has to back to work next week. We brought the Harley so hoping it warms up a little to get some road trips out to the desert before we leave. Happy New Years,,,gregg

We're about a mile and a half from you out on the east end of town at Park Place.  Actually stopped at the bank next door to you yesterday to get some cash.  Supposed to be clear the next 3 days or so, although the temps will be in the 50's.  If the wind dies down a bit it'll be nice.

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