Quick question about RV toilets being dry for long periods of time

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2012
Greetings RVers!
In our process of looking for a smaller RV, I noticed that the toilets are always dry. I thought that it was important to not let the seal get dry or it would be ruined. Is this true?  And are all RV Toilets supposed to hold a little water in the bowl?
Thank you,
Robin and Bill
Yes the bottom should be covered with water. That acts like the trap in your home toilet and prevents any sewer gas or smells from coming up into your RV.
Naturally, a brand new RV won't have any water in it unless it has been used

jack L
We travel in the southern region of the country during the winter months,, before leaving we pour a film of baby oil into each "trap".. toilets,, sinks,, and laundry..It has work very well in the twenty plus years to keep the traps from going dry and allowing sewer gas into the house..  The same thing works in RV toilets and traps,, and for the same reason..>>>Dan
I usually keep a fair amount of water in the toilet bowl.  Normally the level will not drop.  Once in a while when I check the bowl is empty.  I'm not sure it the seal but that's a possibility.  My guess is that at least part of the loss is do to evaporation.  We live in a very dry climate and for the past 2+ weeks the temp in the motorhome during the day is 103?. 
steveblonde said:
water would freeze and crack the toilet at -40. ours is dry almost 1/2 the year
When I have the coach winterized, I periodically check to be sure there is some RV antifreeze in the toilet bowls. That seems to keep the seals supple without worrying about a freezing problem.
Larry N. said:
When I have the coach winterized, I periodically check to be sure there is some RV antifreeze in the toilet bowls. That seems to keep the seals supple without worrying about a freezing problem.

You are correct i always sum in the sinks shower and toilet too, i mind is not on winter yet, thats in a couple weeks lol
Thanks everyone...
So I guess the answer to my actual question is:
No it is not true. It does not hurt the seal to let it dry out with no water in the bowl for extended periods of time.
Hi Robin, when I posted above I didn't realize you were the original poster.  Didn't know you were looking to downsize.  We've been talking about it for a while.  Mostly because we like to get off the beaten path and sometimes the Pace is too big.  But also from my wish to ride shotgun for a while and let Mrs M do the driving. 

Actually the seal can dry out which is the reason some of the posters add a bit of olive oil or something to keep it pliable.  I believe seals can be replaced but I don't know how much work that is.  Our old trailer, when it was only about 5 or 6 years old would lose water.  I believe it was because we were NEW and didn't know we were supposed to keep water in the bowl.  Don't recall how we solved the problem.  On our old Aerbus, we could push the ball a bit and that would help for a while.  Hope to see you guys sometime.  Maybe at Q 2021. 
Bill, new and unused dry is fine. The rubber seal has a silicone spray when manufactured. Once used there is usually either water or antifreeze in the bowl. I guess if you don't use your RV long enough it could evaporate but it's never happened to me.

I think the biggest issue is always keeping some water / antifreeze in the black tank so sediments don't harden. Use Thetford Aqua Kem at least a couple times a year and everything should work odor free. It's about two bucks per treatment. Some people say you don't need to use chemicals and they are normally the ones when they dump you can smell it hundreds of feet away.
Yes shi* smells so what. It smelled coming out of you and it smells when dumping IF you do not use chemicals. This is usually because the bacterial action has started to breakdown the poop while in the holding  tank (which is good). The chemicals delay that action BUT AT THE COST of killing bacteria necessary for solids breakdown in a septic system.
I would rather stink for a minute or two while dumping than affect the septic systems wherever I dump.
The smell will not kill you
Robin and Bill,

Consider please, how could the manufactures ship them if the seals had to remain wet. 

I worked for Thetford once an we never had that as an issue.  There was a warranty claim that came in about a bowl seal leaking.  It turned out that the unit was 8 years old and had been in its box in the sun since shortly after it left the plant.  One side of the box was fully sun bleached out.

Utclmjmpr said:
We travel in the southern region of the country during the winter months,, before leaving we pour a film of baby oil into each "trap".. toilets,, sinks,, and laundry..It has work very well in the twenty plus years to keep the traps from going dry and allowing sewer gas into the house..  The same thing works in RV toilets and traps,, and for the same reason..>>>Dan

Thetford Aqua Kem breaks down toilet paper which helps keep things flowing well.

I worked farms as a kid and cow, horse, pig and chicken manure doesn't bother me. When your poop gags the entire camp ground consider spending two bucks.

garyb1st said:
Hi Robin, when I posted above I didn't realize you were the original poster.  Didn't know you were looking to downsize.  We've been talking about it for a while.  Mostly because we like to get off the beaten path and sometimes the Pace is too big.  But also from my wish to ride shotgun for a while and let Mrs M do the driving. 

Actually the seal can dry out which is the reason some of the posters add a bit of olive oil or something to keep it pliable.  I believe seals can be replaced but I don't know how much work that is.  Our old trailer, when it was only about 5 or 6 years old would lose water.  I believe it was because we were NEW and didn't know we were supposed to keep water in the bowl.  Don't recall how we solved the problem.  On our old Aerbus, we could push the ball a bit and that would help for a while.  Hope to see you guys sometime.  Maybe at Q 2021.

We still aren?t sure about the downsize. The RV market is on fire right now and so finding that unicorn I want is difficult! But I need to be able to drive! I can learn to drive the Beaver but I would always have major anxiety doing that. ?  We too want to go places we can?t get this big girl in.
I miss you two!
Hugs to you and Miss M!

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