Question on Oil Changes

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ruthandken CDN

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
We have a gas MH and we are wondering about oil changes.  The book says every 3000 miles, but other people with gas MH are telling us 6 or 7000 is just fine.  What do those of you who have gas MH do?

I would follow the chassis manufacturer's recommendation.  Not all will have the same service schedule, so what applies to one doesn't apply to all.
I'm with Ned. I always figured that the people who design and build an engine know more than other "experts".
Normally closer to 3k,,,,reality is 3-5k,,,,,,,bu I also consider time between change, and even though I may not have reached 3k, and we have been somewhere for 4 months, I feel better getting it changed, unless when checked the condition of the oil stll has more of a fresh look and not dark, then I may wait until the next location.  I check if often.
    Ruth, if I remember correctly you are still under warantee, if so follow the manufacturer's specifications and keep your receipts.

Most manufacturers advise 3000 in heavy operating conditions.  I consider MHs to always be operating in heavy conditions.  Pedal to the metal going up hills, etc.

Over a 100,000 mile period, if you change the oil every 3000 miles, it amounts to 34 oil changes. Every 6000 amounts to 17 oil changes.

If you cost is $25 per oil change, the price is $850 for every 3000 or $425 for every 6000 mile change.

This is over the 100,000 mile span.  It may take you 5 years to drive that 100,000 miles. So you are only saving about $85 per year in this case. 

Worth it? to save $85 this year?  How much did the MH cost??
I change every 3000 in my daily drivers.  Never had any engine problem in 40 years of driving.
It's like insurance. 
There are a lot of considerations regarding oil changes and intervals. I would like to add that the type of oil and the brand of oil filter makes a difference, too. I don't endorse any particular brand but a site that might be interesting to look at is: Some filters are not as good as others and some oil is not the best just because it is most popular. I learned that from 29 years as a mechanic.
If you really want some exhaustive information and forums JUST about oil, see

I use Mobil1 Extended Performance synthetic oil, which is rated for 15,000 miles or 1 year, and I change my motorhome's oil once a year near the beginning of the camping season.  My MH is only driven 1200-1500 miles/year, but I follow the same oil change interval with the daily driver, which is driven around 12,000/year.  Any Amsoil users will tell tales of 20,000+ mile oil changes too.  Even conventional oils and engines are far superior and "smarter" than the products of the 1950's or 60's when the 3000 mile oil change was considered to be "standard".  My previous car ('99 Olds Aurora) had a pretty intelligent oil monitoring system like many GM's (not sure about GM chassis motorhomes), that kept track of engine RPM's, engine heat, and overall driving habits, and suggested the oil change accordingly.  It always went 6,000-7,000 miles before giving me a "Change Oil Soon" warning, and that was with conventional oil.  Synthetic oil is a whole different ballgame, not that much more expensive if you do the changes yourself and far superior at the molecular level.

Bottom line is you can go much longer than 3000 miles if you want, especially with RV's and the large majority of highway driving (much easier on engines than stop-n-go) that most of us do when traveling.  It won't hurt to change the oil every 3000 of course, just costs you money that you could put somewhere else.
texasdrifter said:
Well said. Extended oil change intervals can also help the environment if done correctly.
And rehashed here in the Forum forever. It seems to boil down to a yearly thing for most of us.

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