Re: Keeping the Lights On

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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Moderator Emeritus
Mar 9, 2005
Home base-Kernville, CA
I've been on this forum since it's inception on the old CompuServe Forum site.  When it moved to a private location, I came with it.  One of the things I really enjoy about this forum is the lack of advertisers pounding me while I try to read a thread or check out the library for information.  I also love the fact that there are no "pop-up" ads hitting me in the face.   The reason this isn't happening is that the Administrator of this forum privately owns it; including the costs that are involved. 

I must admit, since the more than 5 years I've been on here, I've never contributed to help defray the costs of keeping it running.  So, today, I clicked the "donate" button at the top of the page, and contributed to the pot to help with expenses.

So, if you are like me and really enjoy the fact there are no ads or "pop-ups" hitting the button.  It was very easy and very secure.


Thanks for the reminder. I've been meaning to do that again for several weeks and have not done so.
Thanks for the reminder, using Pay Pal, makes it so easy!!!  I just did it myself.

Thanks for the reminder Marsha.  Although we have donated in the past I sometimes need a reminder to do it again which we just did.
Time for us to chip in again too - it's been awhile since we last did it and Tom's monthly bills don't ever stop.

DONE! It only takes a moment and you do not have to establish a Paypal account to make a donation via credit card.
Marsha, thanks for the reminder to keep the lights on. So easy to forget. Tom, keep the lights plugged in.
Remember when Shayne used to remind us every year to make those donations?

I'm sure we all miss him for more reasons than we can count.
Looks like others are a bit like me....I forget stuff like this all the time.  I just take things for granted.

A couple of years ago, I developed and set up a fairly simple website for a horse group where we could send mass emails, post pictures, post the latest newsletter etc.  The horse group elected not to have ads either and back then it wasn't cheap to set something like that up and keep running. 

BTW, I sure miss Shayne too.  He was such a neat person and kept us on our toes.


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