Rear closet solution

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2016
Have found something about our new trailer we dont like, the rear closet.  We put in a hanging organizer but due to the movement at the rear of the trailer everything ends up on the floor.  The closet is very deep and we need shelves or something.  I tried to put in a 3 drawer organizer but its an inch to wide to fit.  Was thinking of building some shelves but a bit concerned about the structure to attache too. 

What have other done with the large space that bounces around so much being rear of the axles?
The hanging organizer ends up on the floor or just it's contents? Is it the kind that velcros around the bar? Also, check the container store. They had the most narrow drawer organizer I could find.
Get a 1x12 board, and cut it into pieces. Fasten two pieces to the side walls, with one edge resting on the floor. Then rest the first shelf on them. Rest two more pieces on the shelf, and repeat. There will be almost no force acting to pull the side pieces away from the walls.

For hanging clothes, wrap the hangers with felt or be artistic and wrap with yarn.  This will help keep clothes on the hanger and pinch the metal hangers around the bar to keep them on the bar.

Buy plastic storage containers sized to fit, fill, LABEL, and stack.

Be creative!
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