Recommended Mobile wifi for laptop & smart tv

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New member
Mar 2, 2023
Vernon BC
We live in Canada, will be travelling across US west to east then entering Canada to see the Maritimes. What is a good & reasonable mobile equipment to use? We have a 2002 Fleetwood Expedition Class A 36’. Thanks
There is no simple answer to that, since the quality of service varies as you move across the USA. In any given area, one or two of the major wireless providers will have adequate service while another probably does not, but which one is best varies as you move around. Many travelers subscribe to two different services to increase their chances of having good service wherever they go.

The big wireless names in the USA are Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile but there are also several independent wireless services that purchase and resell access to those major networks.

In very general terms, Verizon has the broadest coverage because they serve more rural areas than AT&T and T-Mobile, but that doesn't mean much if they aren't good where you happen to be on a given day. In terms of the number of subscribers or other measures of nationwide coverage, the big three are pretty much alike.

If you are highly dependent on wireless for communication & entertainment (can't live without it!), then two service subscriptions are your best choice and worth the extra cost. If you can live without it for a night or two, I'd pick one (maybe Verizon), or one of the independents that use their network, and go with that.
We have AT&T (unlimited data plan) for my wife and my internet access but mostly as our primary phones. We use the internet service mostly on these phones.

We also have Visible with a portable wireless router attached so we can connect with multiple devices. We use it primarily for streaming on our Roku television and for our laptops. I am now retired, but my wife still works remotely (Information Technology, software development) and needs reliable internet to connect to her company with her company laptop. So the Visible works marvelous for streaming video on our Roku's and (at the same time) using on our laptops.

Between the 2, we get by pretty good. We did invest in a WeBoost phone booster for those locations with weak cell phone coverage. It does work really, really well. But there has to be a cell phone signal (Verison or AT&T), even if it's a weak one. True, if it's a completely dead zone, nothing works.

And don't forget about Starlink. I don't have it, but a lot of folks like it. Although it sounds like it's problematic also getting set up because of delays and then once working, if the location you are in gets too heavy, it bogs down too.

So, pick your poison. There is no perfect service. Every one will work somewhere. Every one will NOT work somewhere.

Good Luck!

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